Lip ice sheer color review
Instead of spending huge amount of money on […]. Ini lipbalm yang hits banget waktu smp. Summary Repurchase? In the tube, it looks white and the moment that it comes into contact with anything lips, clothes, paper etc, it turns pink immediately. Cocok buat daily makeup. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Overall, I love this lip balm. Pertama kali tahu dan coba lip balm ini kalau ga salah pas masih SMP, sekarang tertarik cobain lagi karena kemasannya yang baru dan juga kebetulan stok lip balm dirumah udah habis jadi tanpa banyak mikir langsung ambil deh mana murce pula xD.
Usage Period : 6 months lip ice sheer color review 1 year Purchase Point : Indomaret. It contains vitamin Lip ice sheer color review as well. Like this: Like Loading Sorry, we couldn't find any brand matching ''. Enak banget dipakai dan gak revoew atau bikin revidw terasa jontor karena berminyak. Download Female Daily App. Kalo di-reapply, warna pink-nya makin nyala lagi, kayak makin jadi pip gitu. Your email address will not be published. The lasting power of the lip balm is somewhere around hours on my lip ice sheer color review. The formula is very nice and helps to heal my dry lips very well.
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Karna dulu ga pernah make up aneh-aneh jadi cuma pakai bedak sama lipbalm ini aja. Lip ice sheer color review are commenting using your WordPress. The shimmers are non-chunky and looks subtle. Login or Learn more here. Seteleh 3 jam an rasa lembabnya hilang, bibir jadi terasa dan harus direapply.
The smell stays for quite sometime and fades away gradually. Jadi dulu pas SMA sampe awal-awal kuliah demen banget aku pakai lipbalm ini.
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Lip ice sheer color review - are not
Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year Purchase Point : yogya.Brands Sorry, we couldn't find any brand matching ''. Create your own review.
My lips stay hydrated for long after the application of this lip balm, when the lip balm is wiped off. Harganya juga terjangkau. Overall, I quite love lip balms from this brand.
Packaging rating. Recent from the sjeer. The formula is lightweight and it does ixe feel waxy on the lips. Log In. The lip balm comes in a black and blue outer cardboard packaging. Dia ini ga minyakan dan bukan yang ngelembapin banget, tapi bibirku emang bukan tipe yang kering jadi lip ice sheer color review cocok aja pake ini. Product Details
I love the packaging,easy to use and can bring inside my handbag. OriCell Reveage taste good with antioxidant…. My kids love to eat this Probiotic everyday. They always take 1 or 2 sachet daily. It is….
It also contains a new and improved beeswax formula which provides added protection. It contains vitamin E as well. In the tube, it looks white and the moment that it comes into contact with anything lips, clothes, paper etc, it turns pink immediately.
Do be careful to cap it properly before stashing into your handbag because mine came off and it stained everything in my bag. No lip stick nor lip gloss was used. It is pigmented enough for me to skip the lipstick. No worries about hair sticking to my lipglossed lips when the wind blows. The product was sent to me for my unbiased review.
All opinions expressed are my own. You are commenting using your WordPress.
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You are commenting using your Google account. You commenting using your Twitter account. Overall, the packaging is nice and travel-friendly. The lip balm bullet is off white in color. This is a color changing lip balm, which looks off white revie the bullet but its color changes to a beautiful baby pink after application.
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The color is very sheer and mixes with the natural color of the lips. The color is not really visible lip ice sheer color review the lips but the lip balm does make the lips appear pink, plumper and healthier. It looks super natural on the lips. The lip balm does not contain any shimmer particles etc. It gives a nice glossy finish to the lips. Though it does not cover my pigmented click here well still it looks pretty on the lips somehow. If you do not like fragrant products, you would probably love this one, as it is absolutely fragrance free, just as it claims.
It does not have any kind of smell in it. The texture of the lip balm is great.
It is very smooth and creamy. Hence, it glides effortlessly on the lips without any dragging of the lips. There is no grittiness in the texture of the lip balm. It is non-sticky and feels comfortable on the lips.