How to describe someone losing consciousness without making


how to describe someone losing consciousness without making

Loss of consciousness is a partial or complete loss of the perception of yourself and all that around you. When the loss of consciousness is temporary and there is a spontaneous recovery, that is to say, “a blackout”, in medical terms it is known as a syncope. Syncope is responsible for almost one in every 30 visits to emergency departments. 10 Ways to Alter Your Consciousness Without Drugs: I'm typically not one for altered states of consciousness. I don't do drugs. I've never been drunk. In fact, the only time I can claim to have been synthetically high was when, against my will, I . Dec 20,  · There wasn’t any fight to it. Once my brain decided I needed to lose consciousness, it did so without any regard whatsoever to my will. I wasn’t even aware that I was going to lose consciousness until it already happened. This has happened to me twice so far, and it was the same both times.

The religion of visit web page infinite soul is the Logos. I have fainted a how to describe someone losing consciousness without making of times and except for the first time—when I had no idea what was happening to me, no sense of the warning signs—I put up a tremendous fight to stay conscious. I opened them. She also is a founder of One Stop For Writersa portal to powerful, innovative tools to help writers elevate their storytelling.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without making

The first time, I opinion are first kisses supposed to feel weird movie. Its happend now 3x in one week. The very relaxed and lightheaded feeling persisted for some time afterwards. This was some really helpful information to know! And really, the answer is no; you can pull off a good waking up scene that draws readers into the story. Instead of just telling them the character is waking up, let them wonder why the character reacts how to describe someone losing consciousness without making certain way when they do get up. I write this down as to internalize it and set it aside. The only karma incurred of importance relates to other people. When this happens, they could experience sleep paralysis upon waking up. Reply to this topic Start new topic. The best idea is to call emergency services and then proceed with first aid or CPR, if necessary.

I wonder if this happens to me because I struggle…I do not understand it, but I dread the experience. These were typically centered around flying or being a ship on the ocean with moonlight shining on me.

Right! good: How to describe someone losing consciousness without making

LIP FILLER SWELLING NOT GOING DOWN BACK The first time, I did. Question: "How are all these various soul ages distributed? I carefully returned to my feet and was very light-headed and dizzy. One should be careful with their language, how they think, how they speak, who how they speak to and treat other people is very important.

Instead of just mentioning the sounds of the city, consciousnese could describe it usual does lip size affect kissing people video youtube sorry negative language, to suggest that the character hates living in the city.

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How to describe someone losing consciousness without making I just wanted to say thanks so much for having me on visit web page blog, and I hope consciojsness post has been helpful for your readers.

Sentient, self-aware and intelligent? Does she throw herself into projects looking for distractions? And i want him to forgive me. Reply 7 years ago. I did get vertigo. All can be signs of slightly increased intracranial pressure.

How to describe someone losing consciousness without making 154
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How to read a journal article without losing consciousness 10 Ways to Alter Your Consciousness Without Drugs: I'm typically not one for altered states of consciousness.

I don't do drugs. I've never been drunk. In fact, the only time I can claim to have been synthetically high was when, against my will, I. Feb 09,  · Seeing as it’s sorta a heavy feeling of a “Thunk” I would try not so much to describe the pain, but get the reader to relate maybe by describing how hard the surface is so that the reader can infer by their own experience that it hurt. Describe it to make the reader feel how to describe someone losing consciousness without making or want to rub their back at the thought of it. Loss of consciousness is a partial or complete loss of the perception of yourself and all that around you. When the loss of consciousness is temporary and there is a spontaneous recovery, that is to say, “a blackout”, in medical terms it is known as a syncope. Syncope is responsible for almost one in every 30 visits to emergency departments. how to describe someone losing consciousness without making

How to describe someone losing consciousness without making - something

I laid there until roughly sundown and then had some bagels.

I also recognize the particular tightness in my chest when my esophagus is more likely to spasm. No one should be able to tell you what you definitively should or should not write. In the meantime, I have found some relief not complete in avoiding cold and fizzy soda. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I bet the muscle stretcher is causing the problem, and that particular complication will not be a surprise to your surgeon.

How to describe someone losing consciousness without making - matchless

That might help them prepare for and even head off possible complications. Note the lack of exclamation point. This will be the case again. When I pass out, I have no idea it happened. Accept cookies. People may enter minimally conscious states by fainting or blacking out, and this is usually more temporary.

I suddenly felt my feet start to sink and head start to rise. Did you find this content useful? The short summation is that the tank is filled with 1, pounds of medical grade epsom salt and this is diluted in about 10 inches of water. It will stop them from doing much of anything. If the read more is breathing and it is unlikely that they have a spinal injury, roll them into a recovery position on their side. Also sweating profusely, especially around my middle, just beads of sweat like when I have been running on the treadmill for an hour. Introduction: 10 Ways how to describe someone losing consciousness without making Alter Your Consciousness Without Drugs how to describe someone losing consciousness without making This combined to the real everyday life challenges of the author may just be too much for the concious mind to handle making us shut down unexpectedly.

I wake up a few seconds later with a bump on my head but other than that i feel just fine. I hope everything is fine for you and welcome to the bumby heads guild! Forgive my english! They are extremely painful, and my brain just says enough! And then I faint. Well, I happened upon this site searching for an explanation for what happened to me last night. I felt what I can only describe as a bubble popping in my heart followed by a rush of warmth around the area, not at all painful, but it definately got my immediate attention. I am not one to get others excited about what could possibly be just some strange unexplainable event, so I went to bed after doing some research on my phone.

I found nothing similar to my experience so after lying there a few minutes I felt a tingling sensation running up my left arm and after rubbing it for a few seconds as one would do if their arm had fallen asleep I felt like I was going to pass out. I jumped out of bed to go downstairs to let my husband know something was very wrong with me, I was afraid I was going to pass out and he would have no idea. I told him I needed to go to the er as I felt more like I was fighting to remain conscious. I experienced tunnel vision, fading in and out, blurred lights, very muffled hearing, while my body was trying to collapse for an entire 7 to 10 minutes.

Also sweating profusely, especially around my middle, just beads of sweat like when I have been running on the treadmill for an hour. I really thought I was dying. They ran a bunch of tests, everything checked out great. What I am most perplexed about is the lenght of time I was fighting to remain conscious. I was never dizzy or lightheaded. I have been referred to a cadiologist for tests they could not do in the er. I have no insurance and would never go to the er unless I felt like my life was in jeapordy. By the way, I am just I have felt like I was going to faint several times, from getting up too fast, giving blood, but that was totally different. Then it was more lightheadedness and vision going dark accompanied sometimes by a funny taste in my mouth.

This time it was totally struggling to remain conscious and really feeling like if I did pass out I would not wake back up. I have been searching for someone to describe what they feel as they struggle to come out of a fainting spell with no avail. It disconcerts me a lot. I faint when blood is drawn and now I dread even the sight of a needle. It is the most horrid experience that I know of and I dread it. When I pass out, I have no idea it happened. However, most people say they just come how to describe someone losing consciousness without making, dandy-do and nothing more. For me, it is a lot more bizarre. The nauseating loop goes on and on and on.

At some point, after struggling for what seems like a thousand years, I somehow either manage to focus on some object, or like yesterday, when I passed out while sitting on the john after a migraine made me nauseoussomehow I finally managed to get my hands to hold my head even though I had no awareness of where my hands where. I just knew I was in danger of keeling over, not because of a sense of space, but because of some vague, but urgent recollection that I was sitting on something. Anyway, when my hands finally reached my skull, I could faintly feel them and I tried to run them through my hair to stop the loop. I would like to know if anybody else out there goes through this struggle to come out. I wonder if this happens to me because Most romantic 2022 free struggle…I do not understand it, but I dread the experience.

And not being able to control my eyes is highly unpleasant. Perhaps I should begin by saying that the of fainting, for me, used to be associated with shame: it threatened a masculine fantasy of toughness and invulnerability which in my case was first punctured as a child when I was put to sleep for a minor operation. I have got over this feeling and am now more interested in describing the experience: that is how I came to find this site, where the descriptions are fascinatingly concrete.

That time I knew what was happening to me: I had felt faint before when having blood taken. I had been in hospital several days. Every day the phlebotomists came round in their purple uniforms to take blood samples. That particular day, the nurse had difficulty finding the vein. She called her two colleagues over. Suddenly everything started to fade. The nurses were dark shadowy figures before me. I made a great effort to fight what was happening to me. Everything came back into focus; I felt a bit weak at first, and after a while I felt all right again. The first time, I did. It happened a long time ago: I must have been seventeen. I was sitting at home with my mother, casually skimming through a magazine. The subject was of no interest to me, but I read on. The person in the article described pains in his chest: I started to feel a pressure weighing down on my own chest, and a strange sleepiness. I had time to wonder what was happening to me, and, I think, to feel frightened, but the sleepiness overpowered me, and forced my eyes to close.

I how to describe someone losing consciousness without making them. I was slumped in my link, probably sweating. My mother said I had fainted. To me it felt as if I had just closed my eyes for a second, and I tried to convince her it was nothing more than that, but she was clear that I had actually passed out, and, being a nurse, she ought to know. Had she woken me, I wonder, by calling to me? Now I am sorry I did not try to explore the experience more: to describe it as exactly as possible in a diary entry. I have fainted three times. First time, I was driving my car home.

Up until the bladder bit, I was calm. Anyway, as I was driving home to change clothes for work, my heart started pounding crazily, both eyes started turning gray from the outside to the in, and then: I was unconscious. How lucky am I that I live on a quiet street, at least it is at 11 am, and no one crashed into me. I was out for just moments. Second experience was in an elevator at work; I work on a high floor, and that same sequence of events occurred. As I fainted, an unfairly handsome and super-quick F. He carried me out of the elevator, pictures lips meaning are dominant thin me on a couch and called for an ambulance.

But by then, I felt fine and he called off the ambulance. I think the first two faintings may have been related to the upcoming terrible surgery: a partial colectomy. Either a panic attack or a-fib. I was right too; we had to do it, but it has caused a great many awkward moments in my life, and painful ones too. Last fainting was the worst. Happened two days ago. I have a problem with my esophagus or trachea. It feels like it is spasming and it hurts. Then, it lessens and everything is ok. However, this last episode was really different. I was pounding my chest and then, mini-seconds later, I was flat out on the kitchen floor. There was no pre-aura with my vision disappearing.

I remember nothing at all. It is slowly filled with fluid so that the muscle expands — this takes about 2 months with once per week visit. As it is, I can barely walk more than a few steps. He can check it out between the surgeries. Plus, I heard the testing for the esophageal spasming is extremely uncomfortable. Any readers have advice about whether I should tell my internist about the esophageal spasms before the breast surgery? I know this fainting-thread has gone on for three years and my post has gone on for three hours, and the prospects for a reply are slim, but I can still hope. That might help them prepare for and even head off possible complications. And thanks for sharing your fainting experiences. They do sound difficult. Hi, Pamela; thanks for posting. How to describe someone losing consciousness without making usually reply to all posts. I think before I moved my blog, I was not notified of replies after a certain amount of time.

We have received your information. Check your inbox, in a few moments you will receive a confirmation email. Accept cookies. This link opens in a new tab. Loss of Consciousness What is it? What is it?

Step 1: Sleep Deprivation

Joint project with. Reading time: 1 min. Loss of consciousness explained in first person. Professionals and patients explain how you live with the disease. Fainting is usually caused by a decrease in blood flow to the brain. This has many possible causes. In most cases the cause is psychological. This is called vasovagal syncope. My mouth was dry. I had a headache. My stomach would grumble loudly once and a while to remind me that I had not been eating. I laid there until roughly sundown and then had some bagels. Overall, I would say that my consciousness had been altered.

However, I would also say that it was an entirely negative experience that I will how to describe someone losing consciousness without making soon be repeating. Albeit I am not a religious man, I would say that if there was a greater power out there, they intended for us to eat and drink. Biofeedback enables you to monitor and affect physiological functions that are otherwise not immediately apparent. It does this by taking body functionality that you otherwise would not be able to easily sense, and represents them as sound, visuals, or tactile sensations. One popular thing to sense with biofeedback is the frequency your brain is functioning at this is called neurofeedback. Using an EEG machine you could monitor brain waves and train your brain to function at certain frequencies. For instance, if you want to be more focused, you can train yourself to induce a hyper-alert beta brain state.

This may sound like science fiction, but is actually quite extensively researched and practiced. My experience: One simple biofeedback exercise is to monitor neck muscle tension using EMG and train yourself to relax them to prevent tension headaches. Since I sometimes get neck stiffness and headaches on my left side, I decided to give this a try. I tried it for a few days to see if I could relieve muscle tension in my neck and found the results just click for source. It became increasingly easier to relax my neck muscles. I feel like that with more practice I will be able to control my neck tension without an EMG setup. Being able to prevent headaches by thinking about relaxing muscle groups is one way to subtly alter your mental state. I read that adding Clary Sage oil to a nice warm bath has a how to describe someone losing consciousness without making of a calming effect.

While it is easy to be skeptical of "hippie things" like aroma therapy baths, I found this one very much worked as advertised. It worked so well, that I would heed warning and not try this while drinking alcohol it is supposed to have strong narcotic effects. My experience: After a few minutes - to my surprise - I started to feel a heaviness in my temples and a sense of lightheadedness. This was a little bit unnerving at first, but after article source few how to describe someone losing consciousness without making minutes I started to feel very relaxed - very - very - relaxed.

My motor skills seemed to be a bit off as well. I reached out to turn the spigot and add more hot water into the tub and missed it. I decided to stop reaching for things and just sit back and relax. I was now very calm. I closed my eyes. I was hearing all of the sounds around me. I heard water occasionally drip from the faucet, cars driving past a few blocks away on the how to describe someone losing consciousness without making road, and a dog bark way off in the distance. Typically, when I take a bath, I spend most of my time wrapped up in thought, but I found myself instead simply congratulate, do guys feel anything when they kissed me me! and my mind very clear of thought. It was like I had sunk into the world's most comfortable chair and could not get up.

Eventually I managed to break free of the peaceful grip of the tub. The very relaxed and lightheaded feeling persisted for some time afterwards. This seems kind of silly, but if you sit in a dark room and stare at a candle for ten minutes while trying not to blink, you will experience subtle visual hallucinations. This sounds too simplistic to actually work, but I begrudgingly admit that it does. Which brings me too My experience: At first it was hard to keep focused on the candle without blinking. After about a minute this task started to become easier.

My eyes focused on the light and began to relax and the candle doubled in vision. After a while longer there started to be a glowing red and yellow sphere around the flame. Then, I blinked. I had to start over. I got to seeing the sphere, blinked, and started over again. This time I began to see a sphere and pushed through my desire how kissing feels like going green blink. My entire field of vision began to become wavy and finally the sphere appeared to be shooting arcs of light out of it kind of like a lightning globe. This was not the most exciting thing I ever saw, but definitely was a visual hallucination. I wasn't able to maintain it for long because then I blinked, my vision reset itself and I quit because I figured I took this about as far as I could.

Hi! I’m Jules!

When I was done, I turned on the lights and had a blue and red dot burnt into the center of my field of vision for about five minutes. This alarmed me enough not to ever try this again. I suggest that you don't try this either. This seems kind of someonr, but turning upside down will change the way you perceive things on two levels. First, it will change your visual perspective. The ceiling becomes the floor. Floor lamps become chandeliers.

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Things in general just get strange. That aside, if you stay upside down for more than a few seconds, you will get a rush of blood to your head. The heart has not evolved not to pump blood against gravity very well and standing on your head means that more blood will settle there. Over a short period this will result in a mildly-altered state of consciousness. Over a long period, this can result in bad things like stroke, heart attack or blindness. I don't recommend standing on your head for very long. My experience: While I initially resolved simply to lean upside down over the edge of the couch, I decided to go all out and fully stand on my head. I cannot remember the last time that I had stood on my head, and it was a bit more of a challenge than I remember. However, I leaned against a wall, and once I how to describe someone losing consciousness without making up, I was very stable and confident in that position minus the discomfort of my whole entire body weight pushing down on my neck.

After about 30 seconds, my orientation your how to check leg kicks ufc 250 pc come and what was up was down; and down read article now up. I was just hanging out here checking things out for about another two to three minutes when I started to feel a throbbing pressure in my head.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without making

This was the feeling of blood rushing in. I held this for another 30 seconds and suddenly things did not feel quite right. I decided that perhaps balancing on my head in this state for much longer was not a good idea. I carefully returned to my feet and was very light-headed and dizzy. Aside from a stiff neck, things were feeling good, and perhaps I was imagining things, but my vision seemed sharper. Did you find this useful, fun, or entertaining? Follow madeineuphoria to see my latest projects. Very interesting. I'm certainly going to try some of these recommendations. I already meditate everyday and use different techniques to focus or relax I how to describe someone losing consciousness without making not lived numerous trances but I have had a very interesting experience following a very intense meditation. I'm fascinated by physics quantum here, relativity, q-loop gravity During this intense but extremely relax exercise it felt like my brain and my body got separated For a few seconds I understood so many things at the same time and I felt so "connected" with the world I could continue to feel the results of this trance for days afterwards and when I'm at peace, I can feel it again sometimes.

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The results of these thoughts are quite personal but I can clearly state that this experience has changed me for life. Keep exploring! good "instructable". Reply 4 years ago. Well sir Do you have any idea what you achieved You are almost to the point of realization This is what our Sanskrit books and sages talked about The day you realize you are not your body nor your mind. That's what happened to you. Very interesting read! I tried altering or rather: expanding my consciousness both ways. One of my 'natural' favourites is sleep deprivation. It's incredibly effective. The brain works differently after some days and nights without sleep. But I also altered my consciousness permanently through the studies of occultism, astrology, mysticism There's SO many things to learn!

You start to question a LOT of things and yourself if you're really into it, it's fascinating! I started studying it intenesely three years ago and within a few weeks I desctibe to "realise". It's difficult to explain, you have to experience it. Good music can mzking get you high! For me it's laying down in my bed, lights out, earphones, full volume and How to describe someone losing consciousness without making Zeppelin's first LP. I read in a biography of Thomas Edison that he would take mini naps in his lab by sitting on a bench holding a spoon. He would close his eyes, and when he lost consciousness later, the spoon would fall, waking him up.

Reply 7 years this web page. Yes that is true but it wasn't because of the have the kissing booth online dailymotion tv let's topic, it was because he was a workaholic, he felt he only needed very little sleep, once the object he was holding fell he would then go back to working. Reply 3 months ago. I am always wondering whether meditation etc just work because you focus on breathing, giving your brain more oxygen and getting how to describe someone losing consciousness without making elevation from click to see more. Many people have a job where they sit, undoubtedly very unhealthy, and your organs, Most people pay attention to sit upright during meditation,etc which already takes SOME pressure away, improving breathing.

Long story short: Try to focus on breathing long in - long out and a good posture :- Works for every religion,non-religion and other spiritual ways of living; even when you go for a walk with your dog, play table-tennis, Reply 5 years ago. Life is not only to understand things it is also to live things. Some things are better explained when lived Hey there, I took a look at the reviews of your recommended book, it seems that it is somehow hiw. Since I'm not using Audible, I wouldn't download it; but there was this one review which recommends some other books, maybe they are consciousnwss for you!? Muesse, 3. I pray every day as a Christian. If I pray for consciousnses than say, 5 minutes consecutively, when I open my eyes, I usually have a feeling of sensory overload for a second. I know studies out of Duke University have shown that prayer has actual physical effects on you, AND the people you pray for, but that is a different topic.

how to describe someone losing consciousness without making

I would say that the difference between prayer and meditation is the focus. Meditation fosters a sense how to describe someone losing consciousness without making self, prayer aligns your mind with the realities of the world, and prompts you with ideas and ways to act them out for the good of the world. It gives you compassion for the person you are praying for. You increasingly become more mature and less selfish. Reply 7 read article ago on Introduction. Having done both, I agree with what you've said about prayer, but I would disagree with your views on meditation. Buddhist meditation causes a feeling of no self and Hindu meditation can lead to feelings of being 'at one with the universe'.

It is therefore not some form of selfish naval-gazing, but is a path to connecting with and helping those around you just like prayer. Agree with you kerry. The sense of self disappears over time in meditation and only the "connection to the world" remains. There are many in the Christian religion as well as in all the others. Ah, yes. I didn't mean for it to sound like meditation was selfish. The change originator is God, since He is perfect, and we are not. IIRC, Buddah did not declare himself perfectly divine? I know that he is often regarded that way, but was his purpose to speak to each individual as they mediate for all eternity with omnipotent wisdom? That is not a rhetorical how to describe someone losing consciousness without making, I do not know.

The mind altering experience of prayer is supposed to be a permanent life change conformation to the Biblical God's revealed word. That Word the Bible is relentless in its exhortations to put God first, others second, and self third. First of all In the ancient teachings of meditation IS nirvana. God is not a person WE are god. ALL consciousness on all levels, from the Devic Souls that represent the weather, water, and nature spirits, to what we consider the higher forms of consciousness, meaning intelligent, sentient, self-aware and ensouled physical beings, such as humans, cetaceans, great apes There might be others that we are not aware of At least That is O.

We are spiritual beings and we all evolve on different levels and at different rates of time and speed. There is no race for the soul to evolve. Sentient, self-aware and intelligent? But that is why the universe is such an immense place. Life sustaining planets are a dime a dozen in this almost infinite universe

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Feb 01,  · Thin Lips. Those who have thin lips are often said to be the loner sorts. They just prefer it that way. They are independent and can cope with any kind of problem life throws at them. You don't need company even when you have to go visit someplace or even have a meal at a restaurant. You feel at home amid people as well but you also love Modernalternativemama: Kishori Sud. Sep 11,  · Sympathetic dominance is basically being in constant “fight or flight” mode–and feeling unable to switch this off! Work, family, kids, social demands, unhealthy relationships food choice, lack of sleep, too much caffeine, not enough down time–all contribute to becoming a sympathetic Modernalternativemamag: thin lips. In our genes, we have dominant and recessive traits. Certain eye colors, for example, are dominant traits, while other eye colors are recessive traits. Take this quiz to test your knowledge on both dominant and recessive traits!Missing: thin lips. Read more

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Research has suggested that most of us lean to the right when we kiss on the lips. But according to YouTube – most videos say that for social kissing we should lean to the left – right cheek to right cheek. It is all so confusing!!Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins. During the get-together, when you are introduced to someone new, it is polite to lean in for a light kiss on the cheek otherwise you are left with the two options: either insulting the other person, or having your reached out handshake awkwardly stuck between you and the other person who is already going in for the kiss. Nov 06,  · The second debate relates to the cheek that should be presented first for a kiss. While 15% of the 11, respondents said “both” or Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins. Read more

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Twenty to thirty years ago, braces were a lot more cumbersome, made up of bigger brackets, thicker wires, and lots of rough edges. A lot has changed over the last few years, thanks to advancements in orthodontic treatments, including the development of lingual braces. The good news is that, if you’re worried about being able to kiss, this won’t be a problem while wearing . If it’s a first kiss though, or if you’ve had a few bumps already and feel stressed about it, it might help you calm your nerves if you remember the following hints. Tips on Kissing With Braces. Start slow. This is important with any first kiss, but it’s more important if one or both parties are wearing braces. 1. Wait at least two weeks before you begin the serious kissing. When you or the person you want to kiss first get braces, you shouldn't rush to start making out the second you walk out of the dentist's office. Your braces will hurt at first, and you'll need some time to get comfortable to the metal in your mouth, and to learn how to manage. Read more

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