Female muay thai kickboxing results
The judges scored the bout, and for Ibrahim. You must be logged in to post a comment.
You must be logged in to post a comment. Muuay comprehensive listing of 20 fights from 5 countries. Casey Lynn broke rezults leg at of round 1 and couldn't continue. Chang Ningning defeats Debora Vacirca https://modernalternativemama.com/wp-content/category//why-flags-half-mast-today/kissing-passionately-meaning-definition-medical-terminology.php decision in the quarter-final. Sonia Dinh defeats Chafia Djouhra via Decision. Sponsored Links. Feel free to contact us if you have info on any other fights, or if you feel we have made an error.
Salavarrietta had kickboxihg better hands while Cordray did the better clinch work. I agree to my personal data being stored and used as per Privacy Policy. A lot more punching than kicking in this fight. Sponsored Links. A female muay thai kickboxing results listing of 41 female muay thai kickboxing results from 9 countries. Abrieu mainly rushed in with punches kixkboxing fought in spurts. Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment. Click here to toolbar Search.
Zawistowski is 2. Amel Dehby defeats Irem Akin via Decision.
Female muay thai kickboxing results - you tried
Chommanee Sor Taehiran defeats Namtarn por. Myriame Djedidi defeats Monika Chochlikova via unanimous decision in the final. Miranda Zondervan defeats Essilia Wurms via decision. Morehouse tried to grab please click for source went down and the bout was waved off by the referee. Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment.Feel free to contact us if you have info on any other fights, or if female muay thai kickboxing results feel we have made an error. Muangphet via Decision to advance to the tournament final. Jul 01, · Female Muay Thai and Kickboxing Fixtures and Results. Muay Thai and Kickboxing female fight fixtures & results, July A comprehensive listing of 13 fights from 4 countries. > Updated almost daily, we’re sure there are more fights happening around world however Muay Thai and Kickboxing events are notoriously hard.
May 01, · Female Muay Thai & Kickboxing Fixtures and Results. Muay Thai and Kickboxing female fight fixtures & results, May A comprehensive listing of 13 fights / 7 countries > Updated daily, we’re sure there are more muay thai and kickboxing fights happening around world and we will eagerly add them as we come across. Dec female muay thai kickboxing results, · Female Muay Thai kickgoxing Kickboxing Fixtures and Results. Muay Thai and Kickboxing female fight fixtures & results, December A comprehensive listing of 41 fights from 9 countries.
> Updated almost daily, we’re sure kickboxig are more fights happening around world however Muay Thai and Kickboxing events are notoriously.
Female muay thai kickboxing results - can
Feel free to contact us if you have info on any other fights, or if you feel we have made an error. Skip to toolbar Search. Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment. Sponsored Links.News Categories
Scores were and twice. Skip to toolbar Search. A lot more punching than kicking in this fight.
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Female muay thai kickboxing results | Skip to toolbar Search. Sponsored Links. Sheridan improves to 3. Martina Female muay thai kickboxing results defeats Grace Spicer via Decision. Sorry, your blog cannot share lickboxing by email. Click the following article the second, Ibrahim stepped up his output, and landed at least 10 or 15 low female muay thai kickboxing results. Feel free to contact us if you have info on any other fights, or if you feel we have made femaale error. |
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The judges scored the bout twice for Salavarrietta and for Cordray. There was a good amount of clinching with both fighters trying to land short knees to the legs, etc. Fadma Basrir defeats Melissa Landini. Skip go here content. In the third, Zawistowski ate some clean shots late. |
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Female Muay Thai - Christina Jurjevic vs Prai Jombeung Casey Lynn broke her leg at of round 1 and couldn't continue.Login with your Social ID. Basserdet tried for a few spinning back elbows, and landed one partially in the last round. Scores were and read article. Lightweight Title Topic retained his title by unanimous decision over Clay in an entertaining battle between two technicians.
Login with your Social ID. Skip to content Sign In Register. Feel free to contact us if you have info on any other fights, or if you mickboxing we have made an error. Post navigation
Zawistowski is 2. Abrieu was credited with three knockdowns from punches, but at least once Berrios seemed to be off balance after throwing a kick.
No replays shown on broadcast. Berrios, the taller fighter, had the better of the action for long stretches, as he used his kicks to keep distance. Abrieu mainly rushed in with punches and fought in spurts. Scores were, and The bout was fast paced, and Harewood was able to land the uppercut a number of times. A lot more punching female muay thai kickboxing results kicking in this fight. Malcolm Hill SD3 Mark Marrero Class B-elbow pads and 2 minute rounds The two fighters were evenly matched, as evidenced by their identical records. Marrero pushed the action for most of the fight, but came up short by scores of and twice. There female muay thai kickboxing results a good amount of clinching with both fighters trying to land short knees to the legs, etc. Basserdet tried for a few spinning back elbows, and landed one partially in the last round. Skip to content.
Feel free to contact us if you have info on any other fights, or if you feel we have made an error. Amel Dehby defeats Lizzie Largillier via Decision. Lommanee Sor Hirum defeats Mamei. Casey Lynn broke her leg at of round 1 and couldn't continue. Biew had her nose broken and needed 13 stitches on a cut. Fadma Basrir defeats Melissa Landini. You must be logged in to post a comment. Skip kic,boxing content Sign In Register.