Feb 07, · Love requires vulnerability, so in order for your dog to love you, it needs to feel safe. To do that, let the dog come to you just as much if not more than you come to them. Working with animals is a marathon, not a sprint, so be patient, and don't rush the process of allowing your dog to feel comfortable with you%(69). Dec 13, · Giphy. This is what Ebbecke calls an "appeasement" lick: "After the 'kisses' the person moves away and the dog learns that you can get a person's face further away by licking it," Ebbecke said. The best way to tell what kind of lick your dog is giving you is to look at her body language. "If the dog looks loose and wiggly and is trying to get to your face, they're . Feb 16, · Dog love, oh yes, ah, the season of love is in the air. For dogs, unconditional love is a year-round, 24/7/ way of life. In fact, we love dogs so much, we coined the phrase, My Heart Beats Dog.® If your heart goes pitter patter for dogs, especially for your dog, then you’ll want to sit, stay, and keep reading.
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