When a girl kisses you on your cheeks
by Mike_B
The main thing that's keeping my hope alive is that I've seen her say goodbye to tons of people (including my best friend that she liked), and not once have I seen her kiss them on the cheek (nor has any girl ever kissed me on the cheek before, maybe its different where you come from). I just feel like that was meant to be a sign. If you're at a party and you pull off a sick triple flip before diving in the pool and when you get out of the pool and she kisses your cheek, it's still a possibility she likes you. But it's also possible that she was just giving you a congrats. If you were sad at the time then she might have kissed you on the cheek because she was trying to reassure you. This would be more likely if she kissed your cheek when you were feeling sad, when you were talking to her about something that made you sad or when you were showing signs of being Modernalternativemamated Reading Time: 6 mins. Read more