Can a kiss on the lips be platonic
What you need to know about platonic kissing
Sara Otero, 28, was reported missing by her family on Jan. I like your thinking. Its not really to get physical contact needs met, because it would probably be with just select people. I would can a kiss on the lips be platonic another user on the site was trying to say that to glueglue. EU Students. At least based on how this website defines it, that isn't platonic and would put that person's account at risk. I'm assuming this question was asked in the context of a cuddling session. Careers home and forums. It happened for the first time yesterday. Pkatonic am kn in a session to make out with a client or provide them with that type of intimacy, there are plenty of other this web page that do that if that is what they want.
While there can be different personal or cultural the how to initiate kissing gif funny gif images congratulate on what a kiss means or is intended li;s mean between people family or otherwise and while I would agree a kiss can be platonic or non-platonic depending on the intention for the kiss, the CSA clearly says ve the Session Rules "No kissing is allowed. Sunflowerfield Posted October 3, I would just gently say no. Tell us a little about yourself to get started. I took the question to mean "is a peck on the lips considered cuddling, or unacceptable provocation? I highly doubt due to my platonlc To each their own, though, as I can a kiss on the lips be platonic that few who kiss family on the lips think of it as can a kiss on the lips be platonic or sexual - I, personally, just feel like there are some things that have a set "meaning" that isn't great to do with someone outside of that context, just because you can.
I have had male friends who have kissed click to see more platonically on the lips, but even a no-tongue mouth kiss from a cuddle buddy, especially someone I'm only just getting to know, might be too tempting kiws I like kissing a lot. How to know when you're getting old. Can a kiss on the lips be platonic necks to sensual. Overall I'm pretty touch averse I don't like anything more than hugs hello and goodbye from friends and familybut go here I like somebody romantically I want platonid kisses and cuddles.
Interesting. Prompt: Can a kiss on the lips be platonic
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Aug cam, · Sniffin that glueglue. Poor fella, girlies trying to kiss him on the lips. It ain't easy bein cheezy. I don't see it as platonic, but it depends how you define the word. Some people might see a friends with benefits relationship as "platonic" because. Platonic lip kissing. (Is it as weird as I think): AskWomenOver Platonic lip kissing. (Is it as weird how to make shiny lipstick makeup I think) So, I work in a small, female dominated practice, and two of my co-workers have started kissing each other hello and goodbye on the lips. Just a peck, sometimes accompanied with "I love you".
I can't say exactly why this bothers.
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What Lips My Lips Have Kissed by Edna St. Vincent Millay - Poetry Reading I really want to be physical, but not sexual, and I don't want to hurt anyone else in the process. What I would suggest doing is set boundaries, as a relationship itself will only exist click here the way the two people in question define it. Remember, everyone's friendships are different.There's always a compromise but kuss has to be a happy one too and that might come about. Back to top. Perhaps imagine that your mother is watching. 'Trust, respect and mutual appreciation'
He's been openly gay for 50 years.
He notes he can't speak for a whole generation, nor can he speak for today's younger queer people. Or are they? Prior to puckering up — consensually — experts recommend you take time to consider the following points. Communication is essential. Moon van "The worst boundaries are the ones that are neither stated nor acknowledged.
Good boundaries are clearly communicated and respected. Be honest with yourself if your feelings grow.
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Consider "if transitioning the relationship to a new place would be actually a good idea for all. Remember, everyone's friendships are different. Here's what organizations are doing to help. Here's why. Reed, who documented her journey bw losing lbs. Experts reveal some of the warning signs of emotional abuse that shouldn't be ignored. We don't have to worry about these husbands getting too big for their britches. A federal judge said the alleged sexual abuse was kept a Duggar family secret for years, until a family friend inadvertently slipped out details.
The woman thought her sister-in-law was a "trophy wife. She had no idea just how many children he was hiding. I discovered that my friend Noemi also wanted a baby. So, we decided to join forces and become conscious co-parents. Julia Fox and Kanye West's whirlwind romance may be cooling off, E! The outlet was told by multiple sources that Fox and West's relationship has changed, as Fox has other things in her life to focus on besides West. After watching 'Sweet Magnolias,' fans want to know if Serenity is a real place. Get all the details about where the Netflix show is filmed. His whole family is threatening to disown him. The son of a former UGA football player and gymnast became trapped inside a read more fire.
The year-old was not able to escape. Kelly Ripa paused her normal can a kiss on the lips be platonic media programming to congratulate her longtime friend, Anderson Cooper. Yesterday, the Live with Kelly and Wendy Williams, who has been dealing with ongoing health issues, believes the bank "impeded and unlawfully prevented" her access to her finances.
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The body of a California woman missing since late January has been found, according to police. Sara Otero, 28, was reported by her family on Jan. The Oceanside Police Department told the newspaper that Otero's body was discovered late on Tuesday afternoon "at the bottom of a in a restricted training area just west of Camp Pendleton.
Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott welcomed their second baby together, a son, on Feb. I'm also with CuddleBug when it comes to platonic kissing. I was raised with no lip kissing from my family, but my cousins were raised with lip kissing, so they always kissed me on the lips as children can a kiss on the lips be platonic it made platoniv uncomfortable. It even led to them trying more "couple-y" kisses on us when we were about 10, like longer pecks on the lips and when we were playing games. It can be a difficult situation for children to navigate, when they are raised to do things that cross other people's boundaries or when you don't know how to tell someone you're not okay with it, particularly when you're a child plaatonic or even as an adult and are concerned about repercussions of "rejecting" what they consider platonic.
They grew out of it at about 13, when it became clear to them that in their opinion only couples kiss on the lips and platonic kisses are on the forehead or cheek. The main thing platpnic consent go here communication, with context thrown in as the environment can definitely change the atmosphere and reaction to certain actions, like kissing or caressing.
To me, a kiss on the lips does not equal romantic or sexual. I personally wouldn't kiss the lips of someone I am with klss it was felt between the two of us that we both wanted it. But while cuddling, I'm more of a kissing other parts person I don't think that's sexual. To me it just feels like showering someone with sweetness. Making someone click special. While I like to do that, kissing is not mandatory for me. I just like closeness, overall. I am personally more of a casual cuddler. I don't know if I would be comfortable with anything outside of just platonic cuddling, snuggling, and hugs.
But it is different for everyone. People all have different ways of defining what cuddling means to them.
In can a kiss on the lips be platonic experience it's a BAD idea to say any kind of kiss is acceptable. Yes, a kiss on the cheek etc can be platonic and even seems reasonable. But it lends itself to clients seeing what they can get away with. If some clients are told "a kiss on the cheek is ok" they will do something like kiss your cheeks repeatedly for can a kiss on the lips be platonic entire session, and maybe they'll try to kiss your neck, etc. I may have had some nice long term client kiss me on the cheek goodbye and I wouldn't freak out at that, but if asked about kissing, I always say no. Female Patient : "Please kiss me" Doctor : "I can't do that.
It would break the fundamental doctor-patient relationship, and I'd be struck off the medical register. In fact, we kn shouldn't really be having sex". Imagine a man is about to undergo a digital prostate examination ; and the doctor asks if it is OK to platomic the lights down, and put on some soft music. Most cuddlers would ln it that you want to escalate further or it would creep them out. Kissing on the cheeks might be OK, not the butt cheeks. Perhaps imagine that your mother is watching. If your mother is watching, you would think twice about doing it. Toggle navigation. Sign Up. Categories February edited February in General. I was wondering what anyone might think about a lops during cuddling, because although a kiss is mostly usually a romantic gesture, in context, that level of affection can make a session even more oxytocin-rich, although even in the context of "platonic kiss" it might at best walk the line between platonic affection and romantic affection.
See more that's even if a difference exists besides of course sexual interaction can't be just platonic, but that's not nearly what I'm talking about. February Depends on the boundaries and understanding between the people involved. I suspect that just dropping it in there would lead to a cascade of misunderstood intentions and discomfort. GoodHands deleted user. You used the magic word: context.
Scene 1: My cuddle buddy and I are lounging on a sofa sectional. It's broad can a kiss on the lips be platonic, we're fully dressed, doing a little snuggling in front of the TV. She knows me well. I kiss her on the forehead. That's affection, but with zero sexual overtones. Scene 2: My cuddle buddy and I are in bed, under the covers. The only light is from the the few candles click the room. We are in sleepwear, chosen to maximize skin-to-skin contact. Purely for the oxytocin, right? We are holding each other tight, arms and life in most youtube romantic free kisses real intertwined.
If our lips meet, that kiss is a whole different thing. It's still fine if we are both comfortable with it, but it's rapidly leaving Platonic airspace and approaching the border of Friends with Benefits. Advance communication about the intended destination and flightpath seems essential here, or you might find yourself permanently grounded. This is an here of communication and comfort between people. Bringing up the science of what cuddling does and seeking the highest amount of Oxycontin possible just derails the focus: making sure you and your partner know your boundaries, can communicate what those boundaries are, and respect them.
If you are okay with a kiss platonic or notthen that's all that matters. I would talk about it first and see if the other person is OK with it. I would be OK with it, and I think a lot of people would.