How to hug someone shorter than us
by Mike_B
I have a friend who is over a foot shorter than me. She's a hugger, and I just can't figure out the proper way to hug someone that much shorter than you, especially if they're not a romantic interest (meaning you won't pick them up or squeeze them in really tight). Oct 13, · To hug romantically, wrap your arms around your partner's waist if you're taller than them, or wrap your arms around their neck if you're shorter. Then, when you're hugging, nuzzle your head into your partner's chest or neck to make the hug more intimate. You can also rub your hands on their arm or back a few times%(). Sharing a hug between different sized people can be achieved with good technique and a little teamwork. Hugging a shorter man as a woman is most awkward when face and chest accidentally meet. Another awkwardness is him not being able to reach around your neck if trying to give a romantic embrace. Read more