How much movement is normal at 39 weeks
by Mike_B
Feb 05, · I'm 39 weeks today, and have noticed a decrease in her movements since yesterday. I just ate, so she's stretching and moving at the moment, but she's been still for most of the day, which is much different than normal. Normally she moves constantly.. I've heard the baby tends to stop moving as much in the days just before labor. Sep 01, · increased fetal movement at 39 weeks! sign of labor or distress? ;/: hello im 39 and 5 weeks. Since last night bean has been super active just non stop kicking and moving around. she stops after a while then continue to do it again. And now yet . Mar 18, · At 39 weeks pregnant, losing the mucus plug can be one of the normal signs that labor is approaching, and it can happen anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks before labor actually starts. A clear, pinkish, or slightly bloody vaginal discharge might be the mucus plug, but not all moms-to-be will notice it. Read more