What can make your lip swell up overnight
by Mike_B
Jun 19, · Some of the popular treatments or ways to reduce swelling include: Cold compress (and warm at times) Tea tree oil + aloe vera. Honey. Antihistamines. Turmeric powder. Aloe vera gel. Baking soda. Witch hazel and salt. Coconut oil. Use of ointments as well as oral antibiotics. Sep 10, · This means that a person can wake up with swollen lips if they ate a particular type of food or took a medication they are allergic to many days before. Oral allergy syndrome. If you apply a certain type of lip care product or sleep on a bed with animal dander, your lips will swell overnight and you will have swollen lips in the morning. Similarly, after eating the food or medicine that your body is allergic to, the lip will start to swell as a natural response of the body to a foreign substance. Read more