How kissing feels like rain book review questions


how kissing feels like rain book review questions

Kissing in the rain develops passionate-ism. People are overjoyed and feel loved. People believe rain is sad, so being kissed, which is foreboded scientifically as happiness, entails the “butterfly” feeling amongst each other. Kissing in the rain ensures both . Kissing The Rain is a book about tough decisions. The book's main character is Micheal "Moo" Nelson. Moo is 15 years old, extremely overweight, he gets picked on and bullied (rained) on. His only friend is another outcast who is a midget although they Reviews: Mar 01,  · Despite too many CAPITALIZED WORDS, this Catcher in the Rye-style narrative told by an English teenager pulled into a murder trial is successfully disquieting. Moo, named by the peers who torment and pummel him for his fatness, spends his time on a highway bridge because the speeding traffic distracts him from his own life. One day, road-rage leads to Author: Rebecca Rabinowitz.

Policemen, criminals, even the how kissing feels like rain book review questions at school want how kissing feels like rain book review questions know just what happened. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Thanks telling us about the problem. I think most readers want a definetive bad guy and good guy, and they always want the narrator to how kissing feels like rain book review questions the good guy. However, the worst of it comes when he goes on trial. Sometimes I have a problem with the English as well, as Kevin Brooks is from across the pond and while it wasn't a hindrance, Moo's life is just a tad different and I couldn't questionss past it to actually enjoy the story or appreciate the commentary on bullying.

Keep me logged in. I don't know. The way he writes it sort of put me off at first, but after I got into it I couldn't put it down. Want to Read saving…. It really made me think about liek justice system. Everyone thinks of Hoq Nelson as a nobody. John Bergin. Not only is he bullied, but he is criticized, click here names and taunted on a daily basis. Michael, also known as Moo, is bullied at school. Though qiestions disenchanted with the Sinclair legacy of self-absorption, the four believe family redemption is possible—if they have the courage how kissing feels like rain book review questions act. Although, I would recommend this to anyone that is kissjng in dark and shadowy, yet secretive books. I could really feel sorry for the main character when the writing style wasn't killing it for me. Vine is an extremely difficult man to work with I personally would regret working with him he is a mean and big buff questikns, who is taller and most likely stronger than me.

I liked the book Kissing The Rain because it taught the important of telling the truth and including questtions the details from an event I experienced. If you were caught between those choices like Moo, what are you going boik do? how kissing feels like rain book review questions

How kissing feels like rain book review questions - words

A sort of "it happens" narrative that protrays qkestions emotion then any adjectives could describe. Rating details. Reader Votes I really liked Moo's character.

Hi This is Moo's story.

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Sorry: How kissing feels like rain book review questions

How kissing feels like rain kissimg review questions On the other hand, some people are forcing him to tell the truth that will endanger a lot of people's life, people that he don't even know, innocent people.

Should i backup text to icloud by Kevin Brooks. I made it to page and found that I was not interested at all and after looking at other reviews decided not to push through. Despite the writing style being such a royal pain in the ass and the annoying retard'ish habit of Moo in imitating sounds like click here Show comments. And the ending? Want to Read saving….

How to make lipstick easy without crayons video At first, Moo enjoys becoming like a protected species, but he soon realises how corrupt the law officers in his community are.

Pub Date: Aug. Topics Books Children and teenagers Thrillers reviews. Din't see nothing, dunno nothing. Jan 25, Jordan Tozzi rated it did not like it. Poor Brady gets no such relief, and here an intense scene Moo realizes that Brady has lied and said he also saw the incident. Kirkus Reviews' Best Books Of

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Mar 11,  · Kissing in the Rain is a gift to Tumblr, and the article source team seem to know it.

The transmedia experiment, character names, and the use of parallel stories all add to this sense of self-aware and. Jan 31,  · Kissing the Rain by Kevin Brooks pp, Chicken House, £ Definitely not the charming romance the title may lead you to believe, Kevin Brooks's third novel kisssing an aggressive thriller and. Kissing the Rain: Mixed Review Literature Unit Kissing the Rain mixed review - print all section questions rian once learn more here for multiple keys) Extended Activities Extended Activities.

Kissing the Rain: Book Report Form Kissing the Rain book report form (PDF File) Customize the Kissing the Rain book report Have a suggestion or would like to. Sick of all that FAT stuff and Callan and Vine and the bridge and the road and the cars and the eyes and the words and the lies An implicit question Moo asks in the book goes "What you gonna do? Parents who's idea of affection is food--lots and lots of food--and an education that is less about learning and more about making it through the day without too many bruises. Mike Nelson or "Moo" is the narrator and protagonist of this story which is set in a small town in the UK. ya fiction how kissing feels like rain book review hiw title=i kiss my dog on style="width:2000px;height:400px;" /> Now, I love teen romance novels as much as the next guy, but the 'bullying' how to make makers with pods is, speaking as a teenager, complete bull.

Do you expect me to believe a perfectly 'normal' kid with a quiet disposition will be the subject of cruel, endless bullying? For no reason? Apparently, Mr. Brooks' not buying it. Moo is an obese, socially awkward kid, daily showered by "the rain"--mocking insults shot at him everyday. Not harmlessly beat up, not stuck with 'kick me' signs on his back, not shoved into lockers; simply teased. Some adults would argue, "back in my day, we had to fight " or the classic, "sticks and stones But most teenagers would gladly agree that words hurt worse then any beating could. At least when your being punched at, there's a chance of getting out of it with some dignity. When insults are being thrown at you, they don't fade like bruises. Kissing the Rain is so honest overused word, how to draw a couple kissing realistic faces that I spent nearly twenty minutes reading bok same sentence, almost crying at the subtle reality.

how kissing feels like rain book review questions

Another thing--there is no definete ending. In the Q and A in the back, Mr. Brooks explains that, while he did recieve harsh critism from readers, he felt that the ending was necessary for the story, and I agree with him. Ending it 'proparly' would suggest a 'proper' ending for such a hefty moral delema, that everything ends so clean and perfect in situations read article these. That is not the case. In the end, Kevin Brooks leaves the decision to us, the reader. The days qhestions end Tomarrow's gonna come Tomorrows gonna end And what happens then?

GOD knows Though I had grown to like Moo, and wanted to know what happened to him, I couldn't imagine a better ending for a better book. Rating : thrilling, honest and thought-provoking, one of my favorite books of the year. Kevin Brooks about his novel, Black Rabbit :. Labels: kevin brooksreview. Dannie, thanks for being honest with your reviews. I mean like explaining why you did or didn't like things. Some people say it's great and don't explain! Rview a Comment. Template by:. I felt like destroying how kissing feels like rain book review questions beautiful.

I'm sixteen. I read. I watch. I'm delightfully average at most things. View my complete profile.

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But I do, believe it or not, have some sort of policy on review request and offers. First off, my prefered genre's generally fall under every category but Romance and the real fluffy kind of Chick Lit i. Other then that, it's all far game. If it is a review copy, I will more then source read and review it in a timely matter, though please keep in mind I'm a student and need to maintain some sort of social life less people worry If you'd like to contact me, my email is: danielleeloko78 aol. I do check my email daily, so chances are I will get back to you sometime in the afternoon.

I maintain right as a reviewer not to review a novel because a I found it so disturbingly bad I think it best to save the author some face or b I have fallen ill with some kind of Malarian disease and simply cannot move my wee little fingers. August 17, at AM Post a Comment. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. My eyes are bleeding. Stop it. No bleeding. Bleeding from paper cuts associated with lingering over pages wondering how something can be so cringe inducing. Hoe wonderful. I laughed, I cried. Policemen, criminals, even the bullies at school want to know just what happened. At first, Moo enjoys becoming like a protected species, but he here realises how corrupt the law officers in community are.

Suddenly, the whole town is stretching Moo link every direction. Some want him to lie, others want the truth, and some believe the truth is the lie, and that the lie is the truth. However, the worst of it comes when he goes on how kissing feels like rain book review questions. He questikns harassed and bullied by grown adults, front of other grown adults. Why do i want to girl and fed up with the whole situation, Moo makes a decision that could alter his life forever.

At the beginning, he is innocent, naive, confused, and just trying to do the right thing. By the end, however, Moo is harder, and slightly unhinged. Many subjects are explored that feles be too harsh for the middle school reading level, and how to thin lip gloss without vinegar language used in the book is less than clean. Jul 06, Lauren Wiedwald rated it did not like it. Rajn did not finish this book. I made it to page and found that I was not interested at reveiw and after looking at other reviews decided how kissing feels like rain book review questions to push through. The way this book is written really gets on my nerves, I especially hate all the sound affects, even more than the random capitalization. I figure this is for entertainment purposes but it just did the opposite for me. Jan 25, Jordan Tozzi rated it did not like it.

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Oct 02, Pages For Thoughts rated it did not like it. And the ending? What the F? Jan 20, Celestasaurus rated it really liked it Shelves: young-adult. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Brooks has a distinct way of writing, or else I should say a distinct way of ending his books. Nothing is resolved. He keeps the reader guessing and guessing. Candy and Beingtwo prime examples of Brooks's writing that don't have resolutions. And yet, that's what keeps the story in our heads, what makes the memorable. Kissing the Rain is about a fat, bullied kid named Michael "Moo" Nelson. His life takes a dramatic turn for the best read more worst?

Everything is mixed up. When doing the right thing is wrong, how do you visit web page what to do? Moo is stuck in this predicament until he decides to "kiss the rain. What I think is that three guys, the driver, Caveman, and half-baldy, planned to frame Vine for murder. How kissing feels like rain book review questions driver acted like he was stabbed by Vine and went down. Caveman and half-baldy ganged up on Twin and stabbed him to death.

how kissing feels like rain book review questions

They moved his body to where the driver fell to make it look like he was the driver. And then they ganged up on Vine to shove the knife in his hands, for fingerprints as evidence. THAT'S why the guys in the car were involved in a struggle. Jan 25, Gaby rated it liked it Shelves: 11th-grade-advisory. This book was very different from what I expected it to be. The main character Mike, aka, Moo Nelson is a British 15 year old who is overweight and anti-social. The kids who taunted him were the dark clouds that hovered over him day in and day out. Boik things change once Moo witnesses a car chases, fight and murder on the highway footbridge he This book was very different from what I expected it to be.

But things change once Moo witnesses a car chases, fight and murder on the highway footbridge he goes rainn for solace from the RAIN. He is then caught up in a conspiracy that he doesn't want any part of. One of the themes in the book was the idea of conspiracy and truth. It really made me think about the justice system. We assume that police officers and other people involved with law enforcement are here to do the right thing. I've never really thought about them as article source who would take advantage of a high ranking position to benefit themselves; whether it be for a murder trial like in this book or something else.

It's pretty crazy how messed up the world can be. Moo saw this and came to the conclusion that the only way for him to overcome his situation was to "kiss the rain"--Brooks leaves it up to the reader to decide how he does this. I really lik Moo's character. At times he was a quedtions but he was very realistic. His thought process was easy to understand because he was so straight-forward and detailed. If you enjoy suspenseful novels, you should definitely read this book. Jan 26, Qian rated it really liked it. Moo Nelson are a fat kid in school where people laughs at him and make funny jokes about him and the only place he found save is on the bridge. The bridge is how kissing feels like rain book review questions secret thinking place where he can sort things out and leave things behind and he goes there everyday to watch the traffic because he found it fascinating to watch different cars heading to different places.

One day he witnessed a murder on the bridge and suddenly he had all the attention he wants because people are interested in what h Moo Nelson are a fat kid in school where people laughs at him and make funny jokes about him and the only place he found save is on the bridge. One day he witnessed a murder on the bridge and suddenly he had all the attention he wants because people are interested in what had really happened. This book is excellent in altering the readers mood because as the story goes on, the tension between the character increased and it makes the readers really wants to know what decision will Moo make. Whether he choose to be moral and tell the truth or he choose to protect the likw which is also understandable considering his age that he was still not old enough to make those decision. I recommend this book to people who like to read books that incorporates a lot of tension because it is indeed an excellent book to read for.

Jan 24, Hermis rated it liked it. Mike Nelson or "Moo" is the narrator and protagonist of this story which is set in a small town in the UK. The story consists of Moo's life after he witnesses something he is not supposed to witness. Moo must deal with two problems in the story, the fact that he is an over weight fifteen year old boy who is bullied in school Hence the name "Mooand the police along with everybody else questioning him on what he witnesses. The plot of kisslng story is some what interesting and mysterious it does no Mike Nelson or "Moo" is the narrator and protagonist how kissing feels like rain book review questions this story which is set in a small town in the UK.

The plot questiond the story is some what interesting and mysterious it does not relate to the very misleading title; Read article be honest, I thought it was a romance when I saw the cover. The situation that Moo is put in is not any ordinary or plain one. One thing that probably lowered my rating is the narration; it was like Moo was repeating things and yelling at you through the book; there were so many capitalized sentences and random thoughts plopped in the pages of the book. It was an interesting way of narration that i'm sure appeals others but it just didn't work out for me. To sum it up, it was a pretty random and unique story with good plot and conflict. Jan 19, Alicia rated it did not like it Shelves: mystery-thrilleroffbeatmale. Moo likes spending time above the busy roadway where he can forget the bullying, teasing, and sucky life he lives and thinks he catches a break when he witnesses a car crash and murder that brings excitement into his life- yet, as you can imagine this accident and murder was done by crazy lunatics who might be out to get Moo as well.

Honestly, I skipped most how kissing feels like rain book review questions the middle. I questiond the all caps, italics, and ellipses that scatter the pages from Moo's thought. And while I understand its signifi Moo likes spending time above the busy roadway where he can forget the bullying, teasing, and sucky life he lives and thinks he catches a break when he witnesses a car crash and murder that brings excitement into his life- yet, as you can imagine this accident and murder was done by crazy lunatics who might be out to get Moo as well. Kissiing while I understand its significance, it left me annoyed. Sometimes I have a problem with the English as well, as Kevin Brooks is from across the pond and while it wasn't a how kissing feels like rain book review questions, Moo's life is just a tad different and I couldn't move past it to actually raiin the story or appreciate the commentary on bullying.

Six chapters in: It's not as great as I thought it would be. But it's really confusing at times and it's too cliche. I'm so speechless. Not a happily ever after. It actually left you with things to think about. It left you hanging. Wanting more. I totally recommend this fewls Six chapters in: It's not as great as I thought it would be. I totally recommend this book to anyone. Boys, girls, teens, adults, anyone.

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I really enjoyed reading it and it has taught me A LOT. Dec 07, Isabel rated it did not like it Shelves: abandon-ship. Moo Nelson is always teased and ignored. Only when hem witness a car chase and a murder. Then everyone listens how kissing feels like rain book review questions him. I didn't get to read the whole book. I didn't understand it. I had very high expectations for this book. The grammar for me was horrible. Some letters that were supposed to be lowercase were uppercase. It is possible that Moo Nelson is just an expresive person. Not to mention that he used bad langue more than once. Maybe I wasn't supposed to read it now. Maybe I have to wait un Moo Nelson is always teased and ignored.

Maybe I have to wait until I can understand it better, so I think in high school I'll try to read it again. I recommend this book for for teens, young adults, and above. Oct 31, Elizabeth rated it really liked it Recommends it for: young adults. This book was so painful to listen to because of the confusion and depression how kissing feels like rain book review questions the main character. But I felt this was on purpose and that is was so important to listen to his line of thinking and decision making process. How kissing feels like rain book review questions ending leaves you hanging which is just perfect because the plot seems headed for a likely devastating finish.

It is up to you, the This book was so painful to listen to kissing movie trailer of the confusion and depression of the main character. It is up to you, the reader, to conclude what happened next? Great writing! Jun 15, Penny rated rakn did questios like it. Moo Nelson, is fat and gets teased at school for it. The jokes, the insults, the snide deview, the beatings - all of it he oissing the rain. Moo has learned to deal with it, to walk through it with his eyes down. Because after school there is always the bridge - a place where he for is your lips safe pictures powder mica watch the cars go by. That queestions until he sees two speeding cars, a crash, a scuffle and a murder on the bridge. Aug 26, Stephanie rated it it was ok Shelves: teen-readsaugust It is so informal and I click it too conversational as I feel it got in the way of the story.

The character development was good. I could really feel sorry for the main character when the writing style wasn't killing it for me. The ending was a bit frustrating too. Overall, the book was okay and may appeal more to a reader who likes the writing style. I would recommend people to "try it out" but I imagine that a lot may not finish it. Aug 23, Andrei Secu rated it it was amazing. This is ho story about Michael Nelson, a teenage boy who has little friends and is overweight. Michael, also known as Moo, is bullied at school. This all changes when he witnesses an accident. The police is at his doorstep questioning him, a known criminal is threatening him, and his worst tormentor link school is protecting him.

Michael's world is turned upside down and he doesn't seem to know what to do. Dec 19, Ryan rated it it was ok. I liked the book Kissing The Rain because it taught the important of telling the truth and including all the details from an event I experienced. But on the other hand, it wasn't the best book I have read because it was wrote in a kids view raih like every other word was capitalized. But with it being wrote in a kids view it had lots of easy to understand words. It was easy to relate to to a friend. Dec 31, Abby rated it did not like it Recommended to Abby by: others by the author. I usually really like his choppy slang style but this time it was horribly distracting. Also not a story I felt at all emotionally tied to like I usually do with his books. IIt was like a bad Law and Order episode where you know there is going to be a cliff hanger. Jan 18, Charmaine Wierzbicki rated it it was amazing.

I love, love, love the characters Kevin Brooks creates.

how kissing feels like rain book review questions

I get a kick out of the London slang his characters use. I learn words I never knew before. Phrases like Fat Arse make me The kid, Moo, witnesses a crime, and the rest of the plot revolves around revied struggle to do the right thing, after he figures out what the "right thing" is. Great read, as always, from Kevin Brooks. I'm reading this book because I love the publishing company: Push Fiction. They are way link publishing new, bright, cutting-edge authors. Is that you, I'm describing? Kevin Brooks' last novel, Candy was much better, but I think it's being made into a shitty movie.

how kissing feels like rain book review questions

Dec 26, Evan rated it liked it. I enjoyed Moo a lot click to see more the ending didn't satisify me. Some times I like when there are chiff hangers but the way the author decided to end wasn't great. I think Moo's idea of killing Vine was extreme but I think that Moo decides to kill himself. If I was in his shoes, I would've killed myself. I never finished this book. That doesn't happen very often. This author wrote a book called "Being" that was great and I just cannot find another of his that is even comparable. After this one I am done looking. Jul 22, Maggie rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Anyone. Loved this book. It's absolutely how kissing feels like rain book review questions. The way he writes it sort of put me off at first, but after I got into it I couldn't put it down.

how kissing feels like rain book review questions

I would recommend it to anyone. Nov 23, Elaine rated it liked it. This book was very interesting. It made you sympathize with the character and was a real page turner. YA: poor teen witnesses a murder from a bridge, has to decide to testify or not. Readers also enjoyed. Young Adult. Realistic Fiction. About Kevin Just click for source. Kevin Brooks. Kevin Brooks was born in and grew up in Exeter, Devon, England. Kevin Brooks has been in a variety of jobs including: musician, gasoline station attendant, crematorium handyman, civil service clerk, hot dog booi at the London Zoo, post office clerk, and railway ticket office Kevin Brooks was born in and grew up in Exeter, Devon, England.

Kevin Brooks has been in a variety of jobs including: musician, gasoline station attendant, crematorium handyman, civil service clerk, hot dog boo, at the London Zoo, post office clerk, and railway ticket office clerk.

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