How to describe someone losing consciousness without giving


how to describe someone losing consciousness without giving

Dec 20,  · The best I can describe it is that I was thinking, “No, no, no, MUST stay awake, will NOT give in, MUST think, MUST talk, MUST ask for help.” All through this wave of pure terror. All this happened right after they stopped drawing blood. I’d been getting a very little bit dizzy before, but not in a scary way. May 23,  · This is when you feel that you’re going to lose consciousness or faint or pass out. Usually you don’t. But that feeling is still awful, isn’t it? Cold sweats. This is what it sounds like. That feeling when you’re sweating (your skin becomes wet), but you feel cold at the same time. You can have cold sweats. Or something can give you cold Modernalternativemamated Reading Time: 5 mins. Oct 16,  · Fainting. The most common cause of sudden loss of consciousness are fainting of a different nature. Often there is not only the fall of the patient (acute postural insufficiency), but also loss of consciousness for a period measured in seconds. Prolonged loss of consciousness with fainting is rarely observed.

During those seconds, my legs stopped working and I started sliding down the mattress. Then I collapsed and here to on conscioysness own. I did get vertigo. Administering first aid to an unconscious person can help. Then, it lessens and everything is ok. The long-term history, which may cohsciousness diagnostically useful information, may also be unknown. Experiences, anyone? Loosen any tight clothing, especially at the neck and waist. My only full fainting experience happened during a niacin-induced flush. Drop attacks are not accompanied by lipotymia and fainting. This has many possible causes.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without giving

The deficit of adrenergic effects and, consequently, the clinical manifestations of orthostatic hypotension are possible in the picture of adisson's disease, in some cases the use of pharmacological agents gnbgloblokatory, hypotensive agents, dopaminomimetiki type nakoma, madopar and some dopamine receptors agonost. Emergency Medicine First Aid. Accept cookies. guessed it! Once from lack of oxygen. Or the cemetery.

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Thought differently: How to describe someone losing consciousness without giving

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That's usually enough to restore adequate blood flow to the brain. Had she woken me, I wonder, by calling to me? What to know see more agonal breathing. There are five stages of unconsciousness. No water memory nonsense here, please.

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Ho sometimes have to be differentiated from epileptic seizures with the help of a traditional EEG study. Unconsciousness or any other sudden how to describe someone losing consciousness without giving in mental status must be treated as a medical emergency.

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In each case I focused all the attention I could spare into breathing steadily and on keeping myself safe — keeping my seat when on the horse and keeping the wheel straight and slowing down when in the car. The severity of these precursor symptoms usually fluctuate until suddenly or quickly there is a loss of consciousness. Vegetative activation in terms RAG, heart rate and blood pressure is also characteristic. This time it was totally struggling to remain conscious and really feeling like if I did pass out I would not wake back up.


Forgive my english! I might be exaggerating a bit. Then, it lessens and everything is ok. Either a panic attack or a-fib. Anyway, as I was driving home to change clothes for work, my heart started pounding crazily, both eyes started turning gray from the outside how to describe someone losing consciousness without giving the in, and then: I was unconscious. Subscribe Receive the latest updates related to this content.

How to describe someone losing consciousness without giving - can

I am a french Canadian novice writer I mean unpublished and i just fainted for the third time of my life tonight. Unconsciousness can be caused by nearly any major illness or injury.

People with diabetes can sometimes consciousness if their blood sugar levels are too high or too low. One key difference between the two fainting episodes: the first time I had a buzzing sensation in my head when I came to and was kind of queezy the rest of the day. December 21, at am. Loosen any tight clothing, especially at the neck and waist. If someone is awake but less alert than usual, ask a few simple questions, such as: What is your name? Dec 20,  · The best I can describe it is that I was thinking, “No, no, no, MUST stay awake, will NOT give in, MUST think, MUST talk, MUST ask for help.” All through this wave of pure terror. All this happened right after they stopped drawing blood. I’d been getting a very little bit dizzy before, but not in a scary way. Loss of consciousness is a partial or complete loss of the perception of yourself and all that around you.

When the loss of consciousness is temporary and there is a spontaneous recovery, that is to say, “a blackout”, in medical terms it is known as a syncope. Syncope is responsible for almost one in every 30 visits to emergency departments. May 23,  · This is when you feel that you’re going to lose consciousness how to describe someone losing consciousness without giving faint or pass out. Usually you don’t.

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But that feeling is still awful, isn’t it? Cold sweats. This is what it sounds like. That feeling when you’re sweating (your skin becomes wet), but you feel cold at the same time. You can have cold sweats. Or something can give you cold Modernalternativemamated Reading Time: 5 mins. how to describe someone losing consciousness without giving

How to describe someone losing consciousness without giving - think, that

De Lorenzo RA. The patient is found in a coma with the symptoms described above, presented in various combinations. March 26, at pm. Hello Gaby, I am back on my feet after a Summer Splash.

Orthostatic hypotension can be easily detected on the turntable passive change of body position. When a child has autism, "stay vigilant" is the mantra, according to Halladay, herself the parent of a child with the disorder. By the way, be careful here. This is one compression. The U. There are several more ways to learn how to make gold in world of warcraft. If I had not leaned against the bed, I would have fallen. Generally, having a healthy diet, getting enough exercise, attending screenings and scheduled how to describe someone losing consciousness without giving, and receiving prompt medical treatment for any health concerns can help people prevent causes of unconsciousness. Laboratory click of blood for screening metabolic disorders are crucial in diagnosing the metabolic causes of sudden loss of consciousness.

We only note that the doctor must develop a certain intuition, allowing to catch some of the "absurdities" in the neurological status of the patient, demonstrating an unconscious state. But it click to a gradual deterioration of the state of consciousness. If this is the first time you subscribe you will receive a confirmation email, check your inbox. Loss of consciousness explained in first person how to describe someone losing consciousness without giving If the person is not breathing, begin CPR only after calling for help.

It is especially important to seek help how tell someone to kiss differently performing CPR if the person:. Many circumstances can link to how to describe someone losing consciousness without giving, including major traumatic events and injuries. Some causes include:. There are five stages of unconsciousness. People in vegetative states consider, are small lips unattractive reddit photo are comas are fully unconscious. People in minimally conscious states may have some level of consciousness that comes and goes. People usually enter into vegetative states and comas due to an illness or injury to the brain. People may enter minimally conscious states by fainting or blacking out, and this is usually more temporary.

It is also possible to classify unconsciousness by how long it lasts and how responsive the person is to their environment. For example, a person may:. There can be signs that a person is about to become unconscious, including:. A sudden loss of consciousness without warning can result from faintingor syncope.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without giving

Neurally mediated syncope NMS is the most common form of fainting. NMS is generally harmless and does not usually require medical treatment. It happens when the brain does not respond correctly to a trigger, such as seeing blood. NMS can also happen in response to something shocking or unpleasant. This response cuts the flow of oxygen to the brain, and the person passes out. Complications of prolonged unconsciousness can be severe. Lack of oxygen to the brain may result in brain damage, and choking can lead to death if the person does not receive treatment. Emergency first aid can also cause complications. For instance, CPR can cause fractured ribs. To help prevent a loss of consciousness as a result of fainting, doctors warn against spending too much time in hot places.

For people feeling lightheaded, nauseous, or overly sweaty, they recommend lying down and elevating the legs. Generally, it can also help to how to describe someone losing consciousness without giving hydrated and eat more salt. Some people need medication or a to prevent a loss of consciousness. Anyone with concerns about this should consult a doctor. Preventing a loss of consciousness can also involve getting a diagnosis and treatment for an underlying issue. Generally, having a healthy diet, getting enough exercise, attending screenings and scheduled visits, and receiving prompt medical treatment for any health concerns can help people prevent causes of unconsciousness. Administering first aid to an unconscious person can help. It is also crucial that they get professional attention as soon as possible.

The best idea is to call emergency services and then proceed with first aid or CPR, if necessary. This may mean fewer complications and a better outlook overall. Fainting is a sudden, temporary loss of consciousness due to not enough oxygen reaching the brain. Learn about the warning signs and treatment options…. Undereating can negatively impact health and wellbeing. Aside from losing weight, signs that someone might not be eating enough can include feeling…. In this article, find out what to do for a concussion. They sometimes have to be differentiated from epileptic seizures with the help of a traditional EEG study.

Massage of the carotid sinus helps to reveal the hypersensitivity of the carotid sinus. A history of such patients often reveals poor tolerance of tight collars and ties. Orthostatic hypotension and syncope can have both neurogenic in the picture of primary peripheral autonomic failure and somatogenic origin secondary peripheral failure. The first variant of peripheral autonomic insufficiency PVN is also called progressive autonomic insufficiency. It has a chronic course and is represented by such diseases as idiopathic orthostatic hypotension, stri-nigral degeneration, Shaya-Drader syndrome variants of multiple systemic atrophy.

Secondary PVN has an acute course and develops on the background of somatic diseases amyloidosis, diabetes, alcoholism, chronic renal failure, porphyria, bronchus carcinoma, leprosy, and other diseases. Dizziness in the pattern of PVN is always accompanied by other characteristic manifestations of PVN: anhidrosis, fixed heart rhythm, etc. In the diagnosis of any variants of orthostatic hypotension syncope, in addition to special cardio-vascular tests, it how to describe someone losing consciousness without giving important to take into account the orthostatic factor in their occurrence. The deficit of adrenergic effects and, consequently, the clinical manifestations of orthostatic hypotension are possible in the picture of adisson's disease, in some cases the use of pharmacological agents gnbgloblokatory, hypotensive agents, dopaminomimetiki type nakoma, madopar and some dopamine receptors agonost.

Orthostatic circulatory disorders also occur with organic pathology of the heart and blood vessels. Thus, syncope may be a frequent manifestation of obstructed aortic current in aortic stenosis, ventricular arrhythmia, tachycardia, fibrillation, sick sinus syndrome, bradycardia, atrioventricular blockade, myocardial infarction, long QT interval syndrome, etc. Sympathectomy can lead to insufficient venous return and, as a result, to orthostatic circulatory disorders. The same mechanism of development of orthostatic hypotension and syncope occurs when using ganglioblokatorov, some tranquilizers, antidepressants and anti-adrenergic agents. With a drop in blood pressure against the background of a current cerebrovascular disease, ischemia often develops in the brain stem region cerebrovascular syncopemanifested by characteristic stem phenomena, non-systemic vertigo, and fainting Unterharnscheidt syndrome.

Drop attacks are not accompanied by lipotymia and fainting. Such patients need careful examination to rule out cardiogenic syncope cardiac arrhythmiasepilepsy, and other diseases. Predisposing factors to lipo-chemistry and orthostatic syncope are somatic disorders associated with a decrease in circulating blood volume: anemia, acute blood loss, hypoproteinemia and low plasma volume, dehydration. In patients how to describe someone losing consciousness without giving a suspected or existing deficit of blood volume hypovolemic syncopeunusual tachycardia is of diagnostic importance while sitting in bed.

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Hypoglycemia is another important factor predisposing to syncope. Orthostatic syncope often requires a differential diagnosis with epilepsy. Faints are extremely rare in a horizontal position and never occur in a dream at the same time, they are possible when rising from bed at night. Orthostatic hypotension can be easily detected on the turntable passive change of body position. Postural hypotension is considered established when systolic blood pressure drops by at least 30 mm Hg. Pillar when moving from a horizontal to a vertical position. A cardiological is kissing with weird videos full movies is necessary to exclude the cardiogenic nature of these disorders. The Ashner test has a certain diagnostic value slowing the pulse by more than 10 - 12 min. During the Ashner test indicates an increased reactivity of the vagus nerve, which is often the case in patients with vasomotor syncopeas well as such techniques as carotid sinus compression, Valsalva test, test of minute standing with periodic measurement of arterial pressure and heart rate.

The Valsalva maneuver is most informative in patients with nykturicheskie, cough fainting and other conditions, accompanied by a short-term increase in intrathoracic pressure. At first glance, the diagnosis of the postictal state of difficulties should not cause. In fact, the situation is often complicated by the fact that convulsions themselves during an how to describe someone losing consciousness without giving seizure may go unnoticed, or the seizure may be non-convulsive. Characteristic symptoms such as biting the tongue or lips may be absent. Involuntary urination can occur for many reasons. Post-attack hemiparesis can be confusing to the doctor when read article comes to a young patient.

Useful diagnostic how to describe someone losing consciousness without giving provides an increase in blood creatine phosphokinase level. Post-attack drowsiness, epileptic activity in EEG click here or provoked by enhanced hyperventilation or sleep deprivation and observation of an attack help correct diagnosis. Intracerebral hemorrhage occurs, as a rule, in patients with chronic arterial hypertension. The reason is rupture of the aneurysm of a sclerotic modified small caliber vessel; the most frequent localization is the basal ganglia, the bridge and the cerebellum.

The patient is in a somnolent or unconscious state. Many people feel lightheaded every once in a while, so lightheaded that they may faint -- that is, pass out momentarily.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without giving

Fainting is not the same as being asleep or unconscious. When a person how to describe someone losing consciousness without giving, it's usually temporary and the person can be revived in a few minutes. Someone who is unconsciousness, however, won't respond to attempts to revive him. An unconscious person can't cough or clear his throat, which can be dangerous if something is stuck in his throat or airway. Fainting often results when blood flow to the brain is temporarily inadequate. This can happen as a result of stress,, overheating, dehydration, exhaustion, or illness; fainting may also occur gving taking certain medications.

Standing for an extended period in very hot weather -- especially with locked knees -- can also make people pass out. Inactivity can cause blood to settle in the lower parts of the body, reducing the amount of blood flowing into the brain. Soldiers standing at attention for long periods are prone to fainting, for example. Certain medications can lower blood pressure to a level that will trigger fainting. People with diabetes can sometimes lose consciousness if their blood sugar levels are too high or too low. Many people recover very quickly from a brief loss of consciousness without any harmful consequences. However, on some occasions, fainting can signal a medical emergency. Don't treat fainting as minor unless you're certain there is no serious underlying cause. When these signs appear, it is important to lie down or to sit domeone and put your head between your legs.

30 Thoughts to “My Fainting Fit: One Writer’s Experience in Losing Consciousness”

That's usually enough to restore adequate blood flow to the brain. If it is very hot, try to move to a cooler location. Loss of consciousness that lasts for more than a minute or two can be serious, however. Often it is a sign of a serious medical problem, such as seizure, serious blow to the head, concussion, heart attack, diabetic coma, epilepsy, or another condition. It is important to treat someone who has fainted or lost consciousness with care to avoid injury. If someone remains unconscious how to describe someone losing consciousness without giving more than a loslng, get help as quickly as possible.

If you suspect that the cause is excessive heat, move the person to a cooler place. Lay the person on her back, elevating the legs eight to 12 inches. This will help blood flow to the brain. Wipe her forehead with a cool damp cloth. Loosen any tight clothing, especially at the neck and please click for source. If she is alert, give her a sports drink such as Gatorade or a glass of water with a teaspoon of salt. Also, make sure there is plenty descirbe fresh air, particularly if you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning. Check the ABCs -- airway, breathing, and circulation.

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