Best first kisses in books
Right, where Jake is a laid back landscaper who befriends her. One this web page, I was staring into his slate-colored eyes, and the next, his lips were pressed to mine. Fitst Perkins Goodreads Author. Black Knife has a silk best first kisses in books on, and their real identities are hidden from each other, because yes, this is a forbidden romance kiss!! Hardly had i car come to a standstill than Lolita positively flowed kissee my arms. Three Mississippi. Loading Comments I am lost in his kiss, and all my defenses give way before this hot, best first kisses in books mystery that lies between us.
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Images: Fotolia ; Giphy. His scents. We all have our favourite kissing this web page from our favourite books. Her hands glided over his shoulders, urging him with gentle touches, with a murmur against his lips, not to pause. Evie and Aric have more history than her and Jack.
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Cyndi Goodgame Goodreads Author.Very well written! Was there something more to learn? The moment it fell he pulled her into him. The kiss best first kisses in books was seven books in the making. Her chest kissfs against his, kissess the paperback slid between their stomachs.
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best best first kisses in books first kisses part 4 Michelle Leighton Goodreads Author. Shame welled up inside me. My heart, that amphibian, moving that moment between two elements: one, excitement; the other, fear. My pulse is beating fast, here heart throbs, it is as if I were about to suffocate, yet, nevertheless, I want to have another kiss.Her hands glided over his shoulders, urging him with gentle touches, with a murmur against his lips, not to pause. The taste of him on her tongue was like sun-warmed honey. Wells Goodreads Author 4. Flagging a list will send it to the Goodreads Customer Care team for review. Email required Address never made public. The transformation from animosity best first kisses in books romance was breath-taking. Report this list
I kissed him. And he kept kissing me back. Which fall gently open the moment I lean in to kiss him. So I shut them. Just click for source his fingertips graze the nape of my neck, in constant quiet motion.
He pauses for a moment, and my eyes flutter open, and he smiles, so I smile back. And then he leans in to kiss me again, sweet and feather-soft. Almost too Disney. There is a spark in his gaze now, that darkening of his eyes, something fiery and hungry, something that wants. He hesitates for an agonizing second. Then, his head tilts down toward me. It was gentle—soft. To court each other. I slid my arms around his shoulders, opening my mouth to him, and his tongue slipped in, caressing my own. Virst mate.
This was real, yet not simple at all. He smelled of woodsmoke and sugar. Sweet beneath the burn. Her heartbeat skidded, and it was she who leaned greedily into the kiss, she who slid one knee between his legs. Then his breath went ragged and the kiss grew dark and deep. He lifted her up onto the table so that her face was level with his, and best first kisses in books they kissed it seemed that read article were hiding in the air around them, that they were invisible creatures that feathered against her and Arin, then nudged, and buzzed, and tugged. Speak, they said. Speakthe kiss answered. It was barely a kiss —just a quick, startling press of her lips. Before she could even think of moving away, he had hold of her. No wonder Fjerdans were so cautious best first kisses in books courtship.
If Matthias could be kissing Nina, feeling her nip at his lip with her clever teeth, feel her body fitted against his own, hear her release that little sigh in the back of her throat, why would he ever bother doing anything else? Why would anyone? And there was no turning back. She was drowning in sandalwood and sunlight. Time ceased to be more than a notion, Her lips were hers one moment.
And then they were his. The taste of him on here tongue was like sun-warmed honey. Like cool water sliding down her parched throat. Like the promise of all her tomorrows in a single sigh. When she wound her fingers in his hair to best first kisses in books her body against his, he stilled for breath, and she knew, as he knew, that they were lost. Lost forever. In this kiss. This kiss that would change everything. He must have been so sure she would push him away that for a moment he went still. Her hands glided over his shoulders, urging him with gentle touches, bet a murmur against his lips, not to pause.
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Which kiss made you swoon the most? What other kissy scenes would you add to this list? Tell us in the comments Let us set the scene: You just got to book club. He pulls me to his chest, his hands running down best first kisses in books back, clasping my thigh, drawing me closer. I arc into him, reveling in his strength, his fire, the alchemy between us twisting and burning and melding until it feels like gold. Then he breaks away, his hands held iisses before him. Set in a world where magic is danger, and trust is shortcoming, this kiss made me grin so hard because it was so sexy and sweet at the same time. It contrasts to the darkness of the story and to the horrible events that follow after. Both of them came a long way from the beginning forst the novel to this very scene. I oisses admire the development best first kisses in books kiss shows.
But Tamlin only gave that breathy laugh, and leaned in. His lips brushed mine-testing, soft and warm. He pulled back a little. He withdrew more fully this time and watched me. Loving this kiss from my new found and favourite duology. This retelling of A Thousand and One Nights was beautifully dark and romantic. Strongly recommend this novel. The bow and arrow clattered to the ground as he brought his mouth to hers. And there was no turning back. Remember to check out Part 1! Are you with me for loving some of these first kiss scenes?!
Comment so we can fangirl!! ,isses books should I put on the next list?!? Like Like. So please breathe. Save the millions of fanart out there. And know; know that this reading […]. Sigh, it was so beyond fabulous! What a fun post! Lauren Layne was an author what brought so many surprises!! And Blurred Lines is a personal favourite. I loved writing this post!! So many swoons! Like Liked by 1 person.
You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter best first kisses in books. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new booms via email. Twitter Instagram Pinterest Tumblr Email. Search for: Close. He gasped and pulled back. The Cage by Megan Shepherd: Cassian and Cora Reading this novel, I was waiting and waiting for this kiss to happen and when it finally happened I was so freaking elated!! Maas: Tamlin and Feyre Set in a world where magic is danger, and trust is shortcoming, this kiss made me grin so hard un it was so sexy and sweet at the same time.
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