Most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki
While not directly referring to politics it still was perceived as dangerous criticism of the system. Playing for Keeps. Retrieved February 13, Banned for its royalist sentiments. Banned because the censors worried that teenagers would mimic the plot and make their own porn movies. The Daily Press. Zeke smiles in victory. The Daily Telegraph. Alien vs. The wedding dancing continues for a little while. Easy Living. Retrieved March 9, They are then shown with their descendants, the Trix, and cackle madly, leading to the events of Winx Club 3D: Magical Adventure. Ban lifted in As they debate whether to go in, the building explodes.
Johnny English tells Kate Sumner "I don't know how to here you. Banned due to fears most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki it could inspire revolution. Screen Daily. Senses of Cinema.
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Most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki - consider
Corporate Corporate liability Competition Mergers and acquisitions Monopoly Legality of bitcoin by country or territory.Wanda Maximoff and her brother Moovies Maximoff are shown to be held in custody, presaging their appearance in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Tuoi Tre Newspaper. McKinney feels around his pockets making a face and says "Okay". This article has multiple issues. The Deep House. In a post-credits scene, Pierre is shown bringing two new female divers to the secret location. Raging Fire. A dedication to director Benny Chan is shown, then during the credits behind-the-scenes footage of the Chan is shown as a tribute to the director, who died in after filming had completed. Jun 08, · Hello!!Τhis is a video of my top 10 romantic scenes in movies. I hope you like it! please suscribe for more videos!!
I don't own the rights of the movie clip Author: Luna P. 12 Alice in Wonderland. 13 Peter Pan. 14 Lady and the Tramp. 15 Sleeping Beauty. 16 Dalmatians. 17 The Sword in the Stone. 18 Mary Poppins. 19 Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree. 20 The Mosst Book.
Guardian Media Group. Harry Potter and dusney Chamber of Secrets. There is then the announcement that Jason more info Shadia are the godparents followed by everyone discussing how it's weird for a year-old to be a new dad and how Lenore is now Jason's grandmother.
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Banned under the Ba'athist regime for how check childs history page Saddam Hussein in a mocking light. Banned for being an "insult to the population". Monkey Business. Banned on its initial moviess for fear that its anarchic style visney comedy would inspire societal upheaval. The ban was only officially lifted in Banned due to sexual references.
Banned, as it was considered too permissive of adultery. The Big Sleep. Banned due to its theme of rape. Banned for three decades. The film was not approved for general release until Banned due to its most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki depictions of violence and rape. In the ban was lifted. I Spit on Your Grave. Banned due to its scenes of scenees violence and lengthy depictions of gang rape. Inthe movie was released uncut on DVD and Blu-ray and the ban was renewed by forbidding retailers to sell it. Monty Python's Life of Brian. Banned because of its blasphemous content. Monty Python's The Meaning of Life. Natural Born Killers. Banned for fear of copycat killings. Preaching to the Perverted.
Banned for obscenity. Oliver Twist. Banned on its initial release, because the character of Fagin was deemed to be antisemitic. The Girl in the Kremlin. Banned because it may have harmed Israel's diplomatic relations with Moscow. Banned for indulging in excessive cruelty. The Israeli film censorship board indicated the film depicted Chinese and Russian soldiers as "monsters". Hitler: The Last Ten Days. Banned because the censorship board unanimously felt that the portrayal of Hitler link "too human". Banned because of pornographic content. Banned on the grounds that it could offend Christians. Banned by the Israeli Film Ratings Board on the premise that it was libelous and might offend the public; the Supreme Court of Israel later overturned the decision.
Banned briefly inthough not for the film itself, but because of the Hebrew dub. A joke about Israeli singer David D'Or 's high voice was added, in which one character threaten to emasculate another by saying "Let's do a David D'or on him". This remark prompted the artist to take legal action. Banned under the fascist government of Benito Mussolini for poking fun at dictators and war. Banned under the fascist government of Benito Mussolini for its anti-war message. Banned on its initial release for poking fun at the police. Banned initially for its sexual attitudes, but after protest this ban was quickly lifted. Banned from to for being "obscene". Banned from until as it was considered damaging to the honor of the Italian Continue reading. Li chiamarono Banned from theatrical release and still not available on VHS and DVD, because of its critical viewpoint about the Italian unification.
Banned in Japan by the US occupying government for seven years, because of the "feudal values". Banned in Japan for its graphic sex scenes. Banned for explicit sexual content, profanity, drug use and nudity. Stories of Our Lives. Banned because this documentary about being gay in Kenya "showed obscenity, explicit scenes of sexual activities" and promoted homosexuality. Banned due to its sexual content. Banned for offending the Muslim Brotherhood. The TV series itself is also banned click to see more the country. Banned for being critical of the Iraq war and being an insult to Saudi Arabia's royal family. Banned for being a "false depiction" of a bombing in Saudi Arabia. Beauty and the Beast. Banned due to homosexual references that were found to be offensive. Banned due to the film's minor reference to a lesbian relationship.
Banned initially after some clerics found it to be link to Iran and Islam. The film is banned in Lebanon, with the most harsh critics saying the film depicts a vague and violent time in Lebanon's history. The film was privately screened in January in Beirut in front of 90 people. Unofficial copies are also available in the country. Justice League. The film is banned in Lebanon, due to its depiction of Israeli actress Gal Gadot. Banned for blasphemic themes. Banned link the "juxtaposition of the colors yellow and red", which is seen as support for rebel groups. Banned for negative portrayals of Burmese soldiers. Banned on its initial release because of a scene where Laurel and Hardy sit on a bed with a woman to whom they were not married. Censors felt this was "indecent".
Today the film is not banned. Banned since 25 March by the court of Alkmaarwhich classified several scenes as child pornography. Tarzoon: Shame of the Jungle. Banned due to content that would be contrary to public decency and undesirable to public interest. The film remains banned to this day. Banned check kicks ufc to its extremely violent content and actual on-screen killings of animals. Banned in because of a graphic violent death. Banned on the grounds that it "tends to promote and support the exploitation of children and young persons for sexual purposes, and to a lesser extent, the use of sexual coercion to compel persons to submit to sexual conduct", and for high-impact violence and cruelty.
Banned because the film "promotes and supports bestiality". Banned due to one scene that "fuses an act of extreme violence with sexual gratification". This scene's inclusion led to the film being classified as objectionable under s3 2 f of the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act on the grounds that it "tend[s] to promote and support acts of torture and the infliction of extreme violence and extreme cruelty", [] [] thus making it illegal for the film to be displayed publicly. Sony Pictures initially refused to remove the scene. However, on 29 Januaryafter the scene was excised, the film was rated R18 for "torture and sadistic violence". I Spit on Your Grave remake. Banned "because it tends to promote and support the use of violence to compel any person to submit to sexual conduct.
Banned on the grounds of the series' violent and sexual scenes. Due to the reaction from New Zealand film authorities, distributor Madman Entertainment chose not to release the remaining volumes there. Banned for its sexual violence involving young people. Banned due to its iphone best monitor app, violence and sexually explicit content. Banned from theatrical and home video release; the OFLC felt that "the tacit invitation to enjoy cruel and violent behavior through its first-person portrayal and packaging as entertainment is likely to lead to an erosion of empathy for some viewers".
Banned on the grounds of sexual exploitation of children. The OFLC stated in their report publications were banned if containing what the board felt was "to reinforce the notion that young persons are sexually desirable and available". Banned because of a scene in which a woman is orally raped to death. The distributor refused article source remove the scene from the film. Banned due to accusations of being xenophobic and racist towards Nigerians. Team America: World Police. Banned for ridiculing General Secretary Kim Jong-il. Banned because the year coincides with Kim Il Sung 's th birthday. The year had also been designated "the year for opening the grand gates to becoming a rising superpower. Several people in North Korea swelling normal after surgery images reportedly arrested for possessing or viewing imported copies of the movie and charged with "grave provocation against the development of the state.
The government of North Korea believes that the film, about the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-unrepresents "dangerous filmmaking, which justifies and encourages terrorism," according to a statement made by the North Korean embassy in Russia. Banned due to homosexual themes; a censored version was later released. Banned on its initial release until the s. Banned due to high impact scary violence. Ban lifted in and re-released uncut with an 18 Adults only most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki. Banned due to jokes deemed offensive to religious people. In Sweden the film was allowed for release and even screened with the tagline "The film so funny that it got banned in Norway". Banned due to a graphic scene of sexual assault on a minor. Ichi The Killer. Banned due to high impact violence and cruelty.
In JanuaryThe Most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki Media Authority classified the film as "Rejected" and banned the film outright in Norway after the government learned of an incident at the Stockholm Film Festival where two people both vomited and fainted while watching the film. The film remains strictly prohibited in Norway. Banned due to violation of criminal law sections a and which deal with the sexual representation of children and extreme violence. Still Banned. The Blood of Hussain. Banned by the Government of Pakistan. Banned under the military dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner for "encouraging Communism". Banned under the military dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner for "danger of being misunderstood". All Quiet on the Western Front. Banned because censors felt it was "pro-German". Ironically enough it was also banned in Nazi Germany for being "anti-German".
Banned due to anti-Polish sentiment and historical distortions of the Soviet invasion of Poland. Australia Marches with Britain. Banned under the Communist government for 18 years for depicting the Stalinist please click for source. Banned under the Communist government because of its political anti-war theme. Banned under the Communist government for most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki depiction of the Stalinist past. It was only released after the director, Wojciech Wiszniewskidied in Banned under the Communist government for four years because the plot is about a strike.
Banned under the Communist government for four years, because it depicted the protests. Banned by the Communist government. Banned under the Communist government for its political criticism and for depicting the labour union Solidarity. Banned by the Communist government, because of its brutally realistic portrayal of the occupying Soviet forces. Banned twice in most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki year by the Communist government. Kobieta Samotna A Lonely Woman. Banned by the Communist government for its political criticism. Banned under the Communist government for depicting a futuristic society which showed parallels with the political situation of Poland at that time. It remained banned until Banned under the Communist government for three years, because the story is set during the Stalinist era. Dreszcze Shivers. The film is a satirical story about a teenager imprisoned at an indoctrination camp.
Banned under the Communist government for six years for its political criticism. Banned by the Communist government because of one storyline where Communism in Poland is overthrown. Banned under the Communist government for its political criticism. Banned under the Communist government without even being released for its political criticism. Banned under the Communist government for seven years because of its criticism of Communism. Despite the film's controversial initial reception and subsequent banning, it garnered a cult fanbase through the circulation of illegally taped VHS copies, which director Ryszard Bugajski secretly helped to leak out to the general public. Banned under the Communist government for five years. Banned under the Marcelo Caetano click for a scene depicting a character sitting naked in a tree, [] though the fact that the film satirizes the military may also have been a factor.
Banned for its strong sexual content unbanned in Banned for depicting the prophets. Banned upon release. Later reclassified and prohibited only to minors. Later reclassified and prohibited only to unders. Nymphomaniac: Vol. Classified by the National Cinema Center's rating commission as a film article source to minors under 18 and banned from public screening" due to explicit content. Gone with the Wind.
Banned in the Soviet Union for unknown reason. Banned in the Soviet Union for its most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki of artistic freedom, religion, political ambiguity, autodidacticismand the making of art under a repressive regime. Because of this, it was not released domestically for years after it was completed, except for a single screening in Moscow. Banned by the Communist government for its negative view of a mother-son relationship. Banned by the Communist government because it romanticized the criminal world.
Inthe ban was lifted. Banned by the Soviet government. Banned for its semi-allegorical critique of Stalinism. Banned for being "offensive". Banned to avoid political provocations. Banned since 15 Aprilwhen the Russian film distributor Central Partnership announced that the film would be withdrawn from cinemas in Russia, although some media stated that screening of the film was blocked by the Russian Ministry of Culture. The Ministry of Culture and the Central Partnership issued a joint press release stating that the screening of the film before the 70th anniversary of the Victory Day was unacceptable. However, in his personal statement Medinsky complained that the film depicts Russians as "physically and morally base sub-humans", and compared the depiction of Soviet Union in the film with J. Tolkien's Mordorand wished that such films should be screened neither before the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, nor any other time.
Banned by the Ministry of Culture for being offensive and extremist. Banned for portraying Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in a comedic light. Banned outright after church leaders watching a pre-release showing filed a complaint with film censors. Banned due to violent content. Banned, originally without being given a reason. Banned in Banned for its depictions of gay sex. All Harry Potter movies. Banned for its occultism and satanism propaganda. Banned for depicting the Saudi Arabia country founder Ibn Saud. Banned for its presentation of the conflicts between Islamic and Christian religions and ethnic and traditional beliefs. Sembene insists on spelling 'ceddo' with two d's most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki the Senegalese Government insists it be spelled with one. The Johnson-Jeffries Fight. Banned because the footage depicted the black boxer Jack Johnson defeating the white boxer James J. Jeffrieswhich had already inspired race riots in the American South.
Banned under the apartheid regime from screening to black South Africans, most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki it depicts a Zulu uprising in the 19th century. Whites were allowed to see it in their own segregated cinemas. Banned under the apartheid regime for 13 years, then released with one cut and only made available to people over the age of Banned under the apartheid regime because it "might encourage the impressionable youth of South Africa to take up marijuana smoking". Banned under the apartheid regime until Banned under the apartheid regime because of blasphemous content. Banned under the apartheid regime on its initial release. Banned under the apartheid regime for criticism of apartheid. Banned under the apartheid regime for being a biopic about anti-apartheid activist Steve Biko. Banned for two years and only unbanned in on appeal with a no-under 16 age restriction. Banned in the entire country because it has a storyline where older men abuse most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki girls, with scenes deemed "child pornography" according to the censors.
Banned due to depictions of violence and gang rape. Has been lifted since. Banned for its strong sexual content. Banned for six years, was released in South Korea with 40 minutes cut. Banned under South Korean President Park Chung-hee 's regime, the importation of the film was on hold because of its anti-war theme. Banned for gory violence. The Romanitc at Lake Changjin. Banned for distorting South Korean history [ citation needed ]. Banned for distorting South Korean historical inaccuracies, much like its predecessor. Banned under the regime of Francisco Franco out of fear of inciting a Communist revolution. Banned under Franco's regime for its "anti-military" themes. Banned under the regime of Francisco Franco. After the Catholic Church expressed its indignation, the head of the Film Institute was fired and the film was banned for sixteen years. Banned initially, learn more here finally released under media pressure to reconsider its artistic merit.
The film is about a woman involved in sadistic and ultimately fatal sexual relationships with men. Banned from regular, non-adult cinemas because of the "X" rating. Banned due to extreme violence contains a lot of sexually violent content. Banned for dealing with issues of incest, murder, and rape. I Am Scehes Yellow. Most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki because of pornographybut after a court case it was allowed. Banned due to high gore violence and cruelty. Banned because of kn content. Hell of the Living Dead. Banned because of high impact scary violence. Re-released in an uncut version in Return of the Living Dead.
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Although its status remains unclear? Banned because of high impact scary violence and cruelty. Sony Pictures later released the film on DVD. Banned for preparing for first nursing job interview critical depiction of the French army during World War I. Banned for its critical look at the Swiss prison system, implying that for the Swiss incarceration as a form of punishment and means of deterrence is more important than integrating released prisoners back into society.
The Dictator. Banned because of subversiveness. Banned because this documentary about human most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki and sex slavery in Africa "showed too much sex and nudity" and thus was a "threat to Tanzanian culture. Banned due it being filmed on Hainanan island in China. The King and I Banned because could be construed as disrespectful towards the King of Thailand. Banned because of its negative portrayal of Thailand with narcotics smuggling — especially with the views of the Thai judicial system despite parts of the film shot on location by the second unit the majority of the film was filmed in the Philippines.
All the Boys Love Mandy Romanti. Banned due to violence. Halloween remake. Banned due to depictions of violence. Banned due to cruelty and violence. Zack and Miri Make a Porno. Banned by the Ministry of Culture due to sexual content characters showing how to make their own pornographic video; teens may try to mimic. Banned due to pro-Thaksin protests and violence in Thailand. Zack and Miri Make A Porno. Banned because the censors worried that teenagers would mimic the plot and make their own porn movies. Banned for its revelations of the social conditions in the country. Banned because it dealt with the banned communist poet Nazim Hikmet. Banned because of imagery displaying child sexualization and exploitation. President Idi Amin banned all foreign films in on the grounds that they contained "imperialist propaganda". Banned, like in most other African countries. Banned because it depicts Eastern Europe as a region where people are tortured for money.
Owning wikipdeia viewing the movie in private is still legal. Banned due to high level violence and blood and gore. The movie also depicts the suffering and the agony of people who were forced to eat human flesh in Kharkiv during the German attack there in Banned for the same reason as Hostel. Banned for its homosexual themes. Banned because of scenes of brutal gory violence and torture. In the context of the Saw franchise, this is the only part that is banned. Thereby it is illegal to sell or distribute it, sisney most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki is not given. Evil Dead film. Banned due to high level violence and blood, sexual content and gore.
Banned because the Ukraine Ministry of Culture states that the film demonstrates " the might of the army of the aggressor country of Russia ". Banned because of its "objectionable content"; it did not receive a clearance certificate from the UAE Censors Board and was pulled from all UAE cinemas. This is the first Bollywood film to be banned in the UAE. Banned for its strong sexual content during the first presidency of Rafael Caldera. Banned for exposing state mlst, as well as accused of being an apology for crime, and the director imprisoned; [] courts overturned both decisions. Pulled from cinemas and banned after a family injunction over the representation in the biopic; reportedly the first time a Venezuelan film has been banned in its country in 25 years. Not screened, reportedly for presenting Chavist ideology in a negative light. Chavismo: The Plague of the 21st Century. Documentary; Banned from being shown in public and at universities for supposedly inciting hate; director Gustavo Tovar-Arroyo lives in exile from the country.
Banned for being too "westernised" in its portrayal of urban poverty in the country. At the dinner meeting Edward introduces Vivian to James Morse and his grandson David Morse the senes is being groomed to take over the company after his grandfather dies. The business meeting doesn't go well and James and David abandon their dinner as they are not impressed by Edward wanting to buy their company and sell it off piece by piece. Edward is impressed by Vivian's transformation and opens up to her, revealing details about his personal and business life, including his turbulent relationship with his late father who he was estranged from at the time of his death. When Edward's attorney, Phillip, suspects Vivian is a corporate spy after seeing her talking to David Morse at a polo game, Edward disbey how they met.
Phillip later crudely propositions Vivian for her services after Edward is finished with her. Vivian is hurt and furious at Edward for exposing her. Edward apologizes revealing he was jealous about Vivian talking to David and realizes Vivian's straightforward personality is rubbing off on him. The story of a prostitute who falls in love with a rich man moves Vivian. She later breaks her "no kissing" rule while having sex with Edward. After mistakenly believing Edward is asleep, Vivian admits she loves him. His return to New York imminent, Mobies offers to help Vivian get off the streets and suggests putting her up in a nice condo and giving her an allowance, promising to visit her regularly.
Vivian is offended by the offer, as Edward is still treating her like a prostitute, and scenfs a childhood fantasy of being rescued from her abusive home by a knight on a white steed. Edward meets with Morse but, changed by his experience with Vivian, chooses to work with him to save his company instead of dismantling it. Phillip, furious that Edward's new direction has cost him a fortune, goes to the hotel to confront him but finds only Vivian. Blaming her for Edward's changing character, he attempts to rape her. Edward arrives and punches Phillip, then fires him.
With his business in L. She refuses and leaves. Edward re-thinks his life, and while being driven to the airport, has the chauffeur detour to Vivian's apartment building. He climbs out through the white limousine's sunroof and ascends the fire escape to kiss Vivian. The film was initially conceived as a dark drama about prostitution in Los Angeles in the s. Edward eventually throws her out of his car and drives off. The original script by J. Lawton, called[5] ended with Vivian and her prostitute friend on the bus to Disneyland. The deleted scenes have been found, and some were included on the DVD released for the film's 15th anniversary.
In another, she is confronted by a drug dealer, Carlos, then rescued by Edward when the limo driver Darryl gets his gun out. Though inspired by such films as Wall Street and The Last Detail[5] the film bears a resemblance to Pygmalion myths : particularly George Bernard Shaw 's play of the same namewhich also formed the basis for the Broadway musical My Fair Lady. It was Walt Disney Studios then-president Jeffrey Katzenberg who insisted the film be re-written as a modern-day fairy tale and love story, as opposed to the original dark drama. It was most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki to Touchstone How to make coconut oil ingredients and re-written as a romantic comedy.
Casting of the film was a rather lengthy process. In this movie, one of you moves and one of you does not. Guess which one you are? Many other actresses were wikj. Marshall originally envisioned Most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki Allen for the role; when she declined, auditions went to many better-known actresses of the time including Molly Ringwald[14] who turned source down because she felt uncomfortable playing a prostitute. Jennifer Connelly was also dismissed for the same reason. Meg Ryanwho was a top choice of Marshall's, turned it down as well. According to a note written by Marshall, Mary Steenburgen was also among the first choices. Diane Lane came very close to being cast the script was much darker at the time ; they had gone as far as costume fittings, but most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki to scheduling conflicts she could not accept.
Michelle Pfeiffer turned the role down, saying she did not like the script's romwntic. Her performance made her a star. Lawton, writer of the original screenplay, has suggested that the film was ultimately given a happy dlsney because of the disneu of Gere and Roberts. Veteran actor Ralph Bellamywho plays James Morse, appears in his final acting performance before his death in Jason Alexanderwho just click for source also recently been cast for his role as the bumbling George Costanza in Seinfeldwas cast as Philip Stuckey. The escargot restaurant the "Voltaire" was shot at the restaurant "Rex," now called "Cicada". Filming commenced on July 24,but was immediately plagued by problems.
These included Ferrari and Porsche declining the product placement opportunity for the car Edward drove, neither firm wishing to be associated with prostitutes. Shooting was a generally pleasant, easy-going experience, as the budget was broad and the shooting schedule was not tight. The red dress Vivian wears to the opera has been listed among the most unforgettable dresses of all time. During the scene in which Roberts sang to a Prince song in the bathtub, slid down and submerged her click under the bubbles; she emerged to find the crew had left except for the cameraman, who captured the moment on film.
In the love scene, she was so stressed that a vein scens noticeable on her forehead and had to be massaged by Marshall and Gere. She also developed a case of hivesand calamine lotion was used to soothe her skin until filming resumed. The website's critical consensus states, " Pretty Woman may romanti a yuppie fantasy, but the film's slick comedy, soundtrack, and casting can overcome misgivings. Owen Gleiberman of Entertainment Weekly gave the film a D, saying it "starts out as a neo-Pygmalion comedy" and with "its tough-hooker heroine, it can work as a feminist version of an upscale princess fantasy. Its logic depended on a disconnect between character and narrative, between image and meaning, between money and value, and that visit web page it not cluelessly traditional but thoroughly postmodern.
The soundtrack went on to be certified triple platinum by the RIAA. The opera featured in the film is La Traviatamost romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki also served as inspiration for its plot. The highly dramatic aria fragment that is repeated is the end of " Dammi tu forza! Roberts sings the song " Kiss " by Prince while she is in the tub and Gere's character is on the phone. Background music is composed by Most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki Newton Howard. The piano piece Gere's character plays in the hotel lobby was actually composed and performed by him. The soundtrack was released on March 13,by EMI. A stage musical adaptation of the film opened on Broadway on July 20,in previews, officially on August 16 at the Nederlander Theatre. Lawton wrote the book; and Mobies Mitchell is the director and choreographer. Eric Anderson portrayed the role of Mr.
Thompson and Kingsley Leggs played the role of James Morse. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Pretty Woman disambiguation. Richard Gere Julia Roberts. Release date. March 23, United States. Running time. Main article: Pretty Woman: The Musical. Turner Classic Movies. The Fast and the Furious. The Princess Diaries. Smash Mouth performs " All Star " while the cast dance on stage, stage dive, and crowd surf. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. God from Kevin Smith's previous film, Dogma, closes a book labeled "Askweniverse" which is the fictional universe that many of Kevin Smith's movies take place in. Behind the scenes shots of various crew members are shown. Walt ln on skis. Having covered up their attempts to hide Boo earlier in the movie by pretending they were rehearsing for a musical, Mike and Sully stage an actual musical loosely based on the events of the film. Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius. Winifred Fowl is seen in ant size riding on an apple worm named Mr.
Wiggles on her way to the cafeteria in the elementary school hall. Return to Neverland. Footage from Farva's patrol car is shown from the "school bus incident" that put him on radio duty. A take of Farva throwing up in the toilet is shown as a blooper. My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Scooby-Doo roomantic Shaggy eat peppers and burn their mouths. Photographs of characters are moviies while " Burning Love " plays. Austin Powers in Goldmember. Carmen performs as a pop star as part of an undercover assignment. The inside of kid's treehouse is shown. A truck driver drinks homemade lemonade from stand out front of the general store as health alerts about the virus are being posted and handed out. He then climbs into a Down Home Spring Water truck drives away.
Santa vs. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Gilderoy Lockhart 's new book Who Am I? The Wild Thornberrys Movie. Bullseyehaving been moved to a prison hospital and severely bandaged after his confrontation more info Matt, is shown to still have his perfect aim after he disey a fly with a syringe needle and says "Bullseye. A trailer for the sequel, The Matrix Revolutionsis shown. Battle Royale II: Requiem. A voice-over reads a letter written by a year-old boy from Afghanistan wondering what peace is like. Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle. The two main characters lie in a pool and discuss their dismey lives and relationships after defeating the bad guys. Spy Kids 3-D - Game Over. Freaky Friday. Lindsay Lohan 's band in the film performs a song at her mother's wedding. The scene shows Thunderbolt in his TV show, with Patch and the other Dalmatians and then, they chased the bandit into the sunset.
A small green worried fish named Blenny is drawn in by the light of a terrifying anglerfishonly for the smaller fish to eat the anglerfish in one bite. Jumba and Pleakley were about to go back on Grand Councilwoman's ship but as she heard what they said she takes off back to space. Now Pleakley has to get the wig. Looney Tunes: Back In Action. Daffy Duck gets chased by Nasty Canasta and Cottontail Smith at the Casino and pulls the Slot machine lever, before running off and Nasty and Cottontail hoping for money to come dianey of the machine lands on a bomb and it explodes, knocking them both unconscious. The Haunted Mansion. Dawn of the Dead. Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed. Scooby-Doo is in the mansion playing his game on his Game Boy Advance. Then, he tells the audiences that there is wikipedua secret code for the game.
Kill Bill: Vol. After Donkey and Puss in Boots end their concert, Dragon appears flying in the sky, lands near Donkey and reveals that she has given birth to Dronkeys. As he is shown enjoying the news, scene cuts in black with Donkey quoting: check this out gotta get a job! White Goodman complains about how the American public cannot deal with movies that lack happy endings before performing a to Kelis ' " Milkshake ". Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. Ron and his team laugh awkwardly about their success before they all fall silent and abruptly walk away. Born to Fight.
Alien vs. A dead Predator is laying in a slab. Its chest explodes and the half Alien half Predator baby crawls out. This tees up to the next movie, Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem. Steven is shown with a new deaf girlfriend who cannot hear all dogs barking, solving the barking dog problem. Lola tries to find Oscar to make amends. All she finds is a hermit crab named Crazy Joe. You see this guy? He hardly worked on the movie at all! Always on the phone, yakking yakking yakking! Sanchez leaning out her window and telling everyone to go home because it's past their bedtime. Kronk's New Groove. Photo's shown that Kronk and Birdwell have been married, then continue to show what they and the others from the film see more been up to.
The Producers. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. House of the Dead 2. The Cutting Room. The Honeymooners. The whole cast sings " I Like to Move It ". A green version of Gloria with a green un appears during the credits, stars appear breaking the screen. The title "We wikjpedia like to stress that no animals were harmed during the making of this motion picture" is shown during the credits. A bunny bounces and falls across the screen and then starts to scream. Dan reflects in narration on his own status as a Baxter, having just lost the girl to the leading man.
Kids in America. Chicken Little. Chicken Little says "Think we can get some popcorn when they leave? Pride and Prejudice. Keira Knightley's Elizabeth Bennet kissing her Mr. Darcy in a moonlit haze as he repeatedly sighs her name. Lucy tries to go back to Narnia through the Wardrobe and the professor tells her she wikk see Narnia again. Zeke Baylor paces alone in the gym, when Sharpay runs in, declaring that the cookies he had given her that she had initially rejected are "genius. Zeke smiles in victory. Unfortunately, his efforts at obtaining the product were stifled by the now products blocking the access door. Zebedee tells the audience that they're still here and tells the audience that it's time for bed.
X-Men: The Last Stand. Professor X is shown to be alive romwntic his apparent death by the hands of the Phoenix. More bloopers in the style of Toy Story, Monsters Inc. Van and Minny who were trying to find the Interstate from the earlier movie scene in Radiator Springs, are shown lost in the middle of the desert. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. Near the end of the credits we see various messages like "How's my driving? And at the end of the movvies we see "Jay and Silent Bob might return one day". John Tucker Must Die.
A collection of outtakes and bloopers runs during the credits. In a post-credits scene, Wallas and Texas Ranger are seen reading Faukner with their grandmother. Flags of Our Fathers. The actors are shown together with the veterans that once were the real soldiers they portrayed. Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny. Kyle and JB sit around a tape recorder, movied JB telling Kyle not to make a sound unless it's a masterpiece. Kyle asks how he will know it's a masterpiece, to which JB replies that he will feel it. A few seconds later, Kyle farts. JB asks to wind the tape back. Roddy's original owner Tabitha brings a new pet cat to surprise him, much to Sid's horror, who was enjoying the luxuries in Roddy's place.
The slugs dance on a title saying "No slugs were a-salted during the making of this film. Happily N'ever After. The end of the movie an homage disey VH1 's Pop-Up Video most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki that the song becomes a hit for Cora and Alex, the film version of Sloan's novel flops with critics and moviegoers destroying his careerPoP! A collection of bloopers and outtakes runs during kost credits. In a final scene, Unni reminisces about a list of ex-boyfriends so mpvies that Jompi eventually hails a taxi and leaves. American Gangster. Bean's Holiday. While on a beach in Cannes, Mr.
Bean writes FIN on the sand with his most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki. But romantiv the camcorder's most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki drains, the film ends abruptly. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. Elizabeth and her son Henry watch from a sea cliff as Will returns aboard the Flying Dutchman. During the beginning of the credits, we see family videos after the birth of the baby. The evil most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki and Drizella are back to human from frogs, holding brooms After the credits, Glen Maverick says "Remember when were talking about you leaving?
That was great. Remember when you were gonna go? Remember movifs The Cameraman says "We're gonna go. I'm sorry.
After that, Edna said, "Glen, Cody would never do this. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. A shot of the Silver Surfer shows his seemingly lifeless body floating through space, until his eyes open wiiipedia his board races back towards him. Starscreamone of the only surviving Decepticonsleaves the Earth and retreats into outer space. Robot Chicken: Star Wars. The epilogue shows how Billy went back to the future to find that it hasn't changed as Fred Fredburger has obtained Horror's Hand from Grim's magic trunk and took over the world as the new Lord of Horror. Burns and Smithers are in the empty mansion talking; during which Mr. Burns tells Fisney that if he committed suicide that he might feel better. Tom Hanks says that if we see him in person to please let him be. The Simpsons are sitting in the theater conversing. Most notably Maggie says "Sequel". Near the very end of the credits, we see the squeaky-voiced teen cleaning up the theater.
The beginning of the credits are a sunset credit at the mall after Seth and Evan went their separate ways. Later in the credits is a scene showing a bunch of Seth's 3rd grade "dick drawings". We hear Seth whisper to Evan "I love you". At the very end of the credits, a stylized 2D version of Remy eats cheese then go here to walk away but steps wrong and hurts his foot, then continues to limp away.
A short black-and-white clip of "the actual Dewey Cox" still portrayed by John C. Reilly in San Francisco, California, dated April 16, It is revealed the Ancestral Witches were not destroyed when Bloom defeated Mandragora and saved Domino; instead she freed their most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki and are searching for new hosts to possess. They are then shown with their descendants, the Trix, and cackle madly, leading to the events of Winx Club 3D: Magical Adventure. The song "Rock Monster" is sung as a music video with the entire characters from the movie dancing. And after the song is finished, Bob the Tomato makes his first appearance from the movie.
A strange static-filled roamntic saying " he is still alive" is heard. Neil Patrick Harrismost romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki was shot and killed earlier in the disbey, picks himself off the ground unharmed. Po and Master Shifu are sharing food as a pan out reveals that the seeds Shifu planted earlier have begun to sprout. Mulder and Scully head across the sea towards a tropical island in a row boat, waving to the camera above. The Incredible Hulk. Romantif Stark enters a bar where United States Army General Thunderbolt Ross is drinking and suggests using technology rather than biology for weaponry. At his home, Zartog has gone into a statue-freeze man and his dog walks pass by and looks at him, and Zartog watches his dog weeing and Zartog going to kiss a how do proper lip get angry because the dog peed himself.
It is unknown that Zartog did survived the shuttle and his death. We see a hamster that is running on a wheel that is powering the credit roll. He gets tired and stops; then another hamster comes up to take his place. Paul Blart: Mall Cop. A caption most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki "For those in the know: Jerk Wad. During the end credits, a scene plays in which Nick and Diora begin making out on the grounds but Nick is found by the coach, who makes him perform a naked drill while being held. This is followed by a collection of bloopers and outtakes from the film. In wkiipedia final post-credit scene, the eagle mascot takes off his costume head to breath but most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki the eagle mascot to keep its head on while they make out. The camera pans over to Bianca kissing Angela under the pretense that she is demonstrating how to kiss a guy.
Race to Witch Mountain. There are multiple short segments shown during the first half of the credits. X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Stryker is detained for questioning by MPs in connection with the death of General Munson, whom Stryker murdered to protect his experiment and Deadpool scsnes shown to have survived his decapitation. In a deleted post-credit scene, Logan is seen in Japan drinking heavily. Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonians. The sailor from the Life Magazine photo reverse engineers Larry's cell-phone.
Jonny and Plank, enraged after everyone turned against them, vow revenge and replace their superhero personas with the villainous alter-egos "The Gourd" and "Timber the Dark Shard". However, Plank tells Jonny that there is no time left in the movie, with Jonny being oblivious to his presence within the film. Vacation with Derek. The Collector. Mkvies of the Lost. Rick Marshall left the studio and forgot the dinosaur egg. It hatches wikipedua a baby Sleestak is born. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel. The film enjoying themselves on the island. The guys are peeing in the bushes and Wikpiedia is talking about how the federal reserve is a pimp game. Amanda tells the kidnapped mosst from Saw III not to trust the one who saves her. The soldiers that had brain surgery take the doctors away to perform surgery on them. Then Chuck's ship takes off.
Tallahassee struggles to find adequate final words for Bill Murray. One Piece Film: Strong World. It has grown most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki on the islands of Merville as the animal have lost their aggression. Billy flies over greeting the residents and finally at Xiao who waves at the screen. After realizing that the world now has superheroes, Frank's son, Chris D'Amico, mst to become an evil villain and says the Joker's line, "Wait till they get a load of me! Sally kicks her abusive husband, Gabe Ugliano, out of her apartment. As Gabe walks into the kitchen to grab a beer, he finds the refrigerator locked, with a note from Percy not to open it under any circumstance.
Gabe breaks the door open to find Medusa's head, turning him to stone. Murdock and Face of The A-Team 's sikipedia television cast are seen. Alice in Wonderland. During the credits, a Ponzi Scheme is explained. A post-credits scene shows Hoitz telling Gamble a joke while Gamble intermittently asks for clarification. Gamble ultimately finds the joke unfunny, then orders food in Chinese, causing Wahlberg to break character. The lives of the toys after the events of the movie. Andy's toys are now being played with by Bonnie and having a great time.
In a cut-down scene from ThorS. The Sorcerer's Apprentice. During the end credits Arrietty and her family are shown floating down a rivulet in a teapot with Spiller in search of a new home. Resident Evil: Afterlife. In an aircraft above ArcadiaJill Valentine is dictating the attack while wearing a mind control device. The Last Airbender. Three of the Minions try to get through the gap over the white. In their last attempt, one of the Minions ended up flying, destroying the movie screen. Then, the Minion is making hand puppets, imitating Gru, which steals his spotlight. Nanny McPhee Returns. Misty Island Rescue. Diesel 10 watches the engines at the Sodor Search and Rescue Center's grand opening from above a cliff, promising they'll be laughing on the other side of their boilers soon with an evil laugh, foreshadowing Day of the Diesels.
During the credits, photos are shown of Patrick and Grace becoming parents as well as of the Smurfs' village with influences from their adventure in New York City. A smurf appears on top on the Columbia Pictures logo, waving goodbye to the audience. Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure.
Before Header
Sharpay's twin brother, Ryan, on a break from his musical tour around the country, pays her a visit after she becomes a star on Broadway to congratulate kissasian man. When Boi romantiic from Sharpay's apartment, she chases after him, read article Ryan relaxes on his sister's bed until it folds back into the closet, taking him with it. The Hangover Part II. Photos from that night show: Stu getting his tattoo; the guys at the strip club; Stu with Kimmy; Kimmy "doing it" with Stu; Teddy losing his finger playing a knife game; Alan playing with the monkey; Chow and the guys doing drugs; Chow and Phil playing with a gun. Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Will's neighbor, who is a pilot, is in the airport with a nosebleed. We then see a computer simulation of all the flight connections after the pilot had boarded the plane and as the plane touches down in Europe, countless yellow lines spread out to other destinations which implies that the virus the pilot has is spreading.
The continuing story scenes feature Ki showing her art to some female Martians with jetpacks presumably so that they know how to create moreKi's hippie television shows being broadcast to the Martians, various Martians dancing, the trash disneey dumping Nanny-bots into lava, male Martians changing the diapers of hatchlings, the Supervisor also changing a hatchling's diaper but getting a face full of urine, and finally, Gribble, Ki, and Two-Cat rigging a NASA rover to broadcast a live feed of Ki's art back to Earth, which Milo sees on his computer. There is some funny footage sikipedia into the end credits, related to the big song performed at the wedding by Wilson Phillips. This is followed by an extra scene featuring Megan and the air marshal.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules. Greg and Rowley are seen posting the video of Greg's mom dancing at the talent show on YouTube, and the video goes viral. However, Rodrick finds out. Hobbs is given a file by Monica Fuentes concerning the hijack of a military convoy learn more here Berlinwhere he discovers a recent photo of Dom's former girlfriend Letty, who had been secnes dead. Friends with Benefits. During the first part of the credits, a pair of hands plays with the layout of the credits as they appear on screen and even control certain aspects like controlling the audio volume and other various settings of the credits.
The movie they are watching is moves terrible-looking romantic comedy from earlier in most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki film with Jason Segel and Rashida Jones as a couple supposedly sightseeing in New York. There's a brief roantic of Jones accidentally calling Segel's character Jason and then squawking, "Oh God, I called him Jason" as Segel explodes in exaggerated laughter as well read more a few more cheesy outtakes. The first round of credits runs during a reprise of "Real in Rio", sung by most of the main characters as they fly through the jungle. Right after that comes a scene of a plucked Nigel getting humiliated by Mauro the marmoset, who takes a picture of his featherless form.
Transformers: Dark of the Moon. The final version of the movie the kids have been filming, called The Caseis presented in its entirety during the credits. Right before the scrolling end credits, we see an image of the cover of Clive and Graeme's Graphic Novel "Paul", which has an illustration of Paul—except he has most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki breasts, which is clearly a reference to the woman with three breasts on the cover of their other book seen throughout the movie. Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked. Johnny English Reborn. Johnny English tells Kate Sumner "I don't know how to thank you. After loading the CD, he spends the rest of the scene preparing a meal with ingredients he finds in the fridge and kitchen.
Most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki one point, Kate peeks in from around the corner. Puss in Boots. Erik Selvig is taken to a S. An invisible Loki prompts Selvig to agree, and he does. Glee: The 3D Concert Movie. There is an encore performance of " Somebody to Love " after the initial cast credits and a viral video of the mini-warbler performing " Raise Your Glass " shown during the credits. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. A voodoo doll of Movles Sparrow crafted by Blackbeard washes ashore and is found by Angelica. There is a shadow silhouette of an elf who throws snowballs at the screen, blacking it out to conclude the film. A letter being delivered to Aro and the Volturi. Aro reads the message, which basically states that Carlisle has added mkst vampire Bella to his coven. The two other Volturi banter about how Carlisle is growing his coven and that the Volturis' dispute with the Cullens is over.
However, Aro replies that their business with the Cullens goes beyond a human Aro then signals two guards to take away the messenger girl, who then screams in protest. Sinestro takes the yellow ring and places it on his finger causing his green suit and eyes to turn yellow. Jack and Jill. More clips of twins being interviewed are shown just like in the beginning of the film. The interviews last the entire most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki of the end credits with the twins describing funny moives and making fun of their siblings. A lone twin from one of the documentary interviews that was shown, although he doesn't say anything, but does a stupid human trick where he pretends to pump up his stomach and then pop it. There is a montage of various scenes with the main characters, guest stars, and the Muppets singing " Mah Na Mah Na " during the credits.
Tex Richman gives the Muppets Theatre back to the Muppets after suffering how to view your childrens text messages online head injury from Gonzo's bowling ball. Kermit and Miss Piggy finally getting back together. Winnie the Pooh. The Backson is revealed to really exist but is shown to be gentle and good and he follows the trail and then, he falls into a pit. Sven the puffin appears in a Looney Tunes-style "That's all, folks! Captain America: The First Avenger. The scene is immediately followed by a short preview for The Avengers. In a mid-credits scene, Thule's helicopter pilot Matias returns and views the ruined station and the husk of the Edvard-Adam-creature with horror.
Colin has committed suicide, using a straight razor. Lars shoots at Matias, ordering him to open his wioipedia. Lars's dog, thought dead, emerges and runs away. Lars orders Matias to start the helicopter and give chase, leading to the events of the film. The Avengers. The Other the commander of the Chitauri Invasion reports to his master, Thanos. Exhausted, the team silently eats shawarma in a derelict restaurant in the aftermath of the film's climactic battle. The alpha wolf lies on the ground taking two breaths, the second being a long, deep, and final exhale Ottway lies against the wolf, viewed from the back. There are outtakes of Seth Rogen and Barb Streisand's banter in the car during their cross-country drive. When a guard is sleeping on duty at the front gate to the castle, secnes he's awakened by the raven, who says, "Delivery! Sign here! The next shot shows that the raven is pulling a tiny cart overflowing with all of the wooden trinkets that the princess bought earlier in the movie.
The raven caws, "Come on, birdbrain! Haven't got all day. The three slaves staring out from the cage mosy was in transit to the mining company. One asks, "Who was that n—-? Snow White leads the dwarfs and wedding guests in a Bollywood-style song and dance number during the credits. Paranormal Activity 4. The extra scene is made up of handheld footage by a Spanish-speaking man. I'm leaving. The Amazing Spider-Man. Connorsin a prison cell at Ravencroftspeaks with a man in the shadows who asks if Peter knows the truth about his father. Connors replies "no", and demands Peter to be left alone before the man disappears.
The Pirates! Band of Misfits. Pirate Captain tells Charles to grow a beard most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki sends him off exploring. Victoria crashes into a jungle where the animals she previously was going to eat are now preparing to eat her instead. Sceenes wanted poster shows that Pirate Captain is now worthdoubloons. The crew makes Pirate Captain eisney own trophy. The Pirate King takes the trophy back from Black Bellamy. After pining for female companionship throughout the movie, Charles finally discovers girls on the Galapagos Islands.
The pirates set a wkki for adventure and then are devoured by the sea monster that supposedly didn't exist in real life, only as a decorative illustration on a map. There is cell phone footage of the aftermath of Joseph Gordon-Levitt's accident and injury on set. First, Joe's bike is shown on the ground behind a cab, which has its rear windshield shattered from where he crashed and ended up. Gordon-Levitt then appears, showing blood dripping down his forearm from his wrist and hand. He says, "This is cool. I mean, kids, don't try this at home or nothing, but, like…" The recorder cuts him off and says, "Seriously, let's get you to the hospital. Annie's interviewer tries to air out his hotboxed office as Annie knocks on his door outside. He manages put away his bong before Annie enters anyway.
They hit it off, and she finds out that he's actually Debbie's brother. He offers her the job, and she hugs him. Blue Mountain Mystery. Thomas visits Victor and Luke at the Steamworks, where he finds Rheneas wikupedia yellow like Victor when he came to Sodor, and he more info surprised by this. Hitchcock is standing in front of the movie screen, lit click here behind like his trademark silhouette shot.
Then he slowly walks off the screen. The first modt minutes of the credits feature many of the film's characters playing in different games and scenes from the movie. The animated Disney castle logo that is traditionally shown after the credits of Disney movies is interrupted by a very brief kill screen that's reportedly an homage to the famous Pac-Man Bomb Screen that ends the original Pac-Man arcade game once the th level is reached. The kill screen in Wreck-It Ralph includes a few characters from the film as half of the screen becomes 8-bit pixelated. Finally, the film ends in the style of an arcade power-off animation. Most romantic scenes in disney movies wikipedia wiki is an extra half-minute scene after the credits of ParaNorman.
It's a time-lapse sequence click at this page quickly goes through the steps of how Norman was designed and constructed for stop-motion animation. After he's been assembled and painted on romantkc worktable, Norman gets up and walks away. Hope Springs. Kay and Arnold renew their wedding vows in a beach ceremony wijipedia by their kids, just like they dreamed. Rise of the Guardians. The characters depict the elves, yetis, and baby fairies returning the kids, all asleep from exhaustion, to their homes.
Scenes include trying to carry one through a second-story bedroom window, brushing one's teeth, and dropping them into bed. The final scene shows a yeti signing the bigfoot page in Jamie's book with a heart and his name, Phil. Ice Age: Continental Drift. The film's characters, shown occasionally with their respective voice actors, sing the movie's theme song, "We Are" by Keke Palmer. Parental Guidance. We see family pics of the principal cast and crew members.