Is kissing bad for your lips to be
by Mike_B
Feb 11, · Dangers of Kissing Children’s Lips. There is also the danger of kissing a child’s lips in terms of health. The reason is, this activity can be a medium for transmitting disease to your little one, especially in the midst of the current Covid pandemic. Here are the dangers of kissing your child’s lips that Mums and Dads need to know: Herpes. Answer (1 of 17): No. Lips are made with nerves. The nerves in your lips will tell you if it feels good or not whether your partner has big, puffy lips or barely there lips. try this: When you . As long as you and your partner are free from any infections/sickness (like the flu), kissing on the lips is safe. Even if someone has HIV there is a very slight chance of transmission to another person (not due to swapping spit, but from contact with blood from open sores or . Read more