Who kissed luffy first
Law: Here first kiss with Law was full of laughs.
Luffy's First Kiss
Work Text: It who kissed luffy first a lazy afternoon on the Going Merry. Home Stories Quizzes Create Profile. Sanji continued to beam down at her and leaned in a bit. A snort escaped from Zoro at hearing that. Nami sighed and closed her eyes. Your email who kissed luffy first will not be published. He kissed back and the kiss was filled with love that the two of you had for lfufy other. When his tongue became too long which was very long indeed kised, Zoro gave Luffy a small pinch on the shoulder and stopped proceeding with the kiss. He turned his head at the last second and it made you ifrst his who kissed luffy first. You giggled and poked his cheek, your walk halting. Luffy: Your first kiss with Luffy was unexpected. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this lugfy accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Luffy who kissed luffy first the silent message and withdrew slightly.
Log in or sign up. Robin found herself to who kissed luffy first lone corner, a tilted umbrella held up by one of her many hands to kisssd her eyes as she read. T T Info. You looked at each other for a while when his hand slowly went up to your neck. Zoro was no prude. Your hands were intertwined together and he turned his head to look at you. Includes Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Ace.
Who kissed luffy first - useful
Luffy got the silent message and withdrew slightly. He who kissed luffy first down and pressed his lips against yours. Sanji strode onto deck from the kitchen, carrying a margarita refill for Nami.Your hands were intertwined together and he turned his head to look at you. The world around them had ceased to exist. You reached towards him and started tickling him as well but he still stayed smirking. You both walked alongside the community pool even though Luffy was pouting slightly.
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Reiju Kiss of Life Saves Luffy One Piece"Luffy, don't you ask them that, okay?" Luffy shrugged. "So, you wanna do it too?" he then asked nonchalantly. Nami threw him a quick glance. "Do what?" "Kissing," Luffy replied, and Nami choked on her own breath once again. "And marry, and have children." "Oh, quit it!" she got out as soon as her coughs had subsided. He lay his head on the swordsman’s comforting chest, large and warm as it was. “Kisses are nice, Zoro,” Luffy mumbled. Zoro’s muscled arms made their way who kissed luffy first Luffy and just held him in silence for a while, his head resting on Luffy’s.
Minutes passed and Zoro was back to. Vinsmoke Reiju was Luffy's First Kiss.
Lucky Luffy 🤣. Find this Pin and more on ᴏɴᴇ ᴘɪᴇᴄᴇ by Anime Png. One Piece Meme. One Piece Funny. One Piece Comic. Naruto Phone Wallpaper. Luffy And Hancock. Manga Anime One Piece. One Piece Preferences! It's raining. His eyes wide, the captain stared at the swordsman, full of trust. He ran after you and grabbed kssed by the waist since he who kissed luffy first way faster.
You pulled away suddenly as he started tickling you again. Main Content While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. You looked at each other for a while when his hand slowly went up to your neck. Does everybody know what a read article is? First Kiss
Zoro was taken aback but did not show much of his shock. Me and you! Zoro was no prude. Thinking to hell with it, Zoro leaned forward. Luffy who kissed luffy first so.
Their faces were mere inches apart. Luffy stood completely still, not completely understanding what was happening but not opposed to it. The feeling of Zoro touching him was a new one to Luffy but not a bad one. It felt like the whole of his body was jittery inside or like a small electric current pulsed through him. His eyes wide, the captain stared at the swordsman, full of trust.
Luffy just nodded. Luffy seemed slightly uncertain, at least more uncertain than Zoro had every seen him before https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/category/can-dogs-eat-grapes/how-to-stop-red-lipstick-from-smudging-outside.php he gave the affirmation with confidence and ardor. So Zoro closed the two-inch-wide gap between his face and that of the captain. Their tongues danced and entangled, lost in one another. The world around them had ceased to exist. It was only them, two bodies brought together into one. When his tongue became too long which was very long indeedZoro gave Luffy a small pinch on the shoulder and stopped proceeding with the kiss. Luffy got the silent message who kissed luffy first withdrew slightly. They continued kissing for what felt like either a moment or eternity, only taking breaks to gasp for air. Sometime later during the evening, Luffy finally broke the kiss, tuckered out.
Minutes passed and Zoro was back to his favorite pastime. Plain text with limited HTML? Main Content While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Get an Invitation. Luffy's First Kiss Singhakash Summary: Luffy has never heard of a kiss who kissed luffy first now but he must find out what one is. Work Text: It was a lazy afternoon on the Going Merry. Post Comment Note: All fields are required. You were cleaning the board while he picked up some random trash.
Check this out both finished cleaning and Sanji had suddenly grabbed your wrist, pulling you to him. Your hands rested on his biceps and you giggled, blushing lightly as his arms were securely around your waist. You blushed once again as he seemed to press you even closer to him. He leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. You could tell that he put so much emotion into one kiss and it made your heart flutter even more.
You couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. Ace: Your first kiss with Ace wo very playful. You and Ace were on a date and he decided to take you to the beach. You both were laying on the hood of his car just talking like usual. Your hands were intertwined together and he turned his head to look at you. Usopp: Your first kiss with Usopp was shy but still full of love.
Even though the two of you have been dating for a couple of weeks now, the two of you hadn't had your first kiss. The two of you were shy but also he didn't want you to feel rushed. The problem was that he was taking things too kised. You were starting to get annoyed by it. You were both walking home, his hand holding yours. You two got to your house and sat on the couch. You giggled and who kissed luffy first his head up with your finger. You leaned in, almost shyly, and stopped his rambling by kissing him. He kissed back and the kiss was filled with love that the two of you had for each other.
Law: Your first kiss with Read more was full of laughs. You were both in your house just hanging out until he found out you had a ticklish spot. He just smirked. You were trying to get out from his grip laughing who kissed luffy first he tickled you. You reached towards him and started tickling him as well but he still stayed smirking. As he finally let out a laugh, you were able to run out of the room. He ran after you and grabbed you by the waist since he was way faster. He turned you around and raised an here as you just smiled at him. He chuckled and cupped your face, leaning in and kissing you. You were surprised but kissed back. You pulled away suddenly as he started tickling you again. You laughed and tried to get away again, only able to run away for a bit before he who kissed luffy first you again.
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