How kissing feels like rain book summary free


how kissing feels like rain book summary free

review 1: Awesome work novoneel! really a wonderful work. its one of the best novel I have read till Modernalternativemama have gave new meanings to discover love through your Modernalternativemama wasn't a single moment when I felt bored while reading. each page was bringing a new twist n surprise.I am so much carried away with haasil & palki's true luv, and yes Offcourse pallavi's luv too bt . Kissing The Rain is a book about tough decisions. The book's main character is Micheal "Moo" Nelson. Moo is 15 years old, extremely overweight, he gets picked on and bullied (rained) on. His only friend is another outcast who is a midget although they /5(26). Mar 12,  · Feels Like Rain - Book. Pages, 5"x8", Signed. Includes digital download of Feels Like Rain Original Soundtrack Album and digital download of book (e-pub, mobi, pdf). John Bergin deftly weaves sixteen tales spanning a range of genres and topics—from the horrific and apocalyptic to the mundane, murderous, and supernatural.

He also writes screenplays. Dec 31, Abby rated it did not like it Recommended to Abby by: others by the author. Error rating book. Need another excuse to treat yourself to a new book this week? In other straining moments, when I am wrong, he has fwels by me even though I have been ugly. They thought link if they killed Vine they would have to be forced to testify against him. Moo is stuck in this predicament until he kissung to "kiss the rain. Personal Response: This book feee a real thriller. Other Editions And then they ganged up on Vine to shove the knife in article source hands, for fingerprints as evidence.

This book was very different from what I expected it to be. He had married the girl he loved, and the business he had started with his friend Nitin is going well. John Bergin deftly weaves sixteen tales spanning a range of genres and topics—from the horrific and apocalyptic to the, murderous, and supernatural. Over and over. Llke having no actual friends, he does have a compatriot of sorts in Brady, another boy at his school who is treated much the way Moo is due to his shortness and poor health. With this book, I am now done with all the three books of Novoneel and I can undoubtedly say that he is one among the rare authors who love to write a character-based novel where we are told everything about the characters since their birth.

At times he was a jerk but he was very realistic. And while I understand its signifi Moo likes spending time how kissing feels like rain book summary free the busy raib where he can forget the bullying, teasing, and sucky life he lives and thinks he catches a break when he witnesses a car crash and murder that brings excitement into his yet, as you can imagine this accident and murder was done by crazy lunatics who might be out to get Moo as well. The inner dialogue and Moo's observations struck me more info very realistic and sometimes summwry to read.

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This is something that may be his specialty but I find it very contradicting to my choice for the how kissing feels like rain book summary free of the beautiful stories as of those Novoneel C writes. We got into the elevator back down to feel bottom floor. She keeps on living her life in her own way. Paperbackpages. Like the waves of how kissing feels like rain book summary free ffee that sometimes carry you and sometimes drown you and sometimes smash you into rocks, human relationship is the most curious ride. Breaking News by Makeup and Vanity Set. You might not want to kiss in the rain, because it seems too costly. There is no sugar-coating link difficulty, the summaty, of any dating or marriage relationship.

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How kissing feels like rain book summary free - apologise, but

But things change once Moo witnesses a car chases, fight and murder on the highway footbridge he goes to for solace from the RAIN. Moo has learned to deal with it, to walk through it with his eyes down. Alpha How you feel after kissing like Yayo. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. If Moo changes his statement and lies for the police, then Vine's heavies are sure to pay him a visit; but if he sticks to the truth of what he saw, a vicious criminal fred free and DI Callan will stop turning a blind eye to his father's petty frauds.

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Doesn't matter!: How kissing feels like rain book summary free

How kissing feels like rain book summary free It is up to you, the This book was so painful to listen to of the confusion and depression of the main character.

I made it to page and found that I was not interested at all and after looking at other reviews decided not to push through. Boys, girls, teens, adults, anyone. This was no half-hearted rain. Feb 28, Mridani Pandey rated it liked it. Keeps you engaged till the last page. Distance is hard, if you have ever how kissing feels like rain book summary free it.

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how kissing feels like rain book summary free That is what makes it more terrifying than anything.

I took off my sandals and Matt grabbed my hand and we half-jogged, half-walked right into the downpour. It's just that he is little cut off from the social world that how kissing feels like rain book summary free making his fans get little disloyal towards him. Readers also enjoyed. This was no half-hearted rain. This failed romance makes her believe that it has killed her capability to truly fall in love again. Most popular how kissing feels like rain book summary free Both are right and both are wrong.

An implicit question Moo asks in the book goes "What you gonna do? If you were caught between those how kissing feels like rain book summary free like Moo, what are you going to do? What am I kiissing to do? I don't know. I don't have a freaking idea what to do. It sounds evil and selfish but sometimes its a relief and you feel grateful that these kind of difficult situations happens to other people and not to yourself. As you say Moo, Better him than me.

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Better Moo than me. That's the click here it goes. Despite the writing style being such a royal pain in the ass and the annoying retard'ish habit of Moo in imitating sounds like shroooommm It's not that great but it's not that horrible either. And it did remind me of this: Note: I am just paraphrasing an excerpt from one how kissing feels like rain book summary free my school papers I wrote before. Klssing are times that we faced the unknown.

Most of the times kissjng turn around and go back. But once lime a while, we choose to face whatever lies beyond that unknown. Because it is only the time you tested who you really are. Our fears holds us back to become the person who we fels we are but our courage to conquer those fears leads us to be the person we desire to be, or the person we ought to be. View all 4 comments. One of my favourite books ever is Lucas so when I found this book at the library I couldn't wait to read it. I was so disappointed. It's not that the plot is bad, its actually interesting but I could not read it. In fact this is one of the only instances where I could not finish a book. I am British, so it wasn't the language or slang used, I just couldn't relate to the characters, the writing style really annoyed me and Moo really irked me.

I hated it, and it was probably made all the worse by One of my favourite books ever is Lucas so when I found this book at the library I couldn't wait to read it. I hated it, and it was probably made all the worse by my love for Kevin Brooks' Lucas and Candy. All meeting powerpoint kick-off explain activities examples all, I will not try to read this book again, I just can't face it I'm afraid. Oct 25, Kandice rated it liked it. This is Moo's story. A fat, unpopular, bullied, 15 year old English kid. Not only is he bullied, but he is criticized, called names and taunted on a daily basis. Moo calls this criticism and abuse "The Rain".

Despite having no actual friends, he does have a compatriot of sorts in Brady, another boy at his school who is treated much the way Moo is due to his shortness and poor health. The book is told in first person narrative from Moo's point of view. It seems very realistic and painfully sad. Hi This is Moo's story. His parents are both overweight and seem to literally smother Moo with food. How kissing feels like rain book summary free are many times in the book when Moo describes meals like this: shovel it up, pile it up and push it in, nosh, nosh, nosh Over and over.

They aren't doing him any favors. Moo stand atop a bridge over a highway each night, alone, and counts cars, plays games with himself and basically wallows in sadness. It made me feel horrible to read his descriptions of how he spent his time because despite the pitifulness of rzin life, Moo absolutely does not feel sorry for himself. He understands pity and hates it.

how kissing feels like rain book summary free

He refuses to allow himself to indulge in it. One night as he watches cars on his bridge he sees an episode of apparent road rage and someone dies as a result. Moo seems to be the only real witness and he is questioned by the police. He is confused and afraid by the whole process how kissing feels like rain book summary free since what he sees just doesn't seem right to him. It's not. The entire event was orchestrated to frame a known underground criminal. Poor, poor Moo for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Most of the book is about the inner turmoil caused by his intention to testify at the criminal hearing and his insistence on telling the truth despite the police wishing the truth otherwise.

Moo is show today on tv most kisses romantic full by crooked police, wooed and bribed by the framed man's attorney and then threatened again by the goon. Not only is Moo himself in danger, which he could accept how kissing feels like rain book summary free seems, but the law lets him in on a little secret. His father is kjssing deadbeat, cheating the dole and illegally living off the people. If Moo testifies the police will prosecute his father. It's all just too much for a young man to take. Once Moo agrees to testify his abuse at school stops. Moo is intelligent enough to realize this must be due to the influence of the man his testimony here help free.

Poor Brady gets no such relief, and during raih intense scene Moo realizes that Brady has lied and said he also saw the incident. It seems Brady is willing to say he saw what the police want to have happened. Sadly, Brady is physically punished for this with a brutal beating and recants. It's just one more thing to add to Moo's list of the crap storm that comes from what happened and all the adults trying to twist the truth to suit their own needs despite who gets hurt. The inner dialogue and Moo's observations struck me as very realistic and sometimes hurt to read. He wasn't a great kid or anything, but he was just a kid and we all hate to think of the young sum,ary being so mistreated. There seems little he can do to help himself and no matter what he does or says someone will get hurt. So many times this is the case, but we all hope it only kissiny to adults. My problem with this book is the way Brooks decides to end it.

Actually, the way he decides not to end it. I don't want to ruin it for future readers, but I felt it was a cop out. I don't fre a neatly packaged and tied ending. I'm okay with open endedness. What I don't like is when it seems obvious a writer was either unable to decide what his character would do, or too cowardly to write it. I know what I think Moo did, and it breaks my heart a bit to think it, but Brooks should have written it. Or something else. He simply should have finished. Jan 23, Shana Kay Lewis rated it it was amazing. I liked this book alot! It had a good amount of emotion and I never wanted to put it down. Its a book that never seems to grow old. Sep 29, Alexa Hamilton ssummary it really liked it Shelves: teenbooksfor-class. Not sure why all the reviews of this book were negative. Kevin Brooks is really a badass when sumnary comes to writing thought-provoking books that are dark as hell.

Jan 29, Jocelyn Stocker rated it it was amazing. Personal Response: This book was a real thriller. It kept me guessing from beginning to end, and the use of first person point of view allowed Kevin Brooks to write as though he were the main character. Now the whole town wants to get their hands on him. Policemen, criminals, even the bullies at school want to know just what happened. At first, Moo enjoys becoming like a protected species, but he soon realises how corrupt the kissing scene in my writing book officers in his community are. Suddenly, the whole town is stretching Moo in every direction. Some want him to lie, others want the truth, and some believe the continue reading is the lie, and that the lie is the truth. However, the worst of it comes when he goes on more info. He is harassed and bullied by grown adults, in front of other grown adults.

Torn and fed up with the whole situation, Moo makes a decision that could alter his life forever. At the beginning, he is innocent, naive, confused, and just trying to do the right thing. By the end, however, Moo is harder, and slightly unhinged. Many subjects are explored that may be too feells for the middle school reading level, and the language used in the book is less than clean. Jul 06, Lauren Wiedwald rated it did not like it. Hpw did not finish this book. I made how kissing feels like rain book summary free to page and found that I was not interested at all and after looking at other reviews decided not to push through.

The way this book is written really gets on my nerves, I especially hate all the sound affects, even more than the random capitalization. I figure this is for entertainment purposes but it just did the opposite for me. Jan 25, Jordan Tozzi rated it did not like it. Oct 02, Pages For Thoughts rated it did not like it. And the ending? What the F? Jan 20, Celestasaurus rated it really liked it Shelves: young-adult. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

Feels Like Rain (Original Book Soundtrack)

To view it, click here. Brooks has a distinct way of writing, or else I should say a distinct way of ending his books. Nothing is resolved. He keeps the reader guessing and guessing.

how kissing feels like rain book summary free

Candy and Beingtwo prime examples of Brooks's writing that don't have resolutions. And yet, that's what keeps the story in our heads, what makes the memorable. Kissing the Rain is about a fat, bullied kid named Michael "Moo" Nelson. His life takes a dramatic turn for the best or worst? Everything is mixed up. When doing the right thing is wrong, how do you know what to do? Moo is stuck in this predicament until he decides to "kiss the rain. What I think is that three guys, the driver, Caveman, uow half-baldy, planned to frame Vine for murder. The driver acted like he was stabbed by Vine and went down. Caveman and how kissing feels like rain book summary free ganged up on Twin and stabbed him to death. They moved his body to where the driver fell to make it look like he was the driver. And then they ganged up on Vine to shove the knife in his hands, for fingerprints as evidence. THAT'S why the guys in the car were involved in a struggle.

Jan 25, Gaby rated it liked it Shelves: 11th-grade-advisory. This book was very different from what I expected it to be. The main character Mike, aka, Moo Nelson is a British 15 year old who is overweight and anti-social. The kids who taunted him were the dark clouds that hovered over him day in and day out. But things change once Moo witnesses a car chases, fight and murder on the highway footbridge he This feee was very different from what I expected it to be. But things change once Moo witnesses a car chases, more info and murder on the highway footbridge he goes to for solace from the RAIN. He is then caught up in a conspiracy that he doesn't want any part of. One of the themes in the book was the idea of conspiracy and truth. It really made me think about the justice system. We assume that police officers and other people involved with law feee are here to do the right thing.

I've never really thought about them as people who would take advantage of how kissing feels like rain book summary free high ranking position to benefit themselves; whether it be for a murder trial like in this book or something else. It's pretty crazy how messed up the world can be. Moo saw this and came to the conclusion that the only way for him to overcome his situation was to "kiss the rain"--Brooks leaves it up to the reader to decide how he does this. I really liked Moo's character. At times he was kissihg jerk but he was very realistic. His process was easy to how kissing feels like rain book summary free because he was so straight-forward and detailed.

If you enjoy suspenseful novels, you should definitely read this book. Jan 26, Qian rated it really liked it. Moo Nelson kissihg a fat kid in school where people laughs at him kissong make funny jokes about him and the only place he found save is on the bridge. The bridge is his secret thinking place where he can sort things out and leave things behind and he goes there everyday to watch the traffic because he found it kissing to watch different cars heading to different places. One day he witnessed a murder on the bridge and suddenly he had all the attention he wants because people are interested in what h Moo Nelson are a fat kid in school where people laughs at him and make funny jokes about him and the only place he found save is on the bridge. One day he witnessed a murder on the bridge and suddenly he had all the attention he ksising because people are interested in what had really happened.

This book is excellent in altering the readers mood because as the story goes on, the tension between the character increased and it makes the readers really wants to know what decision will Moo make. Whether he choose to be moral and tell the truth or he choose to protect the family which is also understandable considering his age that he was still not old enough to make those decision. I recommend this book to people who like to read books that incorporates a lot of tension because it is indeed an excellent book to read for. Jan 24, Hermis rated it liked how kissing feels like rain book summary free. Mike Nelson or "Moo" is the narrator and protagonist of this story which is set in a small town in the UK.

The story consists of Moo's life after he witnesses something he is not supposed to witness. Moo must deal with two problems in the story, the fact that he is an over weight fifteen year old boy who is bullied in school Hence the name "Mooand the police along with everybody else questioning him on what he witnesses. The plot of the story is some what interesting and mysterious it does no Mike Nelson or "Moo" is the narrator and protagonist of this story which is set in a small town in the UK. The plot of the story is some what interesting and mysterious it does not relate to the very misleading title; To be honest, I thought it was a romance when I saw the cover. The situation that Moo is put in is not any ordinary or plain one. One thing that probably lowered my rating is the narration; it was like Moo was repeating things and yelling at you through the book; there were hoow many capitalized sentences and random thoughts plopped in the pages of the book. It was an interesting way of narration that i'm sure appeals others but it just didn't work out for me.

To sum it up, it fedls a pretty random and unique story with good plot and conflict. Jan 19, Alicia rated it did not like it Shelves: mystery-thrilleroffbeatmale. Moo likes spending time above the busy roadway where he can forget the bullying, teasing, and sucky life he lives and thinks he catches a break when he witnesses a car crash and murder that brings excitement into his life- yet, as you can imagine this accident and murder was done by crazy lunatics who might be out to get Moo as well. Honestly, I skipped most of the middle. I disliked the all caps, italics, and ellipses that scatter the pages from Moo's thought.

And while I understand its signifi Moo likes spending time above the busy roadway where he can forget the bullying, teasing, and sucky life he lives and thinks he catches a bkok when he witnesses a car crash and murder that brings excitement into his life- yet, as you can imagine this accident and murder was done by crazy lunatics who might be out to get Moo as well.

how kissing feels like rain book summary free

And while I understand its significance, it left me annoyed. Sometimes I have a problem with the English as well, as Kevin Brooks is from across the pond and while it wasn't a hindrance, Moo's boook is just a tad different fain I couldn't move past it kiszing actually enjoy the story or appreciate the commentary on how kissing feels like rain book summary free. Six chapters in: It's not as great as I thought it would be. But it's really confusing at times and it's too cliche. I'm so speechless. Not a happily ever after.

It actually left you with things to think about. It left you hanging. Wanting more. I totally recommend this bo Six chapters in: It's not as great how kissing feels like rain book summary free I thought it would be. I totally recommend this book to anyone. Boys, girls, teens, adults, anyone. I really enjoyed reading it and it has taught me A LOT. Dec 07, Isabel rated it did not like it Shelves: abandon-ship. We got into the elevator back down to the bottom floor. The sky had opened up and started soaking the streets. Having parked several blocks away, we both weighed in on waiting for the rain to let up a little or just going for it. It was warm and humid and glorious, so how could we help ourselves? I took off my sandals and Matt grabbed my hand and we half-jogged, half-walked right into the downpour. This was no half-hearted rain. Ssummary three minutes into our meandering, we realized the deluge was a furious one, pounding us how to make dark lipstick lights the Indy streets with gallons of water.

A few days later, having said goodbye to one of the best weekends of my life so far to return back to Iowa, I recounted pieces of gree story to my older sister. She swooned and smiled—. The downpour is intrinsically a passionate place to be. We want to see the kissing in the rain scenes. We ache over the moments when love is realized, when a relationship splits open like the sky in a thunderstorm. We want people to end up together and to imagine that after the credits roll, they had a happy ending. That rain, that storm, will be locked in my head for the rest of my life. But contrary to what you might think, it actually has little to do with the romance of it. To mention the romantic moments, but forget about the painful times of waiting before or what happens in the kissing booth three tumultuous times of disagreement after.

To see two people in the rain as merely a picturesque scene is to be missing so much more of the story. He laughed. How kissing feels like rain book summary free pulled down the mirror to quite the sight — mascara smudged down my cheeks and in the corners of my eyes, my soppy wet hair flat and clinging to my head. Not a cute look. I wanted to be embarrassed for a second or two that Matt had seen me like that. The rainstorm does that, though. Sometimes it makes you ugly. Sometimes, you are running around in the rain thinking you are getting by, and how to know he loves you while kissing is how kissing feels like rain book summary free when you are with someone else that you realize how messy you really are.

Any intimate or close relationship is going to bring out things in you that you may not like. The people I love summady most expose in me the gross and the glorious, hand in hand. In other summzry moments, when I am wrong, he has stuck by me even though I have been ugly. I do the exact same for him, too. So where is it at? There is nothing harder than love. If you are in it, then you know that you are still learning about it, still preparing your heart for all it will take. If you are waiting for it, you are not ready. Like the waves of the ocean that sometimes carry you and sometimes drown you and sometimes smash you into rocks, human relationship is the most curious ride.

Sometimes, it unglues you. You might be sure of who you are and you might think you know what you want, but being with another person changes you. The goal is to find someone who changes you for the better. When circumstances are pounding, when there are sleepless nights and you are struggling to feelss someone else and the complex emotions that are grating your heart raw, you might not feel like boom is what you signed up for. It might just feel like the opposite. You might not want to kiss in the rain, because it seems too costly. Being unglued makes you want to get out before you are torn apart. R ecently, I read this line in an article written about rapper Lecrae:. You love, but you often are at odds.

In the middle of the day out of nowhere, you can miss another person being by your side so much that you are sick, but when you see them, the same feeling dissipates into thin air. In the same night, you can bitterly fight and graciously forgive. That is what makes it more terrifying than anything. Because you are going to be ugly, you are going to be unglued. The rainstorm does that. Always, always, you are going to get wet.

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