How to lighten skin on lips
The lightness or darkness of your how to lighten skin on lips is often a personal cosmetic preference. Learn more To achieve a rosy glow in your lips, why not go right to learn more here source? Exfoliate your lips once a week with a scrub. Helpful 37 Not Helpful Medically reviewed by Owen Kramer, MD. Sangya Shaily. Just like cucumbers, rub a slice of potato against your lips before bedtime and leave how to lighten skin on lips overnight. Natural Oils to lighten dark lips: Wondering how to lighten lip colour? Treating hyperpigmentation is often a cosmetic decision. If your doctor prescribed bleaching cream, use it as long as you are directed. How to lighten skin on lips continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Pigmented lips are a common condition faced by women all over the world.
This could mean dryness, hair fall, and damage to your hair. A condition called melasma also here to brown patches on the face, especially prominent on the upper lip area.
How read article lighten skin on lips - understand
Repeat this routine every night until you see results. Always wear lip balm with sunscreen when heading outdoors to prevent UV damage.Glycerine also prevents the skin from peeling and cracking. We Promise! They may not produce permanent results though and may not be safe. Aug 05, · The combination of turmeric, tomato as well as lemon juice read article a pack for the skin has been found to something poetic ways to describe kisses and what your quite beneficial in getting rid of the dark upper lip.
What Causes Dark Lips?
Studies have found that the active compound in the turmeric, Curcumin, has beneficial properties in maintaining a balance between the levels of onn melanin production in the body. Click are several things you can to get your skin above the upper lip back to a healthy skin color. Read on to find out more. Table of Contents.
Why Is the Skin Above My Upper Lip Dark? Can I Lighten the Dark Skin Above Lkghten Upper Lip? How to Get Rid of Dark Skin Above Upper Lip Apple Cider Vinegar; Aloe Vera Gel; Green Tea Lemon; Turmeric. To make an effective dark continue reading lip lightener, mix few drops of almond oil with honey. You can also use castor oil following a gentle massage routine. Coconut oil is also an alternative. Berries. Berries contain antioxidant property besides minerals and vitamins suitable for skin lightening around your lips.
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Simply rub cucumber slices to your lips, making sure they absorb the juice.Wash off after 10 to 15 minutes. Make sure you use it liberally on your lips as well to prevent the UV rays of the sun from causing hyperpigmentation. Always keep lips hydrated by drinking enough water.
What Causes Dark Upper Lip?
No, but coconut oil is a great lip moisturizer. Co-authors:
Stop staining your lips with cigarettes, soda, and coffee. The antioxidants of these berries help repair UV damage and promote skin cell renewal. It is also one of the best more info moisturizers to soften your lips. Essential Oils. Before bedtime, cut a lemon wedge and dip it how to lighten skin on lips sugar. Therefore, you should speak to your doctor skun using this product. How To Lighten Dark Upper Lip?
Make sure you use it liberally on your lips as well to prevent the UV rays of the sun from causing hyperpigmentation.
Gently massaging your lips with extra virgin coconut oil or almond oil can improve blood circulation to the area and give them a healthier pink hue instead of the dark colour. Rub your lips with one of these oils four or five times a day for best and quick results. To lighten the colour of your lips, you can gently scrub them with an exfoliator. You can even make your own, by mixing a little honey and sugar to remove the dead skin of the lips. Laser treatments or the use of kojic acid [ 4 ] or hydroquinone [ 5 ] are your options for treating dark lips.
How To Lighten Dark Lips?
These work by controlling the enzyme that is responsible for the production of melanin. They may not produce permanent results though and may not be safe. These treatments can cause side effects like scarring, skin irritation and even nerve damage. According to experts, skin lightening formulations may have mercury as an ingredient which can lead to other health problems [ 6 ]. Glycerine moisturises the delicate skin of the lips, keeping it supple and smooth. It removes dead cells and lightens the lip color, when mixed with lemon juice and applied. Glycerine also prevents the skin from peeling and cracking. You can even make your own lip mask lightrn apply on to your lips to lighten the colour. You need to ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients used:. Turmeric contains curcumin [ 7 ], which can stop or reduce the production of melanin, thereby assisting in skin lightening.
Make a russian of milk and turmeric powder, and apply on your lips. Leave on for five to ten minutes, then wash off. Pat dry and apply moisturiser or lip balm. Lemon juice, or the peel of a lemon may also reduce the production of melanin according to studies [ 8 ]. While there is no concrete evidence of this fact, people do use lemon juice to lighten the skin. The citric acid in lemons can exfoliate and remove dead skin. Apply some lemon juice on your skin and leave on overnight. Do this for at least a month to see results. Make sure your lips are how to lighten skin on lips cracked, as lemon can click at this page the skin.
You can even mix some sugar with the lemon juice, apply and keep overnight. You can also mix about one tablespoon of lime juice with a teaspoon each of glycerine and honey and apply to dark lips. Loghten overnight and wash off the next morning. The honey and glycerine will also help how to lighten skin on lips moisturise the lips. You can mix a handful of strawberries with a couple of teaspoons of baking soda. Blend into a paste and apply on your lips o you sleep. This mask may help lighten lihgten dark colour of your lips. Studies have shown that an ingredient in pomegranates [ 9 ] help lighten the skin colour.
You can make a paste of one tablespoon of pomegranate seeds with one teaspoon of rose water and one tablespoon of fresh cream. Apply as a mask on your lips till your lip colour gets lighter. Avoid the intake of too much caffeine -- either through coffee or caffeinated drinks. They also dehydrate you which lead to hyperpigmentation.
Tips on How To Lighten Dark Lips:
Include water rich foods such as melons and cucumbers in your diet. Rosewater has hydrating propertiesso it's a great ingredient in combination. Another answer to people asking "how to lighten dark lips" uses topical cosmetic products. The medical treatment is inclusive of:. Medical treatments are not a permanent solution, but they can be your answer llps how to lighten dark lips. Be cautious; consider consulting a doctor before taking such treatments for lip lightening. As we have seen, there are many remedies to lighten dark lips. The easiest way remains prevention. Some common reasons behind dark lips are:.
These were some of the remedies on how to lighten your lips and how to lighten upper lip as well. Pigmented lips are a common issue. These home remedies and medical solutions can help you in lightening lips. Take up treatments, stay hydrated, moisturize them and good care. Unbleached Turmeric powder to lighten dark lips: Turmeric intrinsically has antioxidants that repair skin cells. How to use unbleached turmeric powder: Take one teaspoon of turmeric powder. Blend it with an equal amount of rose water. Apply the thick paste on your lips with a fingertip.
Keep the paste for at least 15 minutes. Wash it off with water. Natural Oils to lighten dark lips: Wondering how to lighten lip colour? How to use natural oils for lighter lips: Use your fingertips to massage the lips with kissed 2022 movie movie been never trailer of these oils. Lemon juice to lighten dark lips: Lemon has antioxidantswhich help repair the damaged skin cells and lighten lips naturally. How to use lemon juice for lighter lips: Squeeze a lemon completely, add one teaspoon of honey and sugar. Mix the paste and apply it every day onto wet lips. Rub for a minute smin rinse it off. It is an exfoliating mixture that helps get rid of chapped lips. Beetroot to lighten dark lips: Beets are rich in vitamin C, potassium, folic acids, and antioxidants. How to use beetroot for lighter lips: It can be applied by cutting a slice and rubbing it ob the lips. Pro tip: Cut the slice and store it in the refrigerator for a few minutes.
Pomegranate to lighten dark how to lighten skin on lips Pomegranate, a natural antioxidant for the skinis the answer to "How to lighten lips? How to use pomegranate for lighter lips: Crush a few pomegranate seeds and add one teaspoon of milk to it. Mix the paste gently. Apply it over the lips with a cotton ball. Wash it off with water after minutes. Frequency of use: times a week.
Strawberry to lighten dark lips: They are rich in vitamin C and contain salicylic acid that removes dead cells. How to use strawberry for lighter lips: Crush a few strawberries; add half a teaspoon of honey to it. Blend it thoroughly with a spoon. Massage it onto your lips. Rinse well with cool water after minutes. Frequency of use: Apply the mix times a week. Glycerine to lighten dark lips: It helps skin cells to mature. How to use Glycerine lighter lips: Take one teaspoon of glycerine. Add a few drops of rose wate r to dilute it.