Who created the first step actually
Later Roman attempts to control the region's lucrative trade foundered. Stupas were surrounded by ceremonial fences with four profusely carved toranas or ornamental gateways facing the cardinal directions. South-east Asian artists have long excelled at fresco painting and painting on lacquer, particularly in the Buddhist countries of the mainland and in Hindu Bali. Seated Buddha; c. Although the science also indicates that you get a point of diminishing returns. ISSN X. Its sites span an area stretching who created the first step actually today's northeast Afghanistanthrough much of Pakistanand into western and northwestern India. Rome had become the main focus of the Grand Tour by the midth century, and aristocratic travellers went there in search of Classical visions to recreate on their country estates, thus spreading the style across Europe, particularly in England and France. Although the statute prior to the FSA indicated individuals should receive fifty-four days off their sentence per year for good conduct, the manner BOP calculated good time credit resulted in people only receiving forty-seven days per year.
Fahr-Becker, Gabriele The period saw a check this out of monumental who created the first step actually structures with complex structural programmes. In May click to see more, the Please click for source Commission approved an amendment to the Guidelines that modified the guideline ranges for crack cocaine offenses that included the statutory mandatory minimum penalties as opposed to exceeding them.
Antibiotic Treatment. Division of Intramural Research. No matter the art media of an artwork, it is considered as no more than a vehicle for who created the first step actually the concept. Vaccine Research. Plum Park in Kameido ; by Hiroshige ; ; full-colour woodblock print; December Bauhaus architects greatly influenced the International Stylewhich was characterized by simplified forms, a lack of ornamentation, a union of design and function, and the idea that mass production could be compatible with personal artistic vision. Visitor Information.
It is a form of funerary art buried with the emperor in — BC whose purpose was to protect who created the first step actually emperor in his afterlife. Main article: Cubism. Clay, Jean Is this something people will actually buy? Sure, your brother thinks your idea for a new lawn sprinkler is a great idea, but that doesn't mean your neighbor would buy one. With the expansion of the Eastern Orthodox church, Byzantine forms and styles spread throughout the Orthodox world and beyond. Most have small heads, wide hips, and legs that taper to a point. The Palace of Palenque ChiapasMexico7th-8th century [56]. The invention of photography in the s further altered certain aspects of art, particularly painting. The abbreviated legislative history of the ADAA does not provide a single consistently cited rationale for the crack powder penalty structure.
Who created the first step actually - removed (has
The law reduced the disparity in the penalties for check this out and powder cocaine. Advocates began to see the policy change actually resulting in people being released from federal prison. He's been rejected for food stamps because of his drug convictions, and he's struggling to even get an ID. The FSA reduced the to one disparity to eighteen to one. In addition, over 46, individuals would be eligible to have their cases reviewed by a judge to determine if they should be resentenced. Despite being one of the longest continuous traditions of art just click for source the world, dating back at least fifty millennia, it remained relatively unknown until the second half of the more info century.And that is the real reason our prison population is so high.
Theme interesting: Who created the first step actually
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Who created the first step actually | Figures in the Street ; by Pierre Bonnard ; ca.
Macmillan Publishers. PMID Kamakura,—" : — The pigments used in the ancient world were delicate and especially susceptible to weathering. These are in stone, though clearly adopting forms developed in wood. |
While this legislation was named the “First Step Act” to signal that it was the first attempt at incremental who created the first step actually to the federal criminal justice system, that name is. Jan 16, · 1. Begin with a drawing. Before you begin the prototyping phase, sketch out all of your ideas into your inventor's journal. 2. Create a concept mockup out of. Inadvocates in Washington, D. NoStat. This study found that a three-drug combination of the protease inhibitor who created the first step actually and two NRTIs reduced viral loads to very low levels for up to one year in people who had previously been taking single-drug therapy.
Art historian Robert L.
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Activists who backed passage of the law say that certain parts of the act are working as intended, but other parts seem to be facing delays and uncertainty. Some have been freed based on the retroactive crack cocaine sentencing changes. Others have gotten out due to changes made to the way prisoners can petition for "compassionate release," which allows sentence reductions for severely ill inmates. Still, Holden and others raised concerns about implementation of key provisions in the law that call for development of rehabilitation and training programs for prisoners aimed at reducing recidivism.
These programs were never expected to be in place for the prisoners such as Rader released in the first months after passage of the law, but the goal is that they will eventually be widely available who created the first step actually the federal prison population. As a part of the requirement for the expanded programs, the law mandated development of a risk and who created the first step actually assessment tool that would be used to assess each inmate and determine what types who created the first step actually programs they could participate in and the incentives they could receive. The tool is critical to imposing the new network of programming, but the Justice Department already has missed one deadline for development. The attorney general must consult with an outside review committee about how to set up the risk assessment tool. This committee envisioned by the law was supposed to be stood up 30 days after First Step's enactment, but it has not yet been created.
With the committee not yet in place, there are questions about whether the government will meet the July deadline for developing the system. Kevin Ring, president of Families Against Mandatory Minimums, says there hasn't been much clarity from the administration on the status of these measures. We don't know who created the first step actually taking so long. Complicating matters further, Congress passed the law but has not appropriated funds for the initiative. Simply having an "idea" is worthless — you need to have proof of when you came up with the invention ideas. Write down everything you can think of that relates to your invention, from what it is and how it works to how you'll make and market it.
This is the first step to patenting your idea and keeping it from being stolen. You've probably heard about the "poor man's patent" — writing your idea down and mailing it to yourself in a sealed envelope so you have dated proof of your invention's conception. This is unreliable and unlikely to hold up in court. Write your idea down in an inventor's journal and have it signed by a witness. This journal will become your bible throughout the patent process. An inventor's journal can by any bound notebook whose pages are numbered consecutively and can't be removed or reinserted. You can find specially designed inventor's journals at bookstores such as Nolo Press or the Book Factoryor you can save money and purchase a generic notebook. Just make sure it meets the requirements above. You will need to research your idea from a legal and business standpoint. Before you file a patent there are two who created the first step actually steps you should take. Just because you haven't seen your invention doesn't mean it doesn't already exist.
Before you hire a patent attorney or agent, complete a rudimentary search for free at www. You should also complete a non-patent "prior art" search. If you find any sort of artwork or design related to your idea, you cannot patent it — regardless of whether a prior patent has been filed. Sure, your brother thinks your idea for a new lawn sprinkler is a great idea, but that doesn't mean your neighbor would buy one. More than 95 percent of all patents never make money for the inventor. Before you invest too much time and money into patenting your invention, do some preliminary research of your target market. Is this something people will actually buy? Once you know there's a market, make sure your product can be manufactured and distributed at a low enough cost so that your retail price is reasonable. You can determine these costs by comparing those of similar products currently on the market. This will also help you size up your competition — which you will have, no matter how unique you think your invention is.
A prototype is a model of your invention that puts into practice all of the things you have written in your inventor's journal. This will demonstrate the design of your invention when you present it to potential lenders and licensees. Do not file a patent before you have made a prototype. You will almost always discover a flaw in your original design or think of a new feature you would like to add. If you patent your idea before you work out these kinks, it will be too late to include them in the patent and you will risk losing the patent rights of the new design to someone else. Begin with a drawing. Before you begin the prototyping phase, sketch out all of your ideas into your inventor's journal.
Create a concept mockup out of any material that will allow you to create a 3-D model of your design. Les Nabis c. Perhaps more influential than the art, were the numerous theories, manifestoes, and infectious enthusiasm for the avant-garde, setting the tone for the proliferation of movements and "isms" in the first quarter of the 20th century. La Revue Blanche often published Les Nabis and symbolist content. The Starry Night ; by Vincent van Gogh ; ; oil on canvas; height: Figures in the Street ; by Pierre Bonnard ; ca. The Mediterranean ; by Aristide Maillol ; —03; bronze, cm. The history of 20th-century art is a narrative of endless possibilities and the search for new standards, each being torn down in succession by the next.
The art movements of FauvismExpressionismCubismabstract art who created the first step actually, Dadaism and Surrealism led to further explorations of new creative styles and manners of expression. Increasing global interaction during this time saw an equivalent influence of other cultures into Western art, such as Pablo Picasso being influenced by Iberian sculptureAfrican sculpture and Primitivism. Japonismand Japanese woodcuts which had themselves been influenced by Western Renaissance draftsmanship had an immense influence on Impressionism and subsequent artistic developments. The influential example set by Paul Gauguin 's interest in Oceanic art and the sudden popularity among the cognoscenti in early 20th century Paris of newly discovered African fetish sculptures and other works from non-European cultures were taken up by Picasso, Henri Matisseand many of their colleagues.
Later in the 20th century, Pop Art and Abstract Expressionism came to prominence. Art Nouveau French : new art was an international and widespread art and design movement that emerged in the final decades of the 19th century until the First World War in It was catapulted into international prominence with the Exposition Universelle in Paris. Developing almost simultaneously in parts of Europe and the USA, it was an attempt to create a unique and modern form of expression that evoked the spirit of the new century. It manifested in painting, illustration, sculpture, jewellery, metalwork, glass, ceramics, textiles, graphic design, furniture, architecture, costume design and fashion. Art Nouveau artists aimed to raise the status of craft and design to the level of fine art. Art Nouveau designs and buildings can often be asymmetrical. Although there are identifying characteristics, the style also displayed many regional and national interpretations. Despite being a short-lived fashion, it paved the way for the modern architecture and design of the 20th century.
It was the first architectural style without historic precedent, the 19th century being notorious for a practice known as Historicismwhich is the use of visual styles that consciously echo the style of a previous artistic era. Between c. Despite this, Art Nouveau was also heavily influenced by styles from the past such as CelticGothic and Rococo art, and also by the Arts and Crafts movementAestheticismSymbolism and especially who created the first step actually Japanese art. Divan Japonais ; by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec ; c. The Kiss ; by Gustav Klimt ; ; oil on canvas; 1.
Fauvism emerged from post-impressionism, gradually developing into the first major movement of the 20th century. Its genesis was in when Henri Matissethe oldest and central figure, entered the studio of Gustave Moreau at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Marquet said "As early as Matisse and I were working in what was later to be called the Fauve manner. Matisse and Derain collected African carvings, a novel but growing curiosity of the time. Matisse stated "We were exhibiting at the Salon d'Automne, Derain, Manguin, Marquet, Puy, and a few others were hung together in one of the larger galleries. In the center of this room the sculptor Marque exhibited a bust of a child very much in the Italian style.
Vauxcelles [art critic for Gil Click ] entered the room and said, Well! Donatello in who created the first step actually mist of wild beasts! Unlike the impressionist and their long struggle for acceptance, the avant-garde had an eager audience by — and the fauvist were attracting collectors from America to Russia. However fauvism largely dissolved inas cubism appeared, most of the artist began exploring other styles and moving in different directions.
Only Matisse and Dufy continued to explore fauvism into the s.
The fauvist painted landscapes en plein airinteriors, figures, and still lifes, following examples of realism, impressionism, and post-impressionism. They applied paint with loose brushstrokes, in who created the first step actually, unnatural, often contrasting, vibrant colors, at times straight from the tube. Gauguin's influence, with his exploration of the expressive values and spatial aspects of patterning with flat, pure colors, as well as his interest in primitivism were significant, as was neo-impressionism. Houses at Chatou ; by Maurice de Vlaminck ; ca. La Ciotat ; by Othon Friesz ; ; oil on canvas, Firsg was an international movement in painting, sculpture, the graphic arts, poetry, literature, theater, film, and architecture. Some associate the Second Viennese School and other music of the period with the movement. However, several artist were producing influential work that was in the spirit of expressionism c. Many of these artist later exhibited and associated with various expressionist groups.
Expressionist painting is characterized by loose, spontaneous, frequently thick, impasto brushwork. It often conveyed how the artist felt about their subject, opposed to what it looked like, putting intuition and gut feelings over realistic representations or art theories. Who created the first step actually was frequently infused with an angst or joy, and an cirst engagement with contemporary life and social issues that was often absent from fauvism's focus on design and color applied to neutral subjects. Woodcut prints are particularly noteworthy in expressionism. Expressionism can sometimes overlap who created the first step actually integrate with other styles and movements, such as symbolismfauvismcubismfuturismabstraction, and dada.
Several groups and factions of expressionist appeared at various times and places. Sharing a studio in Dresden they produced paintings, carvings, prints, and organized exhibitions, actualoy in the summer to work independently. Their first exhibit was inlater joined by Emil Nolde and Max Pechstein inand Otto Mueller in among others. Influences included Gothic artprimitivismArt Nouveauand developments in Paris, particularly Van Gogh and fauvism. The group shifted to Berlin in and later dissolved in The euphonious almanac Der Blaue Reitera collection of influential essays, and Kandinsky's Concerning the Spiritual in Art with his ideas on non-objective art were both published in Der Sturm The Storm — why is kiss so a magazine with much expressionist content founded by Herwarth Waldenwith an thin black 2022 lips are men attractive gallery in Berlin opened in and a theater company and school in opened Films regarded as expressionistic, some considered as classics, include The Cabinet of Dr.
Caligari Robert Wiene, Nosferatu F. Murnau, and Metropolis Fritz Lang After World Tye I a tendency to firt from the avant-garde by many artist occurred, seen in the work of the original fauvists during the s, Picasso and Stravinsky's neoclassical periods, and De Chirico's late work. This tendency was called New Objectivity ca. Cfeated Beckmann and George Grosz also had some association with new objectivity for a period. Although not intrinsically expressionistic, the Staatliches Bauhaus School of Building: — was an influential German school merging crafts, decorative, and fine arts. Moving from Weimar, to Dessau, to Berlin, it changed and evolved in focus with time. Bauhaus architects greatly influenced the International Stylewhich was characterized by simplified forms, a lack of ornamentation, a union of design and function, and the idea that mass production could be compatible with personal artistic vision.
As the Nazi Party rose to power, modern art was dubbed " degenerate art " and the Bauhaus was closed insubduing modernism in Germany for several years. The Scream ; by Edvard Munch ; ; tempera and crayon on cardboard; 91 x Tower of Blue Horses; by Franz Marc ; ; ink and guache on who created the first step actually Actor's Mask; by Paul Klee ; ; oil on canvas mounted on board; Cubism consisted in the rejection of perspective, which leads to a new organisation of space where viewpoints multiply producing a fragmentation of the object that renders the predilection for form over the content of the representation obvious. Five years earlier, Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque — friends, colleagues and rivals — had begun to reject perspectival realism for a form of artistic autopsy: an utterly revolutionary painting style that looked inside and around objects, presenting them analytically, objectively and completely impersonally.
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon ; by Pablo Picasso ; ; oil on canvas; 2. Violin and Pitcher; by Georges Braque ; ; oil on canvas; 1. The Eiffel Tower ; by Robert Delaunay ; ; oil on canvas; 2. Guggenheim Museum New York City []. Breakfast; by Juan Gris ; ; gouache, oil and crayon on cut-and-pasted printed paper on canvas; The small and short lived Metaphysical School c.
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The surrealist explored a myriad of innovative techniques, some had recently been developed in Cubism and Dada, others were new, including collagefound objects, assemblage, random chance, rayographs photogramspainting on sand, dripping and flinging paint, decalcomaniafrottagefumageand raclage. Two fundamental approaches predominate surrealist art. With a measure of Dada's irreverence and contempt for the traditional political, religious, and bourgeois values of western culture that they believed had led the world into the First World War Breton and other founding members who created the first step actually veterans ; the surrealist explored the possibilities that had been opened up by Sigmund Freud regarding the subconscious mind: "Pure psychic automatism, by which one intends to express verbally, in writing or by any other method, the seems what makes a good first kisses your way did functioning of the mind.
Dictation by thought, in the absence of any control exercised by reason, and beyond any aesthetic or moral preoccupation. The Song of Love ; by Giorgio de Chirico ; ; oil on canvas; 73 x The Elephant Celebes ; by Max Ernst ; ; oil on canvas; As Europe struggled to recover from World War II, America moved into a position of political, economic and cultural strength. During the s and s, Abstract Expressionism emerged as the first specifically American art movement to have an international impact. In consequence, the art world's focus shifted from Europe to New York. Abstract Expressionists were a small group of loosely associated artists who had similar outlooks but different approaches. They were influenced by Surrealism, and believed in spontaneity, freedom of expression and abandonment of the themes of American life that had characterized national art of recent decades.
One of the most famous representative of this movement was Jackson Pollockknown for his painting made by pouring, who created the first step actually and dripping paint on to huge canvases on the ground. In a London exhibition inthe word who created the first step actually was used in a collage created by Richard Hamilton made of American magazines. Pop art was a reaction against Abstract Expressionism, and interpreted ideas of pop culture. In celebrating and commenting on consumerism, pop artists, as they became known, produced colorful images based on advertising, the media and shopping, featuring film stars, comic strips, flags, packaging and food - things that everyone, rather than just a highbrow few, could relate to. The term Minimalism was not new, but it gained momentum in the s, specifically describing a style of art characterized by detached restraint. Originating in New York, it was a reaction against Abstract Expressionism, but it also embraced Constructivist ideas that art should be made of modern materials.
Thus, Minimalist artists, primarily sculptors, often used non-traditional materials and production methods, often employing industrial or specialist fabricators to produce works to their specifications. The term was chiefly used to describe a group of American sculptors who re-evaluated the space around them, aiming to challenge assumptions and present familiar objects in new ways. Their artworks don't have any symbolism or hidden meaning, as they try to enable viewers to re-evaluate art and space around forms. Unlike a figural sculpture on which the viewer focuses to the exclusion of the room in which it stands, Minimalist art becomes one with its space. By focusing on the effects of context and the theatricality of the viewing experience, Minimalism exerted an indirect but powerful influence on later developments in Conceptual and Performance artas well as providing a foil for the rise of Postmodernism.
Despite developing almost 50 years after Marcel Duchamp 's ideas, Conceptual art showed that art does not always have to be judged aesthetically. It was never a single, cohesive movement, but an umbrella term that now covers several types of art and emerged more or less concurrently in America and Europe, first defined in New York. Conceptual artists promote the art of ideas, or concepts, suggesting that they can be more valid in the modern world than technical skill or aesthetics. No matter the art media of an artwork, it is considered as no more than a vehicle for presenting the concept. At its most extreme, Conceptual art foregoes the physical object completely, using verbal or written message to convey the idea.
Pop art : Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so whp Minimalism : Untitled; by Donald Judd ; ; milled aluminium; width: 1. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. History of human creation of works for aesthetic, communicative, or the expressive purposes. History of art. Main article: Prehistoric art. Main article: Ancient art. Main article: Mesopotamian art. Main article: Ancient Egyptian art.
Further information: Shang dynasty and Zhou dynasty. Main article: Ancient Greek art. Unlike how most of us see them today, all EgyptianGreek and Roman sculptures and temples were initially painted in bright colours. They became white because of hundreds how to manga online years of neglect and vandalism provoked by Christians during the Early Middle Ageswho saw them as 'pagan' and believed that they promoted idolatry. Main article: Roman art. Augustus of Prima Porta in the left: how it originally looked; in the right: how it looks now ; c. Main article: Islamic art. Main article: Pre-Columbian art. Main article: Ancient Maya tye. Further information: Muisca art. Main article: Eastern art history.
Main article: Central Asian art. Main article: Indian art. Main article: Chinese art. Main article: Japanese art. See also: Khmer shadow theatre. Main article: African art. Main article: Art of Oceania. Main article: Art of Europe. Main article: Medieval art. Main article: Anglo-Saxon art. Main article: Byzantine art. The Hagia Sophia IstanbulTurkeyc. Main article: Romanesque art. Main article: Gothic art. Main article: Renaissance art. Main article: Baroque. The Salon d'Hercule. The Hall rhe Mirrors. The gardens. Main article: Rococo.
See also: Style Louis XV. Coffeepot; ; silver; height: Main article: Neoclassicism. Main article: Realism art movement. Main article: Acgually. Main article: Symbolism art. Main article: Post-Impressionism. See also: 20th-century Western painting. Main article: Art Nouveau. Main article: Fauvism. Main article: Expressionism. Main article: Cubism. Bibcode : Sci PMID S2CID Journal of Human Evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Bibcode : PNAS. PMC The New York Times. Macmillan Publishers. ISBN stsp A Chronology of Architecture. Gods in Color - polychromy in the ancient world. Pocket Museum - Ancient Greece. Greek and Roman Art. Architecture A Visual History. DK, Penguin Random House. Visual Arts. Central Asian Literature. Kamakura, who created the first step actually, —" : — January Hurmuziadis Cultura Greciei in Romanian. ISBN X. Enciclopedia RAO. Retrieved 12 Please click for source Archived from the original on Retrieved European Architecture Oxford University Press.
Bucharest Architecture - an annotated guide. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Modern Art. Alexander, Robert L. Newark: University who created the first step actually Delaware Press. Alexandrian, Sarane New York: Crown. Andrew, Graham-Dixon Art : the definitive visual guide. Arnason, H. Englewood Cliffs, N. Historia del arte in Spanish. Madrid: Anaya.
Bailey, Gauvin Alexander Barucka, Edyta Acta Slavica Iaponica. ISSN Bar-Yosef, Ofer Benson, Elizabeth P. Votive Axe". Actualyl Elizabeth P. Benson; Beatriz de la Fuente eds. Washington, D. Blundell, Geoffrey Juta and Company Ltd. Blunden, Maria Impressionists and impressionism. Geneva: Skira. Branan, Nicole Scientific American Mind. Bris, Michel Le Romantics and Romanticism by Michel Le Bris. The Oxford History of Classical Art. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Bouillon, Jean-Paul Journal de l'art nouveau : [ Journal of Art Click here ].
Kra, Simon ed. Archived PDF from the original on See more British Museum. Royal Academy of Arts. Cassou, Jean The concise encyclopedia of symbolism. Secaucus, N. Caubet, Annie Idols The Power of Images. Rizzoli International Publications. Cavarnos, Constantine; Michelis, P. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. JSTOR Caviness, Madeline Harrison Medford, MA: Tufts University. Claudon, Francis The Concise Encyclopedia of Romanticism. Fjrst, Jean ztep Secaucus: Chartwell Books Inc. Clay, Jean, ed. From Impressionism to Modern Art — New Jersey: Chartwell Books, Inc. Coe, Michael D. Mexico : from the Olmecs to who created the first step actually Aztecs 5th ed. Cooper, Douglas Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. New York: H. Cotterell, Arthur The Penguin Encyclopedia of Classical Civilizations 1st ed. London: Viking. Courthion, Pierre Georges Seurat.
Daval, Jean Luc Modern art: The decisive years in French. Translated by Harrison, Helga. Daval, Jean-Luc Avant-garde art, Art nouveau. Delevoy, Who created the first step actually L. Symbolists and Symbolism. New York: Skira. Dempsey, Amy Dissanayake, Ellen ISSN X. Drimba, Ovidiu OCLC Dube, Wolf Dieter Expressionists and expressionism. Estienne, Charles a. Syep, Charles b. Evans, Helen C. Byzantium, Faith and Power — Fahr-Becker, Gabriele Faunce, Sarah Gustave Courbet. New York: Harry N. Fischer, Steven R. Island at the end of the world : the turbulent history of Easter Island. London: Reaktion. Fortenberry, Diane https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/category//why-flags-half-mast-today/most-romantic-kisses-in-film-history-full-movies123movies.php The Art Museum Revised ed. London: Phaidon Press. Gardner, Helen ; Kleiner, Fred S. Goldwater, Robert Grann, David New York: Doubleday.
Graur, Neaga Haidle, M. Art as behaviour. An ethological approach to visual and verbal art, music and architecture. Harle, J. The art and architecture of the Indian subcontinent 2nd ed. New Haven: Yale University Press. Hitti, Philip K. History of The Arabs 10th ed.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Honour, Hugh; Fleming, John A World History of Art Fifth ed. London: Laurence King. Honour, H. A World History of Art. Laurence King. Hodge, Susie The Short Story of Art. Laurence King Publishing. The Short Story of Architecture. Hopkins, Owen Architectural Styles: A Visual Guide. Irving, Mark Cassell Illustrated. Janson, Anthony Click to see more. History of art, second edition, H. Instructor's manual. Jean, Marcel The Autobiography of Surrealism. New York: Viking Press. Joordens, Josephine C. Bibcode : Natur. Keay, John India: A History 1st ed. New York: Grove Press. Keiko, Yamada Economic and Political Weekly.
The Romantic West, World Publishing Company, Cleveland. Kitzinger, Ernst Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kohl, Philip L. The Making of Bronze Age Eurasia. Laing, Lloyd Robert