In a manner full of lust or sensuality. In an angry or furious manner. In a way that involves physical strength, effort, or energy. With precipitation. In an affectionate manner. To a deep and intense extent, especially on an emotional level. In a frenetic and energetic manner. Definition of passionately.: in a passionate manner: a: with great feeling and emotional intensity Walt never ceased to be passionately loyal to his home town . — Jonathan . Synonyms & Antonyms for passionate. Synonyms. concupiscent, goatish, horny, hot, hypersexual, itchy, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinous, licentious, lubricious (or lubricous), lustful, oversexed, randy, salacious, satyric, wanton; Antonyms. frigid, undersexed; Visit the Thesaurus for More.
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