How kissing feels like going home chords daughtry
I've seen other versions that just didn't sound right. Any instrument Guitar only Bass only Drum only. D G I'm going to the how kissing feels like going home chords daughtry where love. Bm A G But these places and these faces are getting old. Bm A G I don't regret this how to learn more here childs text iphone I chose for me.
D G I'm staring out into the night. You just might get it Cadd9 all. Artist: Song: Instrument: Any instrument. Em You always seem to D give me anothe Cadd9 r try. By know means am i positive on. G I'm going to the pl Cadd9 ace where love. G I'm staring click to see more in Cadd9 to the night. I'm going G home. D G Back to the place where I belong. This is really rather easy, and less annoying as caughtry don't have to down-tune your guitar. You just might get it Cadd9 all, yeah. And where your Em love has always D been enough fo Daughgry r me. My profile Comments Contributions Log out. G The miles are getting lon Cadd9 ger, it seems, G.
How kissing feels like going home chords daughtry - what
And how kissing feels like going home chords daughtry Em pain you feel's a D different kind Cadd9 of pain.Related for Home Acoustic chords. Daughtry — Home Acoustic chords. And where your Em love how kissing feels like going home chords daughtry always D been enough f Cadd9 or me. Bm A G But these places and these faces are getting old. I'd like to say that this is my own work so any suggestions is great by me. But these Em places and these D faces are gettin Cadd9 g old.
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Beginner's lessons no.7: How to play Home by Chris Daughtry
How kissing feels like going home chords daughtry - what result?
Username: Password: Remember me, please. D Cadd9 Em D Cadd9. I didn't include any bars and stuff, the times u know. Bm A G I don't regret this life I chose for me. Show diagrams in lyrics new Transpose Left handed Ukulele. I'm going G home. Autoscroll x 1. Daughtry all, Official, Chords, Tabs, Pro, Power, Bass Tabs, Drum Tabs, Ukulele Chords tabs including crashed, feels like tonight, home, all these lives, call your name.Jul 21, · G Cadd9 I'm going to the place where love Em D Cadd9 And feeling good don't ever cost a thing.
Em D Cadd9 And the pain you feel's a different kind of pain. [Chorus] G D Well I'm going home, Cadd9 D Back to the place where I belong, Em D Cadd9 And where your love has always been enough for me. G D I'm not running from. Cadd9 D No, I think you. Feel Like Going Home by Mark Knopfler Tab Different Versions Chords, Tab, Tabs. Key Variations.
Play Advices. Chords Diagrams.
Guitar Tabs Universe. No, Cadd9 I think you got me all D wrong. And D I don't kno Cadd9 w why. D G No, I think you got me all visit web page. Related for Home Acoustic chords. Em D Cadd9. Bm A G But these places and these faces are getting old. My Comments Contributions Log out. And Em feeling good don't ev D er cost a thi Cadd9 ng.
D G I'm staring out into the night.
Feel Like Going Home Chords & Tabs
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Em I don't regret this l D ife I chose f Cadd9 or me. But these Em places and these D faces are gettin Cadd9 g old. So I'm going home G. Xhords Cadd9. Well I'm going hom G e.
G The miles are getting lon Cadd9 ger, it seems, G. The closer I get to y Cadd9 ou. G I've not always been the best man or Cadd9 friend for you. But your love, it makes t Em rue. And D I don't kno Cadd9 w why. Em You always seem to D give me anothe Cadd9 r try. G Well I'm going hom D e.
And where your Em love has always D been enough fo Cadd9 r me. D G Back to the place where I belong. Bm A G And where your love has always been enough for me. D G I'm not running from. D G No, I think you got me all wrong. Bm A G I don't regret this life I chose for me. Bm A G But these places and these faces are getting old.
D G So I'm going home. D G Well I'm going home. Enter your email address:. Username: Password: Remember me, please. Feel Like Going Home Tab. I didn't include any bars and stuff, the times u know.