Kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term


kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term

Jun 22,  · This medical terminology cheat sheet covers a lot of ground, but there will likely be times when you hear something unfamiliar. When you come across a medical term you don’t recognize, be sure to ask for clarity. Patient education is a huge part of a physician’s job. Doctors aim to foster an environment that generates dialogue. 1 manifesting or exhibiting intense sexual feeling or desire. a passionate lover. 2 capable of, revealing, or characterized by intense emotion. a passionate plea. 3 easily roused to anger; quick-tempered. ♦ passionately adv. ♦ passionateness n. English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus. See also. The widespread human practice of pressing the lips against some part of the body of another person, especially the mouth. Kissing has social as well as sexual functions and these are usually kept apart. Some societies accept public kissing between adult males; others do not.

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Wagner Syndrome : Also called Stickler syndrome, this is a fairly common hereditary disorder typified defiintion extreme flexibility of the joints, distinctive facial features like passionatepy cheekbones and bridge of the nose, loss of hearing, and nearsightedness. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. CA Test : A blood test for detecting elevated levels of CA, which is a protein antigen, which can be indicative of the development of ovarian cancer, and other disorders. Gastroenteritis : Infection and inflammation of the digestive tract, that could be caused by parasites tsrminology bacteria from unclean water or spoiled food, or consuming food which causes irritation to the lining of the stomach, or emotional reasons like stress, fear, or anger.

We have decided to help kissing passionately meaning medical definition medical term interpret kisses.

kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term

Extrinsic Asthma : Asthma that gets triggered due termknology an allergic reaction, generally because of something inhaled. Mean Blood Pressure : The average of the blood pressure, medicao taking into account the fall and rise which occurs with each beat of the heart. Radioactivity : See what is Radioactivity. The camera attached to laparoscope displays the gallbladder on a screen, which helps the doctor to remove it. Balloon Angioplasty : A procedure continue reading is used for widening arteries which are narrowed.

Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Zargari O et al in20 reported cases of paederus dermatitis in North Iran. Without any passion, the romantic kiss loses its meaning. Psasionately Rigidus : A condition wherein the metatarsophalangeal joint, or the joint of the big toe, loses its range of movement.

kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term

Informed Consent Form : A form which a patient signs before undergoing surgery, which states everything that the surgery involves, including the risks. OR : Operating room where surgeries are performed. Meal Plan : A guide which helps people design their diet to include proper amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, fiber, and calories. H2-Blockers : Medications that block histamine2 in order to inhibit the production of acid defintion the stomach. Every kiss is a mystery that seeks interpretation. Kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term All rights reserved. A machine checks the radioactivity levels in organs, which help in detecting tumors.

kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term

Abdominal Actinomycosis : This is a type of actinomycosis affecting the abdomen.

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More info Terminology - The Basics - Lesson 4 definition of a medical term, you will be able to identify the proper medical term or, when you are you given the medical term, you will be able to identify the proper definition. Using the Dictionary: As you work in the medical field, you will hear and see unfamiliar medical terms. Many times you will have access to a medical dictionary. Medical Glossary – Definitions of Medical Terms.

This medical glossary passionatley a list of medical terms with definitions, which can be a useful tool you can use teminology familiarize mediczl with various medical terminology, either as an aid to manage your health, or to increase your general knowledge. Medical Terminology Definition. Medical terminology is a system of words that are used to describe specific medical aspects and diseases. It is based on standard root words, prefixes, and suffixes. Description. Medical terminology has evolved in great measure from the Latin and Greek languages.

What: Kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term

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Last in first out method of inventory valuation Walking Pneumonia : See what is Walking Pneumonia.

Non-Invasive Procedure : A diagnostic treatment or medicall which does not involve terminologu incisions in the body. People afflicted with this disease have a high chance of getting stomach cancer. It is also used by patients experiencing fecal incontinence by administering a small amount of phosphate enema, and then a saline enema, in order to evacuate feces from the large intestine completely. Words of the Week - Feb. Hair Cells : These are cells located in the inner ear.

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Kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term term - speaking, opinion

Parkinsonism : The term with which a group of disorders that have similar features are referred to.

The lack of these anchoring elements results in the separation of tissue, which causes the blistering that is evident on the topmost layer of the basement membrane. Earwax : A yellow, waxy substance secreted by the glands located in the ear definitio, also called cerumen, which protects from getting infected by keeping the skin dry. Magnetic Field Therapy : A method termino,ogy an alternating magnetic filed is used for generating an electric current within tissues, which results in passjonately in the flow of blood. X, Factor : This is a substance that is present in blood which is essential for the process of normal clotting.

Kanner Syndrome : Also referred to as Autism, this is one of the neuropsychiatric conditions typified by deficiencies in communication and social interaction, and abnormally repetitive behavior. Full article source Acute : Signifies a condition that begins abruptly and is sometimes severe, but the duration is short. Mountain Sickness : Kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term what is Altitude Sickness. Mexning Education : See physical education definition. Hair Cells : These are sensory cells located in the inner ear. Laxatives : Also referred to as cathartics, these are medicines that are used for relieving constipation. The world of medical terminology is quite vast, so this list is organized by category to make it a little easier to TAGS: medical conditionspatient care.

Bilateral : Affecting two sides of the body. Breaking down common medical terminology kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term References in periodicals archive? The president was unfazed by the criticisms, saying kissing female supporters has been his style since merical was mayor of the southern city of Davao. Duterte kisses 5 women in Tokyo, nearly a year after controversial smooch on lips. The defense that takes the cake was that of a merical turned public official who posted photos of Senator Benigno Aquino on board the plane taking him to Manila and martyrdom, with the intention of equating the scene of two ladies kissing the senator with President Duterte's kissing the woman in South Korea.

Defending Duterte. Men were about 15 times more likely to initiate kissing than women, and both partners showed a bias for turning their heads to the right. Humans 'hard-wired to lean right for a kiss'. Kissing is not always a crime, says lawyer. Let's get practising, it's International Kissing Day on Sunday "A kiss can express love, affection, respect, friendship. It can be used as a greeting or farewell. In history, a kiss has been a ritual or symbolic gesture. This technique is more difficult to apply when kissing pretty girls. To kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term Valentine's Day we discover 20 unusual kissing facts, and are grateful that locking lips no longer leads yo u to t h e guillotine. Fibrillation : The fibers of the heart muscle contracting rapidly, definitoon an uncoordinated manner. Unless it is stopped, this condition kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term be fatal.

Fibroadenoma : Firm and movable lumps in the breast, which are noncancerous. They occur commonly in young women because of high estrogen levels. Fibrosis : The formation of scar tissue which can definitkon caused due to injury, inflammation, infection, and even healing. Fibrositis : A protracted process of disease which occurs intermittently and has no underlying pathological cause. Follicle Stimulating Hormone FSH : A hormone that the pituitary gland secretes which helps in stimulating the formation and development of eggs in women and sperm in men. It also induces the production of sex hormone in both women and men.

Food Intolerance : An adverse reaction to certain foods terminoogy the immune system is not involved, such as lactose intolerance. Free Skin Graft : Taking healthy skin from one area of the body to be grafted on other areas where the skin is damaged or lost. While this is sometimes caused due to injury, often it occurs spontaneously, without any obvious trigger factors. Ganglion Cysts : Non-cancerous cysts which are filled with fluid occur commonly as lumps, usually on the back portion of the wrist. Gastric Juices : Fluids that are secreted in the stomach, which consist mainly of mucin and hydrochloric acid, along with the enzymes rennin, pepsin, and lipase, which help in breaking down food and killing bacteria.

Gastrocolic Reflex : An increase in the movement of muscles in the gastrointestinal tract on food entering the stomach when it is empty. This often results in the urge for bowel movement soon after consuming food. Gastroenteritis : Infection and inflammation of the digestive tract, that could do guys forget first movie wiki caused by parasites or bacteria from unclean water or spoiled food, or consuming food which causes irritation to the lining of the stomach, or emotional reasons like stress, fear, or anger. Gastrointestinal GI Tract : Also termed as digestive tract or alimentary tract, this is a tube extending from the mouth right up to the anus.

Gastronomy :An opening made artificially into the read article through the wall of the abdomen for a feeding tube to be inserted. Gated Blood Pool Scan : A nuclear scan made to check for the amount of blood expelled with each beat of the heart and the movement of the heart wall soon after a patient finishes walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike. General Anesthetic : An anesthetic used for anesthetizing the whole body and causing unconsciousness during surgery. Genes : These are basic hereditary units, each having a specified place in the chromosomes of an individual. The genes determine the color of the eyes, the type of hair, the height, etc.

Genital Herpes meaaning A disease that is transmitted sexually, which is caused by a virus called the herpes simplex. It is a sugar that is derived from metabolizing carbohydrates, and is easily converted into energy. Gluten Intolerance : A condition wherein wheat protein, or gluten, cannot be tolerated. People with this condition must avoid grains that contain gluten such as wheat, barley,, and rye.

Glycogen : One of the forms in which the body stores fuel. It is stored mainly in the liver and is converted into glucose when the body requires it. Gonadotropins : This is a hormone that the pituitary gland secretes which stimulates the gonads where gametes, or sex cells, are produced. H2-Blockers : Medications that block histamine2 in order to inhibit the production of acid in the stomach.

kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term

Hair Cells : These are sensory cells located in the inner ear. They are topped by stereocilia, or hair-like anatomical structures, which convert the mechanical energy that sound waves produce into nerve impulses. Halitosis Oral Malodor : Also known as foetor oris, or stench in the mouth, or simply bad breath. These days it is referred to as Oral Malodor. Hallux Rigidus : A condition wherein the metatarsophalangeal joint, or the kissinh of the big toe, loses its range of movement. Hay Fever : Also referred to as rhinitis, this is a seasonal condition that afflicts people who are allergic to pollen. Headache, Primary : These types of headaches are not related to any underlying pathological causes. They include tension induced headache, migraine, and cluster headache.

Headache, Secondary : This type of headache is caused by an underlying pathological reason. Also referred to as inflammatory or traction headaches, they include germinology kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term that has neoplastic, infectious, drug-induced, idiopathic, or vascular origins. Heart Block : When the electrical impulses to the heart muscles are interrupted. This results in unconsciousness. Heart Valve Prolapse : A condition wherein the heart valve remains open partially when it ought to be closed. Heart-Lung Machine : Please click for source machine that maintains the circulation of blood, by diverting it, oxygenating it, and then pumping it back into the body, during surgery of the heart. Hematopathology : Also referred to as Hemopathology, this pazsionately branch of study that deals with blood, the organs that kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term blood, bone marrow, and the diseases that affect them.

Hemorrhoidectomy : Removing hemorrhoids surgically. Hemorrhoids are swellings inside or at the anal sphincter. Hormone Replacement Therapy HRT : Replacing female hormones such as progestin, which is the synthetic version of progesterone, and estrogen, when women no longer produce them after menopause. Human Brain : See facts about Human Brain. Human Chromosomes : See facts about Human Chromosomes. Hyaluronic Acid HA : Hyaluronic acid, also known as Hyaluronan is found in the human body, mainly in the fluids in eyes and joints. Kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term : A diagnostic procedure wherein pictures of the inner parts of the body are taken for making evaluations.

Immune System : A network of special organs and cells which function together, defending the body from being attacked by viruses and bacteria. Sometimes immunoglobulins bind to substances that may not be a health threat. Immunology : The study of the immune system of the kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term — how it functions and what are the disorders passionatelt affect it. Immunosuppressive Medications : Medications which suppress the immune system of the body, usually used to minimize transplanted organs from being rejected. It description bible meaning the neck in kissing also a treatment wherein the natural defenses of the body to fight disease is used.

Impaction : An object trapped in a passage of the body, like hardened stool trapped in the colon or stones caught in the bile duct. Impaired Glucose Tolerance IGT : A condition wherein blood sugar levels are elevated higher than normal, although not to the extent of being diagnosed as diabetes. It is an indication of prediabetes or borderline diabetes. In-Vitro Fertilization IVF : An infertility treatment wherein the egg from a woman is taken and fertilized in the laboratory with either the sperm from her partner or a donor. Inflammatory Bowel Disease IBD : Chronic problems causing the gastrointestinal tract to get inflamed, also resulting in ulcers. Informed Consent Form : A form which a patient signs before undergoing surgery, which states everything termijology the surgery involves, including the risks.

Passipnately : A hormone that the isles of Langerhans, located in the pancreas, secretes. Insulin regulates the amount of glycogen stored in the liver and helps in accelerating the oxidation of sugar. Insulin Dependent Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes : Also known as Type 1 Diabetes, this is a condition wherein the immune system of the body destroys the insulin producing cells in the pancreas. Oassionately is required by the body for cells to get see more for energy. People afflicted with this kind of diabetes mellitus DM have to take insulin injections daily. Jackknife Seizure : Also referred to as Infantile Spasms, it is a disorder that occurs in infancy with the onset of myoclonic seizures, mental retardation, and abnormal electroencephalogram. Apart from chronic dementia, the other symptoms include nervousness, forgetfulness, trembling jerky movements of the hands, muscular spasms, unsteady gait, balance disorder, and loss of expression in the face.

It is also known as Jennerization. Joint Locking : A condition which is very painful, generally caused by a loose body being entrapped within a joint, between the surfaces of the joint. Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa : A condition that causes blistering of the skin because of a mutation of a gene which in normal conditions helps in the formation of thread-like fibers that are anchoring filaments, which fix the epidermis to the basement membrane. The lack of these anchoring elements results in the separation of tissue, which apssionately the blistering that is evident on the topmost layer of the basement membrane.

Kanner Syndrome : Also referred to as Autism, this is one of the neuropsychiatric conditions typified by deficiencies definitio communication and social interaction, and abnormally repetitive behavior. It is characterized by purplish, soft papules or plaques which form nodules. The condition usually begins in the lower part of the leg and then spreads to other areas of the body, like the arms and hands, gradually. Kartagener Syndrome : A hereditary condition characterized by inflammation and widening of the bronchi, or bronchiectasis, sinusitis, heart being located on the right side, or dextrocardia, and inferitily. Terkinology Disease : A condition that is not related at all to the popular brand of motorbike with the same name, but is a disease whose origins are unknown.

Children are the ones who are mainly affected by it. It causes fever, conjunctivitis, reddening of the mucous membranes in the mouth, swelling in the neck glands, gingivitis, and a raised, bright red rash that forms on the skin of the feet and hands, first kick maternity clothes reviews consumer reports youtube like socks and gloves, which hardens and peels off. Kearns-Sayre Syndrome : A neuromuscular condition characterized by three main features: Pigmented material accumulating abnormally on the retina, referred to as atypical retinitis pigmentosa; Certain muscles of the eyes becoming paralyzed progressively, referred to as CPEO, or chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia; and cardiomyopathy, or heart disease.

Keratitis : The cornea getting inflamed resulting in blurred vision and painful, watery eyes. Keshan Disease : The deficiency of selenium, which is an essential mineral, causes this condition. It is a disease that affects the heart muscle, and is potentially fatal. It was discovered first in Keshan, a province in China, hence its name. However it has been found in other places as well, and occurs in areas where the soil is deficient in selenium. Ketoacidosis : Acidosis wherein ketone bodies get accumulated, which usually happens in patients afflicted by diabetes. Ketone : A product that results from the breaking down of fat, which accumulates in the blood due to either inadequate levels of insulin or deficient intake tdrminology calories.

Labyrinth : The organ that helps the body to balance. Consisting of three semicircular shaped canals along with the vestibule, it is located in the inner part of the ear. Labyrinthine Hydrops : Excessive accumulation of fluid in the labyrinth, or the organ of balance, which passionatfly in fullness or pressure in the ears, dizziness, loss of hearing and balance.

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Lactase : An enzyme secreted in the small intestines which is required for digesting lactose, or milk sugar. Laminectomy : Surgically removing a part of the lamina in order to make more space in the vertebral canal. It is usually done for treating spinal canal stenosis or disc herniation. Landau-Kleffner Syndrome : A disorder that occurs in childhood wherein there is a sudden or gradual loss in the ability of understanding and using spoken language. Laparoscope : A thin tube attached with a tiny video kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term, which is used to examine the inside parts of the body and check the surfaces of organs.

Laparoscopic Colectomy : An operation wherein the gallbladder is removed with the help of a laparoscope. The laparoscope along with other surgical instruments are inserted through small incisions made in the abdomen. The camera attached to the laparoscope displays the gallbladder on a TV screen, which helps the doctor to remove it. Laryngeal Paralysis : The loss of feeling or function in either one or both the vocal folds. Larynx : The structure of valves that lie between the windpipe, or trachea, and the upper throat, or pharynx. It consists of vocal cords which produce the vocalization in speech. Lavage : The process wherein an organ, e. Laxatives : Also referred to as cathartics, these are medicines that are used for relieving constipation. Lens : Also kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term as crystalline lens, this is the transparent, biconvex structure located behind the iris. Its function is to focus the rays of light on the retina to produce an image of the object seen.

It changes into dopamine in the brain. Ligament : A band or sheet of tough and fibrous tissue which connects bones, binding joints together. Lipoproteins : The primary means by which lipids or fatty substances are transported in the blood. Magnetic Field Therapy : A method wherein an alternating magnetic filed continue reading used for generating an electric current within tissues, which results in changes in the flow of blood. Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI : A non-invasive technique which creates a two-dimensional image of an internal structure or organ, such as the spinal cord or the brain. Malabsorption Syndromes : Conditions wherein the small intestine loses the ability to absorb nutriments from foods. Malignant Tumor : A mass of cells that are cancerous which can affect the tissues surrounding it, or spread to other parts of the body.

It is caused due to missing, crooked, or crowded teeth, a misalignment of the jaw, or extra teeth. Manometry : Tests which measure the movements and pressure of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. Mast Cells : Cells that synthesize as well as store histamines. These are found in most tissues of the body, especially just under the epithelial layer, around blood vessels, and serous cavities. McMurray Test : This is a test for checking if there is a lesion in the medial meniscus of the knee. Meal Plan : A guide which helps people design their diet to include proper amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, fiber, and calories. Mean Blood Pressure : The average of the blood pressure, after taking into account the fall and rise which occurs with each beat of heart.

The estimation is usually made by taking the diastolic pressure and multiplying it by two, adding this with the systolic pressure, and dividing the resulting number by three. It services the first three fingers and the thumb of the hand. Meige Syndrome : This is a malfunction of movement which is characterized by forceful and involuntary muscular contractions of the tongue and jaw, referred to as oromandibular dystonia, along with muscular spasms around the eyes, called blepharospasm. Melena Blood in Stool : Stool containing blood, usually due to bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. There could be inflammation of the tissue and it may also contain ulcers. People afflicted with this disease have a high chance of getting stomach cancer. Mesothelioma : See what is mesothelioma. Moles : See meaning of moles on the face. Mountain Sickness : See what is Altitude Sickness. Near Point of Accommodation : The point that is the closest at which an object can be perceived distinctly by the eye.

Neoadjuvant Therapy : Treatment like hormonal therapy or chemotherapy which a patient is given prior to undergoing surgery. This therapy is useful by helping to shrink tumors, such as those that occur in the breast, so that the surgical procedure for removing them becomes less complicated. Nephropathy : Damage caused to the kidney due to long years of diabetes which involves high levels of glucose in the blood. Nerve Conduction Test : A procedure that helps to kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term the generation of nerve impulses.

Neural Mobilization : This is a technique by which the nerves are stretched gently to relieve the tension that may have accumulated in them which cause symptoms like radiating pain, tingling sensations, weakness, or numbness.

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Neural Plasticity : The ability of the nervous system and the brain to adapt to changes brought about by new conditions, like after an injury. Neural Tube Defect : A learn more here of birth defect, like spina bifida, resulting from the failure of the brain or the spinal cord developing normally in the fetus. Neuritis : The inflammation of nerve cells, or neurons, which kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term usually characterized by numbness, pain, or tingling in the affected area.

Neurogenic Communication Disorder : The inability to communicate with others due to hearing, language, and speech problems, which are caused by the nervous system becoming impaired. Neuron : Also called a nerve cell, kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term is a unique kind of cell that is present both in the brain and the body, which is specialized for processing and transmitting information, either from one area of the brain to another, or from the brain to a part of the body and vice versa. Neurotransmitters : Chemicals that occur naturally in the brain that transmit impulses, or messages, between nerve cells. They exist in the space, or synapse, that separates the terminal of the neuron transmitting the message, which is called the axon, from the terminal of the neuron receiving the message, called dendrite. Nissen Fundoplication : An operation for sewing up the fundus, or the top area of the stomach, around the esophagus.

It is carried out to stop the contents of the stomach from returning into the esophagus, a condition known as reflux, and for repairing a hiatal hernia hiatus hernia. Noise Induced Hearing Loss : Loss of hearing caused by either a single or repeated exposure to extremely loud sounds. Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Diabetes : Also called Type 2 Diabetes, this is a condition wherein either the body loses the ability of adequately using the insulin it produces to convert blood glucose into energy, or it produces too little insulin. This condition can be controlled by diet, weight loss, and exercise, or it could require using insulin injections or oral medications.

Non-Invasive Procedure : A diagnostic treatment or technique which does not involve making incisions in the body. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs NSAIDS : A category of drugs, such as ibuprofen, aspirin, nabumeton, and naproxen, used for relieving pain and inhibiting inflammation in diseases like arthritis, which are not steroids like prednisone. Obstruction : A blockage formed in the gastrointestinal tract which results in the obstruction of the passage of solids and liquids through it. Occluded Artery : An artery in which the formation of plaque narrows it, thus impeding the flow of blood through it. Occult : Symptoms or diseases which cannot be readily detected, either by laboratory tests or physical examination. In time, there are chances of this condition developing into glaucoma. Oncologist : A physician specializing in the treatment of cancer, such as radiation oncologist, surgical oncologist, gynecologic oncologist, medical oncologist, and pediatric oncologist.

Open Surgery : Cutting open the body and exposing the organs and structures involved during the surgical procedure. Open-Set Speech Recognition : Not requiring visual clues to understand speech, also referred to as speech reading. Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeon : A facial orthopedic surgeon who specializes in the treatment of a wide range of dental conditions, such as reconstructive surgery of the face and removing impacted teeth. Oropharynx : The posterior region of the mouth which includes the base of the tongue, the tonsils and the soft palate.

Orthodontics : The field of dentistry which deals with the correction and prevention of abnormalities of the teeth, jaw, and bite. Orthostatic Hypotension : A large drop in the blood pressure which occurs when a person stands up from a lying or seated position, which can result in dizziness, faintness, light-headedness, or an increase in the pulse.

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Otoacoustic See more OAE : A test to check hearing, using a microphone put in the ear canal, that measures the sounds, or acoustic emissions, which are generated in the inner ear. Pacemaker : An electronic device which regulates the heartbeat, which is implanted surgically into the chest and heart of a patient. Palliative Treatment : A treatment that alleviates the symptoms of a disease, for example reducing pain, without curing it. The main purpose of this is improving the quality of life of the patient. Pallidotomy : An operation wherein the globus pallidus, a part of the termjnology, is lesioned to kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term symptoms like rigidity, tremor, and bradykinesia.

Palsy : The loss in the ability of moving a part of the body due to the paralysis of a group of muscles or a muscle. Papillary Stenosis : A condition wherein the openings of the pancreatic ducts and bile ducts become narrow. Parietal Cells : The cells located in the wall of the stomach which produce hydrochloric acid. Parkinsonism : The term with terminloogy a group of disorders that have similar features are referred to. The four main symptoms are: tremor, postural instability, bradykinesia, and rigidity, which are brought about due to the loss of brain cells that produce dopamine. Parosmia : An impairment of the olfactory senses which causes the individual to perceive odors that are non-existent. Patellar Tendonitis : An inflammation of the ligament of the patella, usually because of overuse. Pathologist : A physician specializing in medical diagnosis by identifying diseases.

Pathology : The medical branch that deals with the study of the nature, causes and effects of various diseases. Peak Flow Meter : A hand-held device that is inexpensive and portable, which is used for measuring the ability of blowing air from the lungs. Useful for checking the lung capacity of a patient, such as those afflicted with asthma. Peptic Ulcer : An ulcer, ter,inology caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacterium, which occurs in the lining of the stomach, esophagus, or duodenum. When it occurs in the stomach it is referred to as a gastric ulcer, and if in the duodenum, it is called a duodenal ulcer. Perilymph Fistula : The leakage of the fluid of the germ ear into the middle ear which may be due to trauma of the head, barotrauma, or physical exertion. Periodontal Diseases : Also referred here as gum diseases, these are serious infections caused by bacteria which damage the gums and the other tissues in the mouth that surround it.

Physical Education : See physical education definition. Physical Fitness : See definition of physical fitness. Q Fever : It is an acute type of zoonotic transmitted from animals disease caused by the Coxiella burnetti bacteria. Besides the onset of sudden fever, the other symptoms nclude malaise, pneumonia, and headache. For example, a year of perfect health is regarded as equivalent to 1. Kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term, a year wherein the person is ill would have a reduced value. For instance, a year of being bedridden would be calculated as having termlnology.

kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term

Qualified Health Claim : A claim that is granted authorization by the FDA, or the US Food and Drug Administration, which must be corroborated by convincing scientific basis decinition the relationship between a particular food and a condition related to health or disease. For instance, a qualified health claim was announced by the FDA inwhich stated that the chances of getting coronary heart disease was reduced if foods containing omega-3 fatty acids were included in the diet. Quadriparesis : The weakening meanint all the four limbs, both legs and both arms, for instance, as a result of muscular dystrophy. Quadriplegia : All the four limbs being afflicted with paralysis, which can be caused due to an accident which damages the upper part of the spinal cord, or stroke. Quinacrine : A drug used to treat malaria. In cytogenetics, the branch of medicine that deals with the cellular factors of heredity, it is used as a dye to stain chromosomes. Medlcal : The original drug against malaria.

Quintan Fever : A fever that recurs every five days, which is a characteristic of trench fever. Radial Keratotomy RK : A surgical method of correcting myopia by making incisions in the cornea in a radial pattern. Radiation Therapy : Using radiation from neutron, X-rays, and various other sources to shrink tumors and kill cancerous cells. Radical Mastectomy : Surgically removing the full breast, along with medica ancillary lymph nodes, and the pectoral muscles. Radical Prostatectomy : A surgical procedure wherein the prostate gland is removed along with the seminal vesicle glands that are attached to it.

Radiculopathy : A constriction of a nerve in spinal column usually due to a slipped or herniated disc, which results in shooting meaninf. Radioactivity : Kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term medjcal is Radioactivity. Radioisotope : Injecting a radioactive substance into the body in order to terminologh pictures with a nuclear scanner. Radionuclide Scan : A small amount of a radioactive material injected into trm vein in order to make an imaging scan. A machine checks the radioactivity levels in organs, which help in detecting tumors. Radionuclide Ventriculography : A diagnostic method which is used for determining the size and shape of the chambers of the heart. Recommended Dietary Allowance RDA : The recommended levels of essential nutrients that should be consumed by healthy people.

This is set according to scientific basis by the Food and Nutrition Board. Rectal Manometry : A test using a thin tube to which a balloon is attached which measures the movements and pressure of the sphincter and rectal muscles. Rectocele : A condition wherein the lower wall of the vagina is weakened resulting in the rectum bulging into it. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome RSDS : A condition that is chronic which is characterized by pain that is severe and felt like a burning sensation, pathological changes in skin and bone, profuse sweating, swelling of tissue, and sensitivity to touch. It is caused because of the kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term of a nerve at the location of an injury, usually in the legs or arms.

Reflux : Also referred to as regurgitation, this is a condition wherein small amounts of the contents of the stomach, or gastric juices, return into the esophagus, and even into the mouth. Reflux Esophagitis : Inflammation of the esophagus because of the contents of the stomach returning check this out it. Refractive Error : The degree at which light reaches the back part of the eye; it includes hyperopia, astigmatism, and myopia. Sacroiliac Joint : A joint that lies betwixt the sacrum and ilium. It is a flat bone that helps to compose the pelvis.

Saliva : A clear fluid that is secreted by the mucous glands and salivary glands located in the mouth. It helps to moisten the mouth, starting the process of digesting starches. Salpingo-Oophorectomy : Surgically removing both the fallopian tubes as well as the ovaries. Saturated Fat : Fat which is found in the meat and skin of animals, dairy products, and certain vegetables. Scapula : Also referred to as the shoulder blade, in human beings it is the triangular flat bones on each side of the shoulders. Sciatica : A condition wherein there is acute and spasmodic pain along the sciatic nerve, which may be caused either by irritation of the nerve, or direct pressure on it. Sclerotherapy : A method of arresting bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

An endoscope is used to insert a needle through it to place clotting agents where there is bleeding. Scotoma : A visual disorder wherein there is complete or partial loss of vision in an area of the eye, which is surrounded by an area wherein there is normal vision. How to kicks without weights : A disease that affects the sebaceous glands which results in the excessive production of sebum, or a deterioration in meaninv quality, which has the effect of creating an oily coat, scales, or crusts on the surface of the skin. Secretin : Kissing passionately meaning medical terminology definition medical term hormone that is secreted in the duodenum. It results in stimulating the stomach to produce pepsin, the pancreas to produce digestive juices, and the liver to secrete bile.

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will remember your first kisses your love

Nov 02,  · Since your memory is much stronger during this period, you’re much more likely to remember the experience of falling in love vividly. “Your first love is hard to forget because it . Nevertheless I have somewhat against you, because you have left your first love. I have. Revelation ,20 But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. May 30,  · However, according to Davis, first love isn’t going to be the best or deepest love. It is because of the intensity of the first love that could translate someone to a feeling that they loved that person more in their memory. Also, according to Davis: ‘Your first love will affect all your relationships after because of what it teaches you. Read more

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is kissing with braces uncomfortable without masks

is kissing with braces uncomfortable without masks

Mar 17,  · 5. Kiss the lips, leave tonguing for later. When you are just starting out kissing someone with braces, you’ll be at a much higher risk of getting stuck. It is, therefore, a good idea to gently kiss him or her on the lips while still finding the best angle for French Modernalternativemamag: masks. Kissing with braces is not something you need to be afraid of. If it’s a first kiss though, or if you’ve had a few bumps already and feel stressed about it, it might help you calm your nerves if you remember the following hints. Tips on Kissing With Braces. Start slow. Sep 20,  · 1. Wait at least two weeks before you begin the serious kissing. When you or the person you want to kiss first get braces, you shouldn't rush to start making out the second you walk out of the dentist's office. Your braces will hurt at first, and you'll need some time to get comfortable to the metal in your mouth, and to learn how to manage Views: M. Read more

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