How do kisses make you feel better meme
by Mike_B
Answer (1 of 3): When a young child who falls down and scuffs a knee or an elbow usually runs to a parent to because they hurt themselves. As the parent you are well aware a slight scuff is not a big deal, but the child does not. As a result, a hug and a . When you are super into each other, that big kiss sends shock waves through your body. Blood flow is then increased in certain areas. The tingles you feel aren’t just imaginary; they come from stiffened nipples, stomach butterflies, and even tingling genitalia due to blood flow. And then she wanted him to come examine her scrapes and kiss her owie & make it better. Which then, to me, just opens up again the subject of Communication in the family. Kids do things all the time that they just want to have acknowledged. Their communication their contribution in the family is in the amazing things they do & learn every day. Read more