Dec 22, · YAMAHA ZUMA 50 / BWS 50 (CW50, YW50) First introduced back in and still on sale as of , the Zuma 50 (aka BWs 50 in Canada) is Yamaha’s widely popular sports scooter. Over that time the Zuma has gone through two model codes (CW50, YW50), three generations, and a huge number of names (Zuma, Zuma II, Zuma 50F, Zuma 50FX, Zuma X, 4/5. Feb 23, · Re: Yamaha Zuma 50F Discussion. Post. by MotorScooterGuy50» Mon Feb 20, am. The F is basically a c3 engine, I am sure a kick start could be made from the c3 to fit the F. The only time I was able to start my c3 with kicking was if the engine was already warm so yamaha may have decided it was a useless expense. First ensure that both battery cables are tight at both ends, then using a test light check for a start signal at the starter solenoid on the small wire(s). If all that checks out see if the test light illuminates at the starter when you press the start button as this will determine if the starter solenoid or starter is functioning.
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