Increase muay thai kicking power
by Mike_B
Jun 01, · To kick higher in Muay Thai, exercises such as hip airplanes and single-leg Romanian deadlifts develop the necessary hip extension strength and mobility, and hip stability while internally and externally rotating. This new range of motion must be cemented with lots of kicking practice. Aug 06, · After all, having speed will enable you to land better and even increase the overall power in your kicks. Want to start kicking faster and better? Evolve Daily gives you 5 Ways To Improve Your Kicking Speed For Muay Thai: 1) Practice slow. To kick fast effectively, you first need to have the single most important factor: perfect Modernalternativemamated Reading Time: 4 mins. Effective kicking in these two sports opens up the possibilities of a successful MMA career, which is something that kickboxers and Muay Thai fighters usually want at some point in their lives. Tips to increase kick speed: Go slow; Strengthen your core posture; Use ankle weights; Training for specific muscle fibres; Kick! A lot. Tips to increase kick power:Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins. Read more