Do you kiss your child on the lips


do you kiss your child on the lips

Jan 19,  · Intimacy, in this case, refers to displays of affection such as holding, hugging, tickling or kissing a child.”. What’s more, in European cultures it’s common for adults, children, friends and other family members to kiss each other on the lips and cheeks. This is not considered sexual but is an accepted, platonic means of showing affection. Feb 15,  · However, what about kissing the child’s lips, is it permissible? So, how long can you kiss your child’s lips? Affection is very essential for the growth and development of children. Well, kissing is one of the common affections adults do to children. However, is kissing a child’s lips allowed? Nov 30,  · Child psychologist Dr. Charlotte Reznick caused outrage after suggesting it was wrong for a parent to kiss a child on the lips at any age. “If you start kissing your kids on the lips, when do you stop?” she told The Daily Mail. “As a child gets to four or five or six and their sexual awareness develops, the kiss on the lips can be stimulating to them.”.

Not all but ask those who are victims. I feel like it is a super selfish thing that only the adult can interpret when kissing the child. Child psychologist Dr. They Recognize You. There was the odd time when my kids would offer me a peck on the lips and I accepted it, because I felt to turn my head aside so it landed on my cheek, would hurt their feelings. A good father willing and wanting to protect his daughters might just do you kiss your child on the lips his wife, the father she lacked or make up for the boys that stole kisses from her. It seemed inappropriate. Who knew an innocent peck could draw such a distinct line in the sand between parents? Love you my very sexual daddy.

Asked by: Prof. Here is what I experience… The problem I believe is when you go here kissing a child or teenager on the lips you rob them of their sensitivity. In South Africa and Australiafor instance, kissing quickly on the just click for source with a closed mouth is a common greeting custom among friends, especially in rural areas. is something that was never done in my family, but I have never viewed it as inappropriate. Toddler kisses on the lips can be slimy affairs! Better to be safe than sniffly. For those looking for more plant-based recipes, this is one for you! A French kiss also called a tongue kiss, a deep kiss, or making out is a kiss in which one both partners use their tongues to stimulate each other's mouths for mutual sexual pleasure.

Lip kisser here! We all were raised in different households, with different family cultures. You're in some famous do you kiss your child on the lips, for what it's worth.

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do you kiss your child on the lips

Do you kiss your child on the lips - opinion

Why is this so taboo? Then she started to try and act more like mom grown flirting towards me. It might be the least romantic of kisses, but don't worry, if your crush gives you a quick smooch, that doesn't necessarily mean you're in the friend zone. It does no good for neither mental nor physical health. A peck on the lips is just one more way to say I love you. Charlotte Reznick caused outrage after suggesting it was wrong for a parent to kiss a child on the lips at any age.

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Apr 09,  · I totally agree with the blog.

No kissing on lips on kids. Do u even know how many diseases one can transfer to the child. Do you kiss your child on the lips and affection can be shown by hug and cheek or forehead kiss. And of course corona virus is also here. When you kiss your child on lips it becomes normal for them. And they often kiss others on lips, which is for hcild normal. Nov 30,  · Child psychologist Dr. Charlotte Reznick caused do you kiss your child on the lips after suggesting it yoy wrong for a parent to kiss a child on the lips at any age. “If kuss start kissing your kids on the lips, when do you stop?” she told The Daily Mail.

“As a child gets to four or five or six and their sexual awareness develops, the kiss on the lips can be stimulating to them.”.

How long can you kiss your child’s lips?

Feb 15,  · However, what about kissing the child’s lips, is it permissible? So, how long can you kiss your child’s lips? Affection is very essential for the growth and development of children. Well, kissing is one of the common affections adults do to children. However, is kissing a child’s lips allowed? There are so many germs and so much to consider. Same here. You see, the only baby kissing on the lips. Who knew an innocent peck could draw such a distinct line in the sand between parents? Dangers of Kissing Children’s Lips do you kiss your child on the lips However, my family never really participated in that when I was growing up so I will most likely follow that.

They stopped kissing me on the lips around school age, around 5 to 6. I kind of stopped because there was more of chance of getting a cold. My parents never did this with me —— I used to find it a bit odd when parents would, but as I got older I found it a little cuter. This was an interesting article indeed. It can often be a really divided subject among people. You raise a great point! I really like your idea about stopping when your child is uncomfortable. I have kids and I kissed them on their lips but definitely, time will come that it will be going to change the fact that they are growing up. I too am not a lip kisser. I have always kissed my daughter on the cheek or forehead. This i very touchy subject I am do you kiss your child on the lips bothered by one kissing your child, its just not something we do.

I have always considered it to be a little to personal for myself. I really did enjoy the read! I never kissed my daughter on the lips, seriously out of fear of if I am spreading germs or something. I agree that it should be stopped as soon as kids say, no. This is such a common debate, you are right. I personally stopped doing it go here they started noticing it as a romantic act. Do you kiss your child on the lips they realize that, it gets uncomfortable for them. Maybe they realize what it meant when you were kissing them on the lips before. Oh man- so true that is do you kiss your child on the lips cultural! I married an Italian where everyone ALWAYS kisses on the lips, and I do love it, so I wish my own family culture had been more affectionate, but such a tricky question. I think the right answer is what is comfortable for the child.

If he or she is done with kissing on the lips, it should be over. My advice for parents is to enjoy the moments in just click for source moment because parenting and kids needs are always changing. Great discussion on the topic to get parents of young kids thinking about such things. I seriously never would have thought about this. My kids love kissing on the lips! But, if and when the time some where they are uncomfortable with it, I would stop. I never had this as a kid growing up but my dourter dos give me a peck on the lips and I feal uncunfabal as she is a 11 now and be for I say to her I think you are getting a bit to old for this now I just wondered what ppl though.

This is a common occurrence in my family. I think it is based on culture and where you are from. She even still kisses her friends on the cheek! This was a great post thanks for sharing. I sometimes wonder if my two year old wants me to kiss her on the lips, so I hesitate and kiss her head or cheek instead. But then, a few minutes later, she will often crawl into my lap and pucker up. Where has that habit to kiss kids on the lips come from? Noone did that when I was a small child I was born in the sixties. Plenty of hugs and kisses on the cheek but not on the mouth. I think it is gross and cringe every time I see it. Kissing on the mouth is for an intimate relationship between adults not something you do with kids! I see it as a form of sexually abusing kids as you perform a gesture on them which is of a sexual nature when they have an age where they cannot give consent.

do you kiss your child on the lips

I am all for physical contact with your kids, hugging, cuddling, back rubbing, kissing the forehead or the cheeks but kissing on the mouth is wrong. Every time I see people to this I want to smack them. If your moral sense is well developed you just feel in your gut it is wrong. Cannot see where it comes from nor why every time one dares question it people jump on this person and say that physical contact with your kids is so important. In my research of Psychopaths, Narcissists, and Sociopaths, oftentimes people who struggle with these issues can only feel anger and lust. Normally humans have a very wide range of emotions. For a person to think of a kiss only more info sexual and not allow for a spectrum of platonic emotions is, to me, highly suspect.

You are perhaps a fine example of a person in real life, I have no do you kiss your child on the lips but I wish to assume so. I am saying that the finality in your view of limiting kisses on the lips to a feeling of lust, and your attachment of hostility to your exclusive definition of a parent kissing their children is, to me… not choosing to assume the best in people or their range of emotions. I hope that your day is filled with all the good emotions today. Sone finally defined common sense to the issue of lip kissing children or toddlers or babies. Some parents do not have enough respect for their own children to withdraw in Oder to develop dignity instead of desire and passion. The population explosion personifies HUMAN submission, not the growth of healthy self willed resistance.

The only comment here with some real understanding. My son is 14 and we still kiss on the lips. It is not an intimate kiss but a short pucker smack. When i drop his lunch off at school, he is not ashamed.

do you kiss your child on the lips

When the time comes and he feels awkward. I have a mother-in-law who thinks it is wrong and i told her only a dirty mind thinks is it perverted lol! Some people. Totally agree! My nephews are approaching 6 and 8, and they still give kisses when they leave the house. He is happy with it. He is four and I never liked to kiss him on his cheeks. As the child is growing you, the child has to grow learn it he right boundaries in life more info develop into a healthy adult.

do you kiss your child on the lips

He is four and I never liked to kiss him on his lips. As the child is growing up, the child has to grow — learn the right boundaries in life to develop into a healthy adult. I have 12 year old and 13 year old daughters. I grew up in a kissing and hugging family. I was the private one and the one to chlid away alot. So a few years back I stopped kissing my girls on the lips when one of my girls seemed uncomfortable. The reason for both was that the other was my step daughter whom i have raised since she was 6 months old. It seemed inappropriate. Oddly enough she kept up that behavior, but I stopped it. Then she started to try and act more like mom grown flirting towards me. It was awkward and made me feel even more withdrawn. Until I overheard how boy crazy they were and one had kissed a boy but didnt know if she wanted to again.

So, I went down stairs and found my wedding band I wore with my daughters wife and found a ring that my wife told me I could scrap ths it was from my other daughters dad. I went up to there room, grabbing my wife along the way because she had also been worried about the boy craziness. I explained that it is important we are honest with dl and that we promise honesty and virtue to our family. I gave vhild the rings and told them what they had been and how we sometimes get second chances to make things special again, if we are honest. Then I gave them each a smooch on the lips in front of mom.

All 3 of my girls cried. My oldest said she kissed a boy 1 year ago and it was why she stopped kissing me and was happy I kissed her. My step daughter said she thought I was mad at her when I stopped and had been trying to kiss me since hence the strange behavior and only started thinking about boys cuz she missed goodnight kisses. I started crying. They both give me a kiss on the lips everytime now b4 bed. I went downstairs and my wife of 12 years told me how the reason she wont french kiss is because her father was older and developed some mental issues and french kissed her from age 8 to I said i wished I had known?

I would never have kept asking. We do that too much for meher idea. I told her that the reason I was the closed off one in click to see more family was that when I was 8 I had a 13 year old girl babysitter that would perform sex acts and french kissing with me. But that it was the fact we only ever really have pecks on the lips with each other even during………was making it wierd to so the same kisses to the girls.

I almost lost lip little ones to lies. A good father willing and wanting to protect his daughters might just give his wife, the father she lacked or make up for the boys that stole kisses from her. He might also fill a void or fix a crack that his daughters have. In doing so we all found out not speaking the truth hurt us most. Confusion about kissing cant exist in an open environment. To all of you beautiful moms I hope you sort through the hurts that would take away a kiss from there sons. Oips to all the ladies hurting like my oldest and my wife that had something taken and felt like they could not have it back. I am sorry you continue reading In secret have faith that a real father wants to save girls from the stupid and mean boys we once were or from the hurting broken fathers you could have had.

Moms, men love you but sometimes you yojr have to share first and realize broken men are not made by other men. They are made from women. All we really want is a woman to hold us close and care for our wounds. Just like women need someone thd make them feel special and cared for and protected. We need to be challenged to change the hurts that will hurt our children. Moms and Dads need to take on those roles with each other in this world before we are really do you kiss your child on the lips to make do you kiss your child on the lips choices for do you kiss your child on the lips kids. Dont confuse kissing with sex and intimacy with sex and adults. Intimacy is not yiu talking about bad things that happened to you.

Intimacy was what passionately meaning dictionary meaning definition for of us had that day crying. A sense that we all needed to expose our true self to change our future. Many people have said this helped them to hear so please let me know if it helps or helps others. My wife and I are writing a book now. She will edit. Dont worry. What caring parents. So when do you stop? My 24 year old son still sidles up for a hug and a kiss now and do you kiss your child on the lips. Your step dad did what?? As for me, I have no problem with kissing my kids on the lips. Yeah it was pretty gross Amy; fortunately it never went any further than that although my mother did accuse me of seducing her husband. I guess we naturally do what we are comfortable with. I totally kiss my kids on the lips. In saying that, I can certainly understand why you would have a hang-up about kissing your kids on the lips after that creepy stepdad experience!

As for when they get older, I think like Angie said, it will naturally progress to the cheek.

What age can you kiss a baby on the lips?

The only people I kiss on the lips now are Dave and my Dad. My Dad kisses all of us kids on the lips and I never once thought it was weird, it was just a Dad thing. And again, not a single thing sexual about it. I reckon to each his own, do what makes you feel comfortable, and to the doctor I say stop projecting your own issues on to everyone else and making parents question yet kias thing about their parenting. My 2 year old leaves me no choice in the matter but I tend to kiss them on the cheeks and head far more often. Toddler kisses on the lips can be slimy affairs!

do you kiss your child on the lips

In fact we almost always kiss on the lips. Kissing to me is not sexual but a sign click to see more affection. My elderly Mum and Dad both still kiss me on the lips too! Each child of mine kisses me differently. My eldest always kisses me in the cheek but she loves to hug me too. My second will kiss on the cheek or lips but loves a cuddle. My oyur boy is a lip kisser and my youngest kisses both cheeks and then lips. I love it all. I never kissed my kids uour the lips even when they were babies because of the germ thing.

I smothered them all over their plump little faces though! More the littler ones and I never turn away from them if they ask. Mostly I kiss on the cheek though or the head. We kiss on the lips here in this family. Dave started it off do you kiss your child on the lips and I thought it was a bit odd, but now it seems the most natural thing in the world and not sexual in the least. I agree with you, I kiss my son on the cheek and top of the head but never the lips.

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